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狂热造句 首页

  • 1、或者,对一些真正的狂热爱好者,还有“画中画”的电视让我在同一时间,同时观看两个节目。
  • 2、他全部的作品已经五彩缤纷地席卷了读者,狂热似乎便由此形成。
  • 3、The crowd erupted into a fervent applause as the singer took the stage, their enthusiasm visible in every face and the air filled with electric energy.
  • 4、The ardent and zealous fans waited outside in the freezing rain for hours, braving the harsh weather to catch a glimpse of their favorite actor.
  • 5、The team's die-hard fans showed their unwavering devotion by painting their faces, donning team jerseys, and chanting loudly in unison, displaying a fervent loyalty that could not be easily matched.
  • 6、The fiery sunset set the sky ablaze, casting a warm and passionate glow over the quiet horizon, evoking a sense of serenity and awe.
  • 7、The writer's words flowed effortlessly, imbued with an unchecked passion that captivated readers and transported them to another world, stirring their hearts with fervent emotions.
  • 8、Inthe heat of the battle, the soldiers fought with a relentless and feverish dedication, their fervor driving them forward despite the overwhelming odds stacked against them.
  • 9、The passionate dancers twirled and spun with an intoxicating fervency, their movements fluid and graceful, captivating the audience with their extraordinary performances.
  • 10、With a fervent determination burning inside him, he overcame countless obstacles and setbacks, never losing sight of his dreams and ultimately achieving remarkable success.
  • 11、The fiery and impassioned debate raged on, with each side fiercely defending their beliefs, their words fueling an atmosphere of intense emotion and conviction.
  • 12、The artist's exhibition was a testament to his unwavering devotion and fervor for his craft, each painting reflecting the depth of his passion and inner turmoil.
  • 13、As the music swelled to a crescendo, the audience was swept away by a wave of fervor and emotion, their hearts pounding with a shared ecstasy that united them as one.
  • 14、The young actress delivered a riveting performance, channeling her fervor and intensity into the character, leaving the audience spellbound and yearning for more.
  • 15、The coach's impassioned speech before the game ignited a fire within the team, their fervent determination evident in every player's eyes as they stepped onto the field.
  • 16、Despite facing numerous setbacks and disappointments, her burning passion and unwavering dedication fueled her dreams, propelling her forward with renewed fervency.
  • 17、The wild applause and cheers echoed throughout the stadium as the team scored the winning goal, the crowd's fervent support creating an electric atmosphere of triumph and joy.
  • 18、The scent of blooming roses filled the air, a tangible and evocative reminder of the ardor and fervor of spring, enchanting all who walked through the garden.
  • 19、对文学真正的喜爱不同于博学多才,正是因为阿卡什先生身上那种钟爱文学的狂热劲,才唤起了我自己对文学的欣赏。
  • 20、一些狂热的视频游戏迷们特别擅长做这种清醒梦,因为他们经常一整天都在集中精力去完成某个游戏任务。
  • 21、狂热者的脑袋里没有理智的地盘。拿破仑
  • 22、最有成就的科学家都具有狂热者的热情。贝弗里奇
  • 23、面对这样或那样的缺憾,我们不应是过度狂热的追求完美无瑕,以至于到了吹毛求疵的地步,甚至到了厌世的境地。
  • 24、春是活泼的、春是狂热的、春是姿意生长的、春是年青旺盛的。
  • 25、狂热的爱情总是绝不会持久的。罗·赫里克
  • 26、路威德二世是音乐家华格纳的狂热支持者,城堡内部装潢,处处都以华格纳歌剧的故事为主题。
  • 27、严峻的现实生活最能教育人,它使人减少了一些狂热,而增强了一些自我反省的力量。
  • 28、对待生活,像工作一样认真;对待工作,像爱情一样狂热;对待劳动,像呼吸一样自然;对待未来,像现实一样坦然。五一劳动节快乐!
  • 29、亲爱的,或许我对你没有太阳般狂热的爱,也没有流水般绵长的情,但此生我会不断的爱你,不顾一切的只为了你!
  • 30、同当代很多彩票业一样,欧洲彩票基金资助多项公益事业,但这不是让人们狂热的原因。
  • 31、科学是对狂热和狂言最好的解毒剂。亚当·斯密
  • 32、这只葡萄牙水犬进入白宫的曲折经历,成为了政治狂热分子和高度教条的养犬界热衷探究的“阴谋”。
  • 33、大大小小的部落在狂热信徒和贤哲的鼓动下。
  • 34、而在2008年,每日镜报却报道,一位名叫布劳恩的医生深信基德曼绝对是肉毒素的“狂热爱好者”,这名医生是该领域的权威人士。
  • 35、狂热使人心振奋,但是很遗憾,狂。赫胥黎
  • 36、在印度,一些狂热人士专门包机以近距离观看日全食.
  • 37、当有一天那些狂热于追求健康的人躺在医院里奄奄待毙时,他们将会自觉愚蠢。
  • 38、邓肯母爱是多么强烈、自私、狂热地占据我们整个心灵的感情。
  • 39、无论是在政治上还是在文化活动中,人总是靠狂热的偏见和狭隘的观念去赢得朋友。康拉德
  • 40、不似太阳般狂热激烈,不似大海般磅礴奔腾,不似溪水般缠缠绵绵,只有一颗爱你的心永不停息,为你倾尽所有亦无悔。亲爱的,我想你了!
  • 41、走到生命的哪一个阶段,都该喜欢那一段时光,完成那一阶段该完成的职责,顺生而行,不沉迷过去,不狂热地期待着未来,生命这样就好。
  • 42、少年时的狂热浪漫一过,我们大约都有一种觉悟,知道自己不过是个凡人,英雄的慷慨悲歌实在离我们太遥远。如果我们有沧桑,我们的沧桑也只是生活中琐细的一点点辛酸吧?并不是什么可歌可泣的悲怆或剧痛。蒋勋
  • 43、失误被悔恨征服,离正确就不远了;挫折被毅力征服,离成功就迫近了;主观被客观征服,与真理就贴身了;狭窄被豁达征服,胸襟就宽阔了;狂热被冷静征服,理智便成熟了。而这一切的征服,首先源于对自己的征服。
  • 44、如果我和你一样狂热,家具在一周之内都会被撞得支离破碎的!
  • 45、青春的幻想既狂热又可爱。
  • 46、要做淡定的一小撮,而不是狂热的大多数。周濂
  • 47、我一直在跟自己斗争,可是失败了,今后或许仍然会失败,我再也无法控制自己的感情了。请你务必允许我告诉你,我对你的仰慕和爱恋是多么的狂热
  • 48、青年周末:一个叫“狂热的风”的网友,自称是你们这里的网警,在网上力挺你们,但几乎被所有网友批评,你怎么看?
  • 49、我们已经形成了一种对狂热行为的迷恋。
  • 50、分析师们说,投资者对炙手可热的新兴市场股的狂热近来也有所降温,部分原因在于远离风险。


狂热 kuángrè

狂热 (苏打绿演唱歌曲) 这首歌应该不需要太多解释,熟悉的人应该都记得青峰说过的:“请你一定要相信自己,一定要接受喜欢自己的样子,一定要让自己变成你真心会喜欢的样子。如果你想要做的不是长辈所控制你的样子,不是社会所规定你的样子,请你一定要为自己勇敢地站出来,温柔地推翻这个世界,然后把世界变成我们的。”这个世界每一秒都在改变,我们永远无法走在它的前面;那么,不如为自己而狂热吧! 狂热 (汉语词语) 狂热,指有极度热情的。如狂热的信仰;狂热的教派。

