

  • 1、倾刻间,狂风大作,空中乌云密布。接着便落起了雨。雨越下越大,肆虐起来。雨水像无数条线似的刷刷落下,冲洗着门前的一排排树木。
  • 2、顿时狂风大作,飞沙走石,枯叶、纸屑被卷到空中,像断了线的风筝,飘飘摇摇,上下翻飞。
  • 3、Asthe dark clouds gathered overhead, the howling winds began to whisper secrets, and the distant thunder signaled the arrival of a raging storm, the atmosphere was filled with an anticipation only a "狂风大作" could bring.
  • 4、Inthe midst of chaos and destruction, the "狂风大作" tore through the city, uprooting trees, shattering windows, and leaving behind a trail of debris, reminding everyone of the raw power of nature.
  • 5、Asthe "狂风大作" lashed against the fragile sails, the sailors' hearts were filled with a mix of fear and determination, for they knew that only through their unwavering teamwork could they navigate through the treacherous stormy seas.
  • 6、The sound of the "狂风大作" echoed in his ears, drowning out all other noises, and its relentless assault on his senses invoked a primal instinct to survive, to face the adversity head-on and emerge stronger.
  • 7、The "狂风大作" whistled through the abandoned halls of the old mansion, carrying with it the tales of forgotten memories, of love and loss, as if the wind itself held an ancient wisdom that only the bravest could decipher.
  • 8、Despite the fierce resistance of the "狂风大作," the delicate flower continued to stand tall, its petals trembling but defiant, a testament to the resilience and beauty that can emerge from even the harshest of storms.
  • 9、Asthe "狂风大作" swept across the barren landscape, it brought with it a cleansing force, stripping away the layers of complacency and awakening a renewed sense of purpose and determination within the hearts of those it touched.
  • 10、With each gust, the "狂风大作" whispered secrets from distant lands, carrying fragments of stories long forgotten, its untamed spirit reminding us of the vastness and interconnectedness of our world.
  • 11、The innocent laughter of children echoed through the air as they embraced the "狂风大作" with wide-eyed wonder, their playful spirits dancing in harmony with the untamed energy of nature.
  • 12、Through the sheer force of the "狂风大作," the once-uncertain sapling stood tall and strong, its roots anchored firmly in the ground, a symbol of resilience and perseverance against all odds.
  • 13、As the storm raged on, the "狂风大作" brought people together, uniting them under a common purpose, reminding them that in the face of adversity, strength is often found in the support and solidarity of others.
  • 14、The "狂风大作" whipped at his tattered clothes, the cold sting on his cheek matching the fierce determination in his eyes, as he braced himself against the challenging path ahead, ready to conquer any obstacle in his way.
  • 15、The tempestuous sea crashed against the jagged rocks, spray mingling with the "狂风大作" as if the elements themselves were locked in an eternal battle, a reminder that true beauty can often be found in the midst of chaos.
  • 16、Caught in the heart of the "狂风大作," the fragile umbrella flipped inside-out, but her laughter rang out through the storm, a testament to her unyielding spirit that refused to be dampened by life's challenges.
  • 17、The scent of rain mingled with the electrifying energy of the "狂风大作," invigorating the senses and awakening a deep sense of gratitude for the raw power and beauty of the natural world.
  • 18、With every step forward, the "狂风大作" tried to push him back, but his unwavering determination and unbreakable spirit allowed him to forge ahead, defying the odds and proving to himself and others what he was truly capable of.
  • 19、刚才还风和日丽的,忽然狂风大作,下起雨来。
  • 20、海面上突然狂风大作,大海就像是变了一个人似得,远处的渔船,就像是在不断摇摆的大海中的一片小小的叶子,任由巨浪的摆布,乘着风浪摆来摆去的,好像要翻船似得,让人感到担心。
  • 21狂风大作,惊雷霹雳,骇浪惊涛卷起了数十丈的高度,向着浮山砸下,没有人的浮山那倒也罢了。
  • 22、夏天的雷雨,说来就来。午饭后,我坐在窗前写作业,感到天气有点凉,快要下雨了。倾刻间,狂风大作,空中乌云密布。接着便落起了雨。雨越下越大,肆虐起来。雨水像无数条线似的刷刷落下,冲洗着门前的一排排树木。
  • 23、有一天晚上,狂风大作,雷雨交加,我将身体整个蜷缩在被子里,仍然听到雷电无休止的吼鸣,房子好像都摇摇欲坠起来。
  • 24、而随着黑玉发出光芒,小山中狂风大作,大雨如注。
  • 25、刹那间,狂风大作,乌云布满了天空,紧接着豆大的雨点从天空中打落下来,打得窗户啪啪直响。又是一个霹雳,震耳欲聋。一霎间雨点连成了线,哗的一声,大雨就像塌了天似的铺天盖地从天空中倾斜下来。
  • 26、生命平静地逝去,没有声响,没有浪花,甚至连波纹都看不见,无声无息。我多么厌恶这平坦的河床,它吸收了任何感觉。突然,遇到阻碍,礁岩崛起,狂风大作,抛起万丈浪。我活着吗?是的,这时候我才觉得我活着。周国平
  • 27、江无涯说着,脸色顿时变得严肃无比,谷中突然狂风大作,海量的天地灵气蜂拥而来疯狂涌入开山斧中,顿时让它散发出浓郁妖异的红芒。
  • 28、阴云密布,狂风大作,电闪雷鸣,少顷便是大雨如柱,浇的行人睁不开眼睛,这正应了慈心大师。
  • 29、一片山林中,狂风大作,飞沙走石。
  • 30、过了一会儿,只见一股急速翻腾的云浪,仿佛是一条灰色的长龙,从西方滚滚而来。顷刻间,狂风大作,飞沙走石。田野旁的小树被狂风吹得东倒西歪,还夹着“辟里啪啦”的折断声。
  • 31、一时之间,只见狂风大作,天地之间灰尘飒飒,犹如海沸山崩、天摇地晃一般。
  • 32、从西方狂风大作,枯树摇曳,青幽幽的光芒中,一头巨大的青羊缓步而来,足有两丈多高,头顶青色的羊角,四蹄踏出一条开阔的羊道。
  • 33、外面越来越黑,乌云从北面铺天盖地地压了过来,六点多钟的天空黑得好像半夜。紧接着狂风大作,我家阳台上的花被吹得东倒西歪。伴随着狂风而来的是隆隆的雷声和倾盆大雨。一时间,整个世界好像泡在了水里。
  • 34、这注定是一个不平凡的夜晚,不管是休息了或是还在锻炼中的人们在听到到一声震天憾地的炸雷后,突然间只听窗外然狂风大作,呼呼作响。
  • 35狂风大作,天昏地暗,一场暴风雨即将来临。
  • 36、开始,天空阴沉沉的压下来,不一会儿,就电闪雷鸣狂风大作。大树不知被刮落多少树叶,人们都躲到了房屋里面去了。雷声“轰隆隆轰隆隆”响着,闪电以迅雷不及掩耳之势划过天际。
  • 37、在伸手不见五指的漆黑夜晚狂风大作,有如鬼哭狼嚎般恐怖。
  • 38、我们都喜欢春天,喜欢它的生机勃勃,喜欢它的和风细雨,不过我们不喜欢狂风大作。。
  • 39狂风大作.门窗丁零当啷地响了一夜.
  • 40、偏不凑巧,这一夜狂风大作,暴雨不停,帐篷无法住人,几个人就躲在寺庙屋檐下相互靠着到天亮。
  • 41、不久,天气突变,乌云密布,狂风大作,电闪雷鸣,暴雨夹着蚕豆般的冰雹倾泻下来,猛烈叩击车顶,我们好像“闷”在罐子里听劈哩啪啦的鞭炮声,震耳欲聋。
  • 42、天气就像小孩的脸说变就变,刚才还是晴空万里、艳阳高照、风和日丽,现在却实昏天黑地,电闪雷鸣,狂风大作,暴风骤雨。
  • 43、紧接着一声巨响从响晴的天边传播开来,随着闪电雷鸣过后,天边一时间乌云翻滚,狂风大作,像似战马嘶鸣,乌黑的天空乌烟瘴气,不可一世。
  • 44、忽而狂风大作,山谷隐有琴箫之声,若有若无,乐扬百里;既而龙吟虎啸传出,声震千里,闻者无不变色。
  • 45、忽然狂风大作,霎时,飞沙走石,遮天盖地。
  • 46、平静的海面上忽然狂风大作,大海变的汹涌澎湃起来,海水以排山倒海之势压过来,吓的新船员们心惊肉跳。
  • 47、天色也暗了下来,狂风大作,山雨欲来,当真是腾云如涌烟,密雨如散丝。
  • 48、助战,战不久天昏地黑,狂风大作,雷电交加,帝不克。
  • 49、出生那天电闪雷鸣,狂风大作,一条青龙绵亘天际,大啸真龙天子。
  • 50、只见狂风大作,天地之间灰尘飒飒,犹如海沸山崩、天摇地晃一般。


狂风大作 kuáng fēng dà zuò





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