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独到之处造句 首页

  • 1、在肢残矫治及脑瘫的手术治疗方面有独到之处,处于国内领先水平。
  • 2、怒风寨是天下八大山寨之一,他们的首领仇不信据说曾是张士城手下的猛将,不单擅长统兵布阵,武功也有独到之处
  • 3、The novel's plot takes unexpected twists and turns, keeping the reader on the edge of their seat and showcasing the author's originality.
  • 4、Her fashion sense is truly one-of-a-kind, combining unexpected patterns and bold accessories to create eye-catching outfits that stand out in a crowd.
  • 5、The restaurant's menu offers a range of innovative dishes that combine flavors and ingredients in new and exciting ways, giving diners a truly unparalleled culinary experience.
  • 6、The film's cinematography is a true standout, with breathtaking shots and creative camera angles that elevate the storytelling to another level.
  • 7、His creativity knows no bounds, as he constantly comes up with fresh and inventive ideas that capture the imagination of his audience.
  • 8、Her perspective on life is truly unique, as she approaches challenges with optimism and sees opportunities where others only see obstacles.
  • 9、The architecture of the building is truly remarkable, with intricate details and innovative design elements that make it a true work of art.
  • 10、The children's book stands out with its imaginative storyline and vibrant illustrations that capture the essence of childhood wonder.
  • 11、His sense of humor is truly one-of-a-kind, with unexpected punchlines and clever wordplay that always leave everyone in stitches.
  • 12、The technology company's products are unmatched in their functionality and user-friendly design, offering a unique and seamless experience for their customers.
  • 13、The city's nightlife scene has a unique energy and vibrancy, with a diverse range of venues and events that cater to every taste and preference.
  • 14、Her dance performance was a true standout, with flawless technique and an emotional depth that brought the choreography to life.
  • 15、His writing style is truly distinctive, with poetic prose and profound observations that resonate with readers on a deep level.
  • 16、The startup's business model is truly innovative, revolutionizing the industry with its disruptive approach and out-of-the-box thinking.
  • 17、The musician's ability to blend different genres and styles seamlessly sets them apart from their peers, creating a sound that is uniquely their own.
  • 18、然而梭罗自有其独到之处,这是爱默生的著作所没有的.
  • 19、所罗门,你认为马术比赛有哪些独到之处?
  • 20、知之小工具在线造句词典-造句大全,上万词语的造句供您参考!
  • 21、他对这个问题的看法,还是有独到之处的.
  • 22、他的看法,确有独到之处,值得我们借鉴参考。
  • 23、公司是专门从事水上运动休闲,游乐设施,充气产品的开发、计、产、售的企业,尤其在水上游乐方面有独到之处
  • 24、其成功之处就在于大伦敦市**的组织结构有许多独到之处,值得学习和借鉴.
  • 25、韩冰教授治疗妇科疾病有独到之处,尤重视奇经八脉理论在妇科临床中运用。
  • 26、记问之学不足于为人师,需要有启发别人的力量才不愧为人师,在这一点上从文有他独到之处,因为他丰富的人生经验和好学深思的性格。
  • 27、表演技艺全面,在塑造人物上有独到之处
  • 28、这就是那尖锐而有独到之处的论点.
  • 29、总体而言,明亮的色彩必不可少,而横截面的运用也常常有其独到之处.
  • 30、特别是对已建油罐地基的处理更有其独到之处.
  • 31、在构建品牌营销和设计规划过程之间求取务实平衡,正是渥美作为“商业整合设计团队”的独到之处
  • 32、结语部分通过对金基德电影的回顾,反思了其创作上的独到之处,强调了其电影的创新性,及给中国电影人的启示。
  • 33、3有文采,用词贴切,句式灵活,善于运用修辞手法,文句有表现力;4有创新,见解新颖,材料新鲜,构思新巧,推理想象有独到之处,有个性色彩。
  • 34、小企业管理局还有其独到之处,那就是能为新成立的或已经摇摇欲坠的小企业提供管理方面的帮助。
  • 35、湖南师范大学美术学院教授党朝阳称此次作品展的独到之处,是“从象由心生到情景交融,再到物我两忘的境界,化蝶成一片内心的纯粹”。
  • 36、该校验仪具有收发热电阻信号的双重功能,独到之处是可发出无源热电阻信号及对应的温度值。
  • 37、当然水性覆膜产品也有其独到之处.
  • 38、且戎州贡的是荔枝煎,而泸州供的是鲜荔枝,看来泸州荔枝在品种上是有独到之处的。
  • 39、为了摆脱自己的处境,讲述者所用的方法有什么独到之处?
  • 40、保津互通立交桥是一座集弯、坡、斜于一身的跨线桥,其设计思路简洁新颖,尤其在对变宽、渐变超高等方面的结构处理有独到之处
  • 41、正所谓三人行必有我师,孟久章一个多甲子的精研,自然有其独到之处
  • 42、本文的独到之处在于利用活动理论以及出行链理论,对城市居民的出行活动进行了分析,并将其应用于城市居民出行方式选择模型。
  • 43、结论:红外热像图对乳腺癌的早期诊断有独到之处.
  • 44、这儿的风景与苏州园林近似,但还是有独到之处的。
  • 45、编者:国外客商对品质和服务的环节尤为注重,在这方面贵公司有何独到之处?
  • 46、何知这剑法着实有独到之处,虽因未知连贯的招式,漏洞百出,却也威力惊人,将刘长虹压得死死的,如今掌柜兼兄弟巴扎问起,小乙也就全盘托出。
  • 47、唐甬心中赞服,齐学启将军不愧为美国诺维斯军事学校的高才生,判断局势果然有独到之处
  • 48、在改善形体、舒展肢体和平衡控制方面有独到之处.
  • 49、可弯曲砂轮又名可弯曲不锈钢磨片、性磨片,适合对氩弧焊口的磨削,具有一定程度的可弯曲性能,对弧形不规则面的抛磨作业有独到之处
  • 50、海尔的成功,有其独到之处,也具有一般的指导意义。


独到之处 dú dào zhī chù
