- 1、承认他有点后悔当初那么精心培养出这么一个狼心狗肺的家伙了。
- 2、好一对狗男女,真是狼心狗肺,狼狈为奸,郎才女貌,呸,狼子野心。钟少雄
- 3、The wicked king had a heart as cold as a wolf's, his ruling marked by cruelty and oppression.
- 4、She could sense the wolf heart lurking beneath his charming facade, a predator ready to strike at any moment.
- 5、Their love burned with the intensity of a wolf heart, fierce and unyielding against all obstacles.
- 6、The scars on her heart were a testament to the wolf that had betrayed her, leaving her wounded and mistrustful.
- 7、Aolf heart beats within him, always on the lookout for opportunities and ready to pounce on any chance for success.
- 8、His determination and resilience were fueled by the essence of a wolf heart, pushing him to overcome every obstacle in his path.
- 9、The pack's survival relied on the alpha's strong wolf heart, guiding and protecting them through the harshest of times.
- 10、Inthe face of adversity, she found solace in her own wolf heart, reminding herself of her inner strength and resilience.
- 11、The wild, untamed spirit of the wolf heart called to him, urging him to embrace his instincts and live life to the fullest.
- 12、They formed an unbreakable bond, their wolf hearts recognizing and resonating with each other's fierce spirits.
- 13、The ruthless businessman had long lost his humanity, replaced by a cold wolf heart that only sought profit and power.
- 14、The loneliness deep within her echoed the howl of a wolf heart, a longing for connection and understanding.
- 15、The beauty of the night sky stirred something deep within her, awakening the dormant wolf heart that had always been there.
- 16、His love for his family burned like a flaming wolf heart, fiercely protecting and cherishing those closest to him.
- 17、The artist poured his soul onto the canvas, every stroke a reflection of the untamed passion within his wolf heart.
- 18、She embraced her wild side, her wolf heart guiding her on thrilling adventures and empowering her to break free from society's expectations.
- 19、The pack's unity was unbreakable, their loyalty to each other rooted in their shared wolf heart and unwavering trust.
- 20、Love and betrayal intertwined in a bitter dance, leaving her with a scarred wolf heart and a shattered sense of trust.
- 21、哥你说你儿子,数典忘祖,这么狼心狗肺的事都做出来。
- 22、只是苍天无眼,让那昏君当道,以至庙堂之上,朽木为官,殿陛之间,禽兽食禄;狼心狗行之辈,奴颜婢膝之徒,纷纷秉政。
- 23、原来一切都是因为金俊恒那个狼心狗肺的王*蛋!“好了不哭了。
- 24、杨师兄,我不是在和你说话,是在说那个狼心狗肺的恶人。
- 25、安兮晨咽了口口水,好像我做的是什么毒药似的,一脸怀疑的望着我,我的自尊心严重收挫啊,呜呜呜,好心没好报,狼心当狗肺啊!!!“去去,病人要喝粥!”。
- 26、昔日以汝为忠义,推为盟主;今之所为,真狼心狗行之徒,有何面目立于世间!
- 27、我才不给你这狼心狗肺的家伙喝呢,给你我还不如给扔呢了!
- 28、爱情就是这样,对一个人掏心掏肺,对别人狼心狗肺。有的人一辈子不爱人,有的人一爱就是一辈子,我是固执的后者。艾小图
- 29、你这孽障!姜子牙奉玉虚符命,扶助圣主,戡定祸乱,拯溺救焚,吊民伐罪,你为何反起狼心,你助恶为虐!犯下弥天大最。
- 30、我上次救过他一命,不料他却罔顾情义,恩将仇报,真是狼心狗肺。
- 31、用自己父亲的性命换一件灵甲,如果将军府开放这样一种交易的话,肯定会引得无数狼心狗行之辈出现吧。
- 32、二是李一男在华为少年得志,春风得意,而且深谙华为“狼文化”的真谛,有“贼子狼心”。
- 33、没有想到我叶家家主居然是这样一个无耻小人,我到要看看我叶家家主的修为到底如何,我父亲把家主的位置让给了这样一个狼心狗肺的家伙。
- 34、真是个狼心狗肺的家伙,我对她的怨恨越来越强烈,我发誓:至少恨她一个月。
- 35、好你个狼心狗肺的东西!枉我对你这么器重,你竟然背叛我?
- 36、父亲骂他说"你这狼心狗肺的东西,滚出去!"。
- 37、从母狼心底深处发出的、天下最深痛的母性哀歌,呜呜咽咽,悲凉凄婉,穿透悠远的岁月,震盪在荒凉古老的原始草原上。姜戎
- 38、他们贩卖*品,戕害人民健康,真是狼心狗肺。
- 39、与其掏心掏肺到撕心裂肺,不如狼心狗肺到没心没肺。
- 40、我倒觉得无所谓,对于你这种狼心狗肺的家伙,就算陈尸大不列颠的街头,也没有人会怜惜的。
- 41、就是你们下的药,你们这班狼心狗肺的家伙,图财害命,就是一家黑店。
- 42、人心不如狼心齐啊,狼打仗的本事还好学,可狼的齐心就难学了,蒙古人学了几百年还出不了师。
- 43、它凝望着日曲卡雪峰渐渐西坠的太阳,一颗狼心剧烈地颤抖着,有一种在千仞绝壁上不慎踩滑了一块石头失足跌了下去的恐惧。
- 44、狼心狗肺、狼贪鼠窃、狼狈为奸、狼子野心……翻开《成语词典》,关于狼的成语,竟寻不出一个褒义词来。
- 45、狼心狗行之辈滚滚当道,奴颜婢膝之徒纷纷秉政。
- 46、红网株洲站4月9日讯分站记者青琪通讯员彭利民以为认识的男人会是自己的“如意郎君”,不料对方其实是“狗肺狼心”。
- 47、有二伯说话的时候,把“这个”说成“介个”。"那个人好。","介个人坏。",“介个人狼心狗肺。”,“介个物不是物。”,“家雀也往身上落粪,介个年头是啥年头。”。萧红
- 48、看完这个故事,大家皆痛骂这个狼心狗肺的丈夫,也为他得到应有的惩罚而拍手称快。
- 49、正书之前,拙笔不才,先言一段罗大师《三国演义》中的一段话:庙堂之上,朽木为官,殿陛之间,禽兽食禄;狼心狗行之辈,滚滚当朝,奴颜婢膝之徒,纷纷秉政。
- 50、侵略狼心天不许,霸图毕竟付东流。