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环保意识造句 首页

  • 1、有市民表示,无车日虽然不会根本解决交通问题,但能唤起市民的环保意识
  • 2、本光盘自动回收机既节省了光盘总体的回收成本,又提高了人们的环保意识
  • 3、Environmental awareness should be instilled in every individual from a young age, cultivating a deep sense of responsibility towards protecting our planet for future generations.
  • 4、Aswe witness the devastating effects of climate change, it is imperative that we prioritize environmental consciousness and take collective action to combat this global crisis.
  • 5、Only through raising awareness and educating communities about the importance of environmental preservation can we hope to overcome the challenges posed by pollution, deforestation, and loss of biodiversity.
  • 6、Each and every one of us has a role to play in protecting the environment, whether it's participating in local clean-up initiatives, supporting renewable energy projects, or advocating for stricter environmental regulations.
  • 7、We must recognize that our personal comfort and convenience should never come at the expense of the environment; it is our duty to prioritize the preservation of our natural resources over short-term gains.
  • 8、The quest for economic growth should always be accompanied by a commitment to environmental sustainability, ensuring that our development does not jeopardize the health and well-being of future generations.
  • 9、It is through fostering a deep appreciation and reverence for nature that we can ignite a collective desire to protect our environment, reframing our relationship with the natural world from one of exploitation to one of stewardship.
  • 10、Environmental consciousness should transcend borders and unite us as a global community, as we recognize that the fate of our planet rests in our hands and requires collective action, cooperation, and innovative solutions.
  • 11、Each species that goes extinct is a painful reminder of the consequences of human actions, acting as a wake-up call for us to reevaluate our priorities and take immediate steps towards establishing a harmonious coexistence with nature.
  • 12、By valuing and preserving our planet's biodiversity, we can tap into its immense potential for scientific discovery, medical breakthroughs, and ecological resilience, enhancing the overall well-being of humanity.
  • 13、Tourism, when conducted responsibly and sustainably, can serve as a powerful force for environmental education and economic development, encouraging communities to protect their natural and cultural heritage.
  • 14、The conservation and restoration of our oceans and forests must be prioritized, as they play crucial roles in regulating climate, purifying water, and providing habitats for countless species.
  • 15、Environmental awareness requires us to question the consumerist mindset that perpetuates excessive waste and resource consumption, encouraging us to embrace minimalism, recycling, and conscious purchasing habits.
  • 16、因此,随着人们环保意识的增强,双流道污水泵的研究与发展越来越受到人们的重视。
  • 17、尽管如此,有关专家认为整治的前景依然任重道远,**的法律法规只是一方面,更为重要的是要大力加强群众的生态环保意识
  • 18、今天是中国的无车日,至少是中国**鼓励人们乘坐大众公交或行走想到的举措,以次提高公众环保意识,减少交通堵塞。
  • 19、随着人们环保意识的增强,新型绿色阻垢剂已成为国内外竞相研究的热点。
  • 20、地球资源有限量,绿色环境美家园。环保意识人皆有,节能减排少污染。人人节约一滴油,滴滴聚集千万桶。家家节约一度电,灿烂生活喜乐天。6.21亚洲熄灯一小时:爱护地球皆有责,节约能。
  • 21、加强环保意识,提倡化学建材、绿色建材、绿色建筑,势在必行。
  • 22、我们必须加强环保意识,拯救地球!
  • 23、许多苏黎世都承认,迫使他们发挥环保意识的与其说是公德心,倒不如说是害怕市**严格的规定和高额的罚款。
  • 24、中国开展无车日活动,**鼓励人们多使用公共交通工具或步行,希望籍此能提高人们的环保意识并减少交通拥堵。
  • 25、从求温饱到要环保、从重生活到讲生态,衣食丰盈、仓廪充实之后,社会公众的环保意识和权利意识空前提高。
  • 26、每次流行病发生之后,或许能唤醒人们的环保意识
  • 27、选择一个全方位豪华度假,也不会完全说明你没有环保意识,海滩度假地,孤挺基督教堂,巴巴多斯、西印度群岛都可以。
  • 28、这样才能让片面追求政绩者,“上犯清议,下违律例,内疚神明”,环保意识才能真正树立起来。
  • 29、倡导低碳生活,实施节能减排,树立环保意识,创造美好家园。
  • 30、基于目前的环保意识及节省能源、电源本公司光新科技公司销售一系列的高瓦数,高亮度及高品质的各种LED照明灯产品。
  • 31、倡导低碳生活,从你我做起,节约每滴水,少用一度电,多植一些树,尽量少使用一次性物品,增强环保意识,共建美好家园。
  • 32、至少可以说这是由**发动的全民坐公车或步行,以此加强大家的环保意识,缓解交通压力。
  • 33、该矿在职工中开展“降成本、增效益、回收复用、修旧利废”活动,提高大家的节约和环保意识,创造经济效益,提升企业的经济运行水平。
  • 34、“无烟西湖”活动的策划人、杭州西湖风景名胜区市政市容环卫管理中心工作人员蒋虹说,其实,垃圾箱就在他们身后,这是环保意识问题,更是道德素质问题。
  • 35、交流会上,组员们结合航班中的实际情况,提出丰富知音卡信息及增值服务项目的建议,也从环保角度指出现有机供品不合理之处,提倡节约成本,提高环保意识
  • 36、法门寺文化景区副总经理解颖表示,这不仅是一次为地球增添绿色的实际行动,更重要的是进一步唤醒人们的环保意识,提倡“低碳生活”。
  • 37、皮乌拉市和塔克纳市则为配合“地球一小时”分别组织了植树、废旧纸张和塑料制品的回收活动,以增强公众的环保意识
  • 38、在创业致富的同时,河南省平顶山市湛河区民兵们的环保意识不断增强,成为辖区内环境保护的一支“先锋队”。
  • 39、建设绿色校园,增强环保意识
  • 40、在第25个“爱鸟周”里,学校对全体少先队员进行爱鸟护鸟教育,提高少先队员的环保意识
  • 41、我们曾经参加了一个太阳能设备安装现场的活动,许多具有环保意识的有色族裔也参加了活动,大多数人的年纪都在23到35岁之间。
  • 42、本身要成为一位有环保意识的潜水员,利用好的示范,提高其他人对环境保育的重视。
  • 43、黄河水拍浪淘岸,岸边处处鱼米香。河边高楼顶上天,炎黄子孙岸两边。黄河环保无污染,鱼跃池塘青纱帐。休闲垂钓怡情怀,绿色环保美家园。世界环境日:保护自然环境,提高环保意识
  • 44、把温馨的烛光点亮,熄灭一小时的亮光,欣赏皎洁的月亮,散步于广场之上,呼吁朋友环保意识不能忘,节能减排记心上。亚洲熄灯日,在黑暗中自由歌唱,让快乐自由飞翔!
  • 45、呼吁世界无车日,爱护地球来打扫,绿色交通吸尘器,清洁工人你我他,环保意识进万家!请您低碳出行为环境,绿色生活好心情!
  • 46、但是,公众“不及格”的环保意识和环保行为,不该只让公众“挨板子”。
  • 47、工资你高我也高,环保意识要提高。
  • 48、全球气候变暖,环境严重污染;环保意识要提高,行动宜早不宜晚;节能减排走在前,低碳生活要争先;人人都伸一把手,保护资源做贡献。亚洲熄灯日,熄灯一小时,减少光污染,爱护我们。