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  • 1、要是能比瑞德高出一筹就好了.
  • 2、TCPL拥有两个生产工厂,一个位于距孟买180公里的锡尔瓦萨,另一个位于距新德里200公里的哈瑞德瓦。
  • 3、Inthe story "The Shawshank Redemption," Andy Dufresne's friendship with Red highlights the power of human connection and the unwavering hope that can arise even in the most dire circumstances.
  • 4、While facing numerous setbacks and challenges, Red's resilience and determination in "The Shawshank Redemption" serve as an inspiring reminder that it's never too late to fight for a second chance.
  • 5、Through Red's vivid narration in "The Shawshank Redemption," the prison walls transform into a haunting symbol of captivity, yet also reveal the resilience of the human spirit that refuses to be confined.
  • 6、The transformation of Red in "The Shawshank Redemption" from a cynical inmate to a symbol of hope and redemption serves as a testament to the transformative power of friendship and the potential for personal growth.
  • 7、In"The Shawshank Redemption," Red's friendship and mentorship with Andy Dufresne demonstrate the capacity for compassion and empathy to transcend the barriers of a harsh prison environment.
  • 8、Despite the bleakness and despair depicted in "The Shawshank Redemption," Red's character radiates a quiet strength and wisdom that resonates with viewers and reminds us of the indomitable spirit within us all.
  • 9、The deep emotional bond between Red and Andy in "The Shawshank Redemption" reveals the importance of finding connection, solace, and purpose even in seemingly hopeless situations.
  • 10、AsRed finds solace in Andy's dreams and visions of a better future, "The Shawshank Redemption" beautifully captures the power of imagination and hope to provide escape and healing.
  • 11、"The Shawshank Redemption" illuminates the profound impact that an individual, like Andy Dufresne, can have on the lives of others, as he inspires Red and fellow inmates to rediscover their own sense of self-worth.
  • 12、Red's transformation from a skeptic to a believer in the possibility of redemption, as portrayed in "The Shawshank Redemption," emphasizes the potential for personal growth and the capacity for change within us all.
  • 13、Red's role as a pillar of strength and guidance to his fellow inmates in "The Shawshank Redemption" highlights the importance of empathy and compassion in fostering a sense of community even in the most challenging circumstances.
  • 14、As Red reflects on his journey in "The Shawshank Redemption," the bittersweet realization dawns that sometimes prisons are not physical structures, but self-imposed limitations that can only be overcome through personal growth and self-discovery.
  • 15、Red's witty and introspective nature in "The Shawshank Redemption" adds a layer of humor and depth to the story, allowing viewers to find moments of lightness amidst the darkness.
  • 16、Through Red's eyes, "The Shawshank Redemption" explores themes of regret, guilt, and the pursuit of redemption, serving as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of forgiveness and self-acceptance.
  • 17、Red's role as a mentor, confidant, and source of wisdom in "The Shawshank Redemption" underscores the profound impact human connection and guidance can have on an individual's journey towards self-discovery and redemption.
  • 18、瑞德话外音:有的鸟是不会被关住的,因为它们的羽毛太美丽了!
  • 19、杰瑞德:不过,情人节不是始于公元1415年吗?当时被囚禁于伦敦塔的奥尔良大公,寄了一张情人卡给他的妻子。
  • 20、瑞德先生上世纪70年代曾驾驶涡轮螺旋桨飞机在柬埔寨执行过战斗任务,据他说,与喷气式战斗机相比,涡轮螺旋桨飞机还有另一项长处。
  • 21、"当然喽,"瑞德咧着嘴,露出髭须底下那排雪白牙齿,狡狯地说.
  • 22、瑞德话外音:我们坐在太阳下,感觉就像自由人.
  • 23、22日下午,德国人安瑞德登浮山锻炼,天黑迷路后被困在当地人称为“簸箕口”的一处山顶,几次摆脱困境未果。
  • 24、这一地区通过北瓦基里斯坦的米尔阿里和南方相接,以及德拉阿登开尔的阿富瑞德部落控制区和北方的开伯尔相连接。
  • 25、瑞德认为这是礼貌的回绝,继续玩棋。
  • 26、佛瑞德大脑一片空白,他想了又想,就是想不起来。
  • 27、知之小工具尽量原创和收集高质量句子,使您在造句的同时,还能学到有用的知识.
  • 28、佛瑞德和琳达利用双叉一样的船壳做掩护.
  • 29、曼弗瑞德:好啊,跳到我背上来躺着吧。
  • 30、瑞德话外音:这些高墙还真有趣。一开始你恨它,然后你对它就习惯了。等相当长的时间过去后,你就变得依赖它了。
  • 31、五年后,鲍瑞德和他的和电子工程师和科学家研究团队研究出世界上第一个电致变色自动防眩目后视镜。
  • 32、1970年佛瑞德退休了,打那以后他们一直居住在塞勒姆市.
  • 33、要是瑞德事先已经尝试过的话,他就不会选择一个像现在这样困难的时来实行改邪归正了。
  • 34、瑞德从夹克里取出一个漂亮的木盒,被用心的上了色和涂了漆.
  • 35、当时反对凭**合同牟利的怒潮还没有兴起,所以瑞德的话也仅仅被当作他自己缺德的明证罢了。
  • 36、因此,瑞德开发了一个电脑程序。它能让用户们调慢电影播放速度,从而听清不同俚语的解释,它甚至还能朗诵演员们的台词。
  • 37、女模凯特?莫斯和女星薇诺娜?瑞德就是深深被赫本风格影响的其中两位。
  • 38、瑞德福公司坚持“诚信为本、信誉第一”的原则,一心一意为您提供最优质的服务!欢迎新老客户来电垂询!
  • 39、知之小工具在线造句词典-造句大全,上万词语的造句供您参考!
  • 40、感谢你们午宴前对各自业务的介绍,也感谢毕马威会计事务所和瑞德*席为今天午餐会所作的周到安排。
  • 41、弗瑞德一声冷哼,燃烧着熊熊火焰的锋利狼爪顺价落下。
  • 42、而且,法瑞德的个人篮板数达15个,竟然正好是相当于湖人首发五名球员在这一数据上的总和,而气极败坏的湖人中锋希伯特曾经给法瑞德来了一个抱摔。
  • 43、瑞德望着火车驶出车站,直到看不见了为止;他脸上始终是一片苦苦思索的表情,一点也没有欢送的感觉。
  • 44、薇诺娜瑞德扮演前领舞谁是由龚如心所取代。
  • 45、那条绉纱头巾使她活像只乌鸦,瑞德坦率地说,而那身黑衣服则使她显得老了十岁。
  • 46、白瑞德:是的,我觉得应该帮助你走出这个虚假的服丧期。
  • 47、瑞德:“你必须记住一点,这个世界和我们村子是完全不同的,他处处充满著危险。”。
  • 48、天津瑞德在双,三螺杆泵,以及多相和特种泵的领域都拥有多项专利技术。
  • 49、阿卡苏迪?沙辛那,远从印度的乌达尔普瑞德须过来,并接受了一系列的手指及脚指切除手术。
  • 50、瑞德话外音:这些高墙还真是有点意思.


瑞德 ruìdé

瑞德 瑞德电子创建于1997年,是国内最早从事家用电器控制器研发、制造和销售的企业之一。主营产品覆盖各种白色家电类型,辅助产品为开关电源产品、高效照明产品、RFID产品、设备控制器产品等。集团总部位于广东省佛山市顺德区大良凤翔工业园。