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生产总值造句 首页

  • 1、香港按人口平均计算的本地生产总值为25,000美元,在亚洲名列第二.
  • 2、国民生产总值本身是衡量经济活动综合水平最常用的标准.
  • 3、The continuous growth of a country's gross domestic product (GDP) reflects the vibrant spirit and relentless perseverance of its people, as they strive to overcome every obstacle and achieve greater economic prosperity.
  • 4、The investment in technological innovation and infrastructure development has significantly contributed to the increase in a nation's GDP, leading to improved living standards and a better quality of life for its citizens.
  • 5、Aigh GDP indicates a nation's ability to generate employment opportunities and promote social welfare programs, ultimately fostering economic inclusivity and reducing income inequality within the society.
  • 6、The dynamic growth of a nation's GDP not only benefits the economy but also creates a positive ripple effect on sectors such as education, healthcare, and environmental conservation, ensuring a sustainable and holistic development path.
  • 7、The continuous rise in a country's GDP reflects the tireless efforts of its entrepreneurs and businesses in creating new ventures, expanding markets, and boosting productivity, ultimately driving economic growth and global competitiveness.
  • 8、The careful management of public finances and investment in human capital development are crucial in maintaining a steady GDP growth, as it ensures the stability of the economy and enhances the nation's resilience in the face of global challenges.
  • 9、The diversification of industries and the promotion of international trade play a pivotal role in boosting a nation's GDP, as they open doors to new markets, attract foreign investments, and foster technological advancements.
  • 10、The collaboration between the government and private sector in formulating effective policies and strategies is instrumental in achieving sustainable economic growth and elevating a nation's GDP to new heights.
  • 11、The increase in a country's GDP not only indicates economic prosperity but also signifies the progress made in sectors such as education, healthcare, and social infrastructure, contributing to an overall improvement in the quality of life for its citizens.
  • 12、The investment in research and development, coupled with a favorable business environment, leads to technological breakthroughs that strengthen a nation's competitive edge and propel its GDP growth.
  • 13、The expansion of a country's GDP is a testament to the resilience and determination of its people, who overcome challenges and seize opportunities to build a brighter economic future for themselves and future generations.
  • 14、The sustainable development and preservation of natural resources are paramount in ensuring a robust GDP growth for a nation, as they support industries, foster innovation, and safeguard the environment for future generations.
  • 15、The stability and growth of a nation's GDP serve as a foundation for attracting foreign direct investments, enhancing its global standing, and forging mutually beneficial partnerships with other countries, ensuring a prosperous and interconnected world.
  • 16、The focus on developing a knowledge-based economy, promoting entrepreneurship, and investing in human capital are key drivers in increasing a nation's GDP and building a highly skilled workforce that can adapt to future challenges and opportunities.
  • 17、The increase in a country's GDP reflects the collective efforts and collaboration between its public and private sectors, as they work hand in hand to create a conducive business environment, foster innovation, and drive economic growth.
  • 18、The measurement of a country's GDP provides valuable insights into its economic performance and serves as a benchmark for policymakers to formulate effective strategies that drive sustainable growth, reduce inequalities, and improve the overall well-being of its citizens.
  • 19、营口县均地区生产总值全省第三。
  • 20、遭遇明君,发挥才干,使民风复归淳朴敦厚,杜甫的从政理想不是生产总值、富国强兵、开拓疆域,而是风俗的淳美。
  • 21、由于这些指标与一个国家的财富密切相关,他们以人均国民生产总值为控制变量来看它是否能够单独解释择偶策略的差别。
  • 22、美国的人均国内生产总值居世界前列,但整体幸福感和积极享受生活的情绪却分别排在了世界第16和第26位。
  • 23、下面的每句话都围绕这一主题展开论述。首先讲在八十年代后期新加坡的国内生产总值达237亿美元,人均八千多美元。
  • 24、希腊的债务跟国民生产总值的比率已经超高了,所以欧洲的金融市场就应该向这样的国家收取更高的贷款利息,给他们带来极大的压力。
  • 25、2008年末,全镇实现国内生产总值25亿元,农村社会总产值4亿元,农民人均纯收入10350元。
  • 26、如果这些部门的增加值是按购买价格计算的,按要素价格计算的总增加值等于国内生产总值减去产品税净值。
  • 27、目前,安平县已经成为护栏网、石笼网、轧花网、聚酯网全国最大的产销基地,去年这四类丝网产品生产总值达到50多亿元。
  • 28、截止到1995年,全乡社会生产总值比1992年增长了近10倍,达5400万元,水稻生产全面推广了旱育稀植新技术,粮食基本上实现了自给自足。
  • 29、我们的农业税,包括副业的税收,约占农民生产总值的百分之八,很多副业没有抽税。
  • 30、内阁办公室说:日本在三年内的国内生产总值实际年均增长了3.9个百分点,但抵不过快速增长的中国。
  • 31、个人消费开支占美国国内生产总值的三分之二,是经济增长的主要动力.
  • 32、虽然中国经济发展了,国民生产总值提高了,但是贫富差距却越来越大。
  • 33、根据国家城镇规划,我国城市有京津塘、长三角、珠三角三个组团,形成了三大城市连绵区,人口集中,人均生产总值是全国平均水平的10倍左右。
  • 34、就比如说,医疗所占的份额一年上涨6个百分点,就算国民生产总值也同时相比例上涨,但是我们的健康状况的改善真正能有多少呢。
  • 35、本周,世界基金组织降低了对美国国内生产总值的预测增长率,却发现其他国家毫发未伤。
  • 36、英国、法国、德国合起来国内生产总值在欧盟占一半以上,又是最大的净摊款国,分量是客观存在的。
  • 37、由于国民生产总值的增加,出现了一个新的社会阶级.
  • 38、本论文从一个新的角度测算了住宅业的增加值,以及住宅业增加值占国内生产总值的比重。
  • 39、总的国民生产总值上去了,满大街却仍然饿殍满道。
  • 40、报道称,与以往单纯的经济数据不同,经合组织将更多涉及幸福感的方面考虑在内,国民生产总值GDP被幸福感所代替。
  • 41、中国人多、底子薄,发展很不平衡,人均国内生产总值还处于世界后列。
  • 42、然而,第二季经济让人大失所望,欧元区的国内生产总值成长从原本零点八个百分点下滑到零点二个百分点而德国也从原本一点三个百分点惨跌来到零点一个百分点。
  • 43、多年的政治瘫痪比二十世纪八十年代经济过剩给日本所带来的伤痛还要深,经济几乎不增长,部分地区甚至出现衰退,作为国内生产总值一部分的公共债务位居全球首位,相当于美国的两倍,接近意大利的两倍。
  • 44、国内生产总值是在外汇市场的重要报告,作为一个国家的整体经济健康的主要指标之一。
  • 45、我们有雄心壮志,到本世纪末,使工农业生产总值翻两番.
  • 46、有人担心,如果更多的女性参加工作而不是在家照顾孩子,虽然她们可以推动国民生产总值的增长,但也会产生负面的社会现象,如人口出生率的降低。
  • 47、从2003年到2007年,国内生产总值的实际增长远远超过潜在的,所以失业率的确应该下降.
  • 48、菲律宾是东南亚国协国内生产总值成长率最低的国家之一,有着两位数的失业率、高通货膨胀率与国内生产总值比例占高度债务的国度。
  • 49、通过构建多元通径分析模型,定量分析中国各地区人口总数、生产总值、居民消费水平和生活供水用水量对生活垃圾清运量和生活污水排放量的直接影响和间接影响。
  • 50、注:本市生产总值增长速度按可比价格计算.