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生气蓬勃造句 首页

  • 1、在我看来,四川的本土企业实在是太富活力,太生气蓬勃!不仅限于本土,在整个国际上,川企的表现都值得称赞。
  • 2、中国的哲学家是一个睁着一只眼睛做梦的人,是一个用爱及温和的嘲讽来观察人生的人,是一个把他的现世主义和慈和的宽容心混合起来的人,是一个有时由梦中醒来,有时又睡了过去的,在梦中比在醒时更觉得生气蓬勃,因而在他清醒的生活中放进了梦意的人。
  • 3、The roaring waves crashed against the jagged cliffs, their relentless energy filling the air with a vibrant and fierce spirit.
  • 4、The blazing summer sun bathed the fields in golden light, fuelling the vibrant growth and intensity of the blooming flowers.
  • 5、The bustling city streets echoed with the sounds of laughter and music, as people soaked in the lively and exuberant atmosphere, full of life and energy.
  • 6、Asthe powerful winds whipped through the tall trees, their leaves danced with a vivacious and energetic grace, painting the sky with vibrant shades of green.
  • 7、The passionate dancers moved across the stage with electrifying energy and fervor, their every movement radiating a dynamic and vivacious spirit.
  • 8、The energetic and enthusiastic students filled the classroom with their lively discussions, their curiosity and eagerness fueling the vibrant exchange of ideas.
  • 9、The bustling marketplace was alive with the vivid colors and intoxicating aromas of fresh produce, as vendors and customers alike embraced the lively and spirited atmosphere.
  • 10、The bustling city square was filled with the vibrant and animated conversations of people from all walks of life, their lively exchanges reflecting a community brimming with energy and enthusiasm.
  • 11、The vivacious and energetic laughter of children echoed through the playground, their joy and vitality filling the air with an invigorating and carefree spirit.
  • 12、The energetic and vigorous strokes of the artist's brush brought the canvas to life, as vibrant colors and bold textures breathed a sense of vitality and liveliness into the painting.
  • 13、The deep, resonant tones of the drum enveloped the concert hall, their pulsating beats tapping into the crowd's innermost passions and igniting a fervent and lively energy.
  • 14、The vivacious and spirited performance of the orchestra captivated the audience, as melodious notes danced through the air, evoking a range of emotions and filling the room with a bubbling and animated atmosphere.
  • 15、The lively and animated chatter of friends at a vibrant café filled the air, as they shared stories and engaged in laughter, creating an energetic and vibrant ambience.
  • 16、The powerful and energetic rhythm of a lively dance troupe electrified the stage, their synchronized movements showcasing a dynamic and exuberant performance filled with strength and passion.
  • 17、The vibrant and energetic colors of an abstract painting exploded on the canvas, each brushstroke imbued with a zestful and expressive energy that spoke volumes without words.
  • 18、The lively and vivid melody of a jazz band reverberated through the intimate bar, its harmonious tunes setting the stage for a night of vivacious and spirited entertainment.
  • 19、The bustling and vibrant streets of a foreign city hummed with life and activity, as diverse cultures and languages clashed and merged, creating an electric and spirited atmosphere.
  • 20、The energetic and vivacious laughter of a close-knit group of friends resonated through the park, their joy and camaraderie creating a warm and lively ambiance.
  • 21、王仁杰称,他所创作的戏剧作品皆得益于侨乡泉州深厚的、生气蓬勃的传统文化。
  • 22、丁氏认为先秦以前的古玺造型变化莫测,蕴藏生气蓬勃的神韵,于是,他一开始就抛开以汉印为宗的传统,而直接师法殷周先秦古玺。
  • 23、然而,不经意间的生气蓬勃、绿意盎然足以让人享受徒步的乐趣源自知之小工具。
  • 24、生气蓬勃的簕杜鹃又回来了!日前,信息时报报道了市内多座人行天桥出现簕杜鹃大面积枯萎,此情况得到了市园林局以及海珠区园林局等部门的注意。
  • 25、燕子来来去去,饱览山川之秀色,吸收天地之灵气,便愈加轻捷灵动,生气蓬勃了。
  • 26、作家、艺术家空前广泛地团结对敌,使抗战初期的文艺活动呈现出生气蓬勃的新气象。
  • 27、弧形优美的眉毛下,是一双灵动好奇的眼睛,鼻梁瘦长,颧骨较高,下颚稍尖,生性轻浮善变,并有双重性格,但却因为多才多艺且生气蓬勃,而深受异性垂青。
  • 28、教师基于他教导学生的道义上的权利,对学生怀着真挚诚恳的感情,这正是激励学生要实现成为一个好人的志向的生气蓬勃的力量。真正的教育者很少直接对自己的学生说:你们可要成为好人啊。学生是从教师深厚而真挚的感情中体会到他的善良用心的。
  • 29、每次到国外,我都会遇到一些来自印度的、生气蓬勃的年轻人从事着科研活动。他们告诉我,希望有一天他们能回到印度继续他们的科研事业。
  • 30、一个人生气蓬勃的时候决不问为什么生活,只是为生活而生活——为了生活是桩美妙的事而生活。罗曼·罗兰
  • 31、这就证明此处生气蓬勃,再加上藏风聚气,应为是雷江的风水宝地了。
  • 32、通过文化建设提高公民素质、确立社会基本道德规范,塑造更加生气蓬勃、昂扬向上的国民精神,增强国家民族凝聚力,这已经成为党治国理政的一项重要经验。
  • 33、只有儿童集体的丰富多彩、生气蓬勃的生活,才是使每一个学生的才能开花结果的条件。如果认为只要对学生进行个别工作就能使他得到多方面的发展,那是一种很大的误解。
  • 34、他已经不是以前那个生气蓬勃,容光焕发,对每件事都充满信心的人了。
  • 35、它使这位少女于楚楚动人的风采之外,又平添了生气蓬勃的活力。
  • 36、再也看不见一圈圈生气蓬勃的油黑的蜜蜂背靠背蹲在蜂室里,保守着生育的最高秘密,他看到的是凄凉的半死不活的睡着了的空壳般的蜜蜂。
  • 37、晚年较多画牡丹,花开烂漫,以鲜艳的胭脂红设色,含有较多水分,再以茂密的枝叶相衬,显得生气蓬勃
  • 38、黄金诚然是宝贵的,但是生气蓬勃的勇敢的爱国者却比黄金更为宝贵。
  • 39、联盟估计本次参与游行人数至少4500人,人数较去年3000人成长一半,热情的参与者让原本就热闹的高雄街头更加生气蓬勃
  • 40、盆栽制造机可让快要枯萎的树重新生气蓬勃
  • 41、但从长远来看,如果我们的国家,拥有关心社会的年轻人,以及尊重民主法治、坚持理性对话、反对暴力*制的公民社会,*弯一定生气蓬勃,持续茁壮。


生气蓬勃 shēngqìpéngbó
