- 1、结果表明,细弱绒泡菌生活史包括单核的黏变形体或游动胞、多核的营养体原质团以及孢子形成阶段。
- 2、通过对植物内源激素的动态变化规律的分析,来探明内源激素在长春花不同生活史型中所起到的调控作用,以及激素平衡对生活史型转变的意义。
- 3、Mylife history is like a tapestry woven with colorful threads, depicting the ups and downs of my journey and the multitude of experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today.
- 4、The pages of my life history are marked with both triumphs and failures, but it is through these adversities that I have discovered my strength and resilience.
- 5、Each chapter of my life history is filled with cherished memories and lasting friendships, reminding me of the importance of connection and the bonds we form along the way.
- 6、The twists and turns in my life history have taught me valuable lessons about adaptability and the necessity of embracing change in order to grow and thrive.
- 7、Every milestone in my life history marks a new beginning, a chance to reinvent myself and pursue dreams that once seemed out of reach.
- 8、The pages of my life history are stained with tears shed during moments of heartbreak and loss, but they also serve as a testament to the power of healing and the resilience of the human spirit.
- 9、From the highest peaks to the lowest valleys, my life history embodies the rollercoaster of emotions that make our human experience so rich and profound.
- 10、My life history is not merely a collection of events, but rather a reflection of the values I hold dear and the principles that guide my actions.
- 11、The pages of my life history are marked with the imprints of countless crossroads, where every decision has led me down an unpredictable path and shaped the person I am today.
- 12、Each chapter of my life history reveals the growth and personal transformation that can only be achieved through self-reflection and a willingness to confront one's deepest fears.
- 13、My life history serves as a constant reminder of the fleeting nature of time, urging me to cherish each moment and live with intention and purpose.
- 14、The compilation of my life history acts as a mosaic of experiences, showing the various facets of my identity and the diverse roles I have played throughout my journey.
- 15、Each chapter of my life history is a testament to the power of resilience and the capacity for personal growth, illustrating that even amidst the darkest of times, a flicker of hope can illuminate the way forward.
- 16、From the ordinary moments to the extraordinary milestones, my life history is a collage of memories that have shaped my perspective and enriched my understanding of the world.
- 17、The tapestry of my life history is interlaced with the threads of love and compassion, a constant reminder of the profound impact we can have on the lives of others.
- 18、Every page of my life history is etched with the footprints of the obstacles I have overcome, reminding me that perseverance and determination are the keys to conquering the seemingly insurmountable.
- 19、这个方法能重演胡罗卜的生活史.
- 20、这部片就是叙述戴胜在金门的生活史。
- 21、通过试验研究,初步摸清了纵坑切梢小蠹在砚山县的发生规律,对其年生活史、扬飞时间、转梢危害习性、危害与林分条件关系等做了较详尽的阐述。
- 22、生活史一片初雪的田地,每一步都会留下印记。
- 23、2000年研究了上海地区危害樟树的樗蚕生活史和生活习性。
- 24、但是Thomas说,疟原虫的生活史有一个关键的窗口期,这一时期它确实需要冷的环境。
- 25、曾经历幼虫竞争之四纹豆象成虫在体型上会有所改变,而体型大小又与生活史特徵的表现有关。
- 26、与丙肝患者共用过剃须刀、牙刷,有过不洁性生活史,静脉注射*品或者曾经有过纹身、纹眉、穿耳环孔等皮肤粘膜损伤的人群。
- 27、而有关大猿叶虫在黑龙江省的发生规律和生活史还缺乏详细研究。
- 28、个人的生活史,首先就是适应他的社团中祖祖辈辈传下来的行为模式和准则的历史。知之小工具
- 29、即使是赤斑羚圈养条件下的研究也不多,主要集中在营养、繁殖、生活史和其它生物学方面。
- 30、鱼类早期生活史可划分为胚胎期、仔鱼期和稚鱼期,其营养包括内源性、外源性和混合性三种类型。
- 31、黄心树为小圆胸小蠹一种新纪录的寄主植物。本文对小圆胸小蠹的寄主范围、分布、生物学和生活史等进行了讨论。
- 32、养殖基地主任陈勇向我们介绍,美洲大蠊为不完全变态昆虫,整个生活史包括卵、若虫、成虫三个阶段。
- 33、结果表明,生活史包括单核的黏变形体或游动胞、多核的营养体原质团以及孢子形成阶段。
- 34、研究了上海地区危害月季的豆毒蛾的生活史和生活习性。
- 35、是一个单倍体或生物体,该生物体体现二倍性仅限于合子的生活史中的营养阶段。
- 36、文中讨论了双季稻区稻水象甲生活史对策的适应意义.
- 37、条件下对腐食酪螨的生活史作了研究。
- 38、本论文通过对莆田市延寿村千亩橄榄园的橄榄星室木虱种群动态和天敌种类的研究,明确了橄榄星室木虱在莆田地区的生活史、种群数量消长规律和天敌种类。
- 39、内镜等,与丙肝患者共用过剃须刀、牙刷,有过不洁性生活史,曾经有过文身、文眉、穿耳环孔等皮肤粘膜损伤的人和接触血液的检验人员,都是丙肝高危人群。
- 40、本文第一作者指曾呈奎和张德瑞于50年代进行甘紫菜生活史研究时,曾倾向于支持第一种看法。
- 41、现在显花植物的“生活史”可以在游离营养细胞的水平上连结起来。
- 42、丝状绿藻具有典型的单倍性生物的生活史。