

  • 1、懦弱的牛仔畏缩不前,而勇敢的牛仔把母牛赶向角落.
  • 2、如果你心中有阳光,就不会恐惧前方的坎坷;如果你心中有勇气,就不会畏缩不前;无论前方风多大,雨多大,闯过去就是一片海阔天空!女孩别忧伤,生命的美丽就是坚强的走过坎坷!
  • 3、Inthe face of the challenging economic situation, many small businesses have chosen to shrink and wither away instead of boldly embracing innovation and adapting to new market trends.
  • 4、The fear of failure has caused many talented individuals to withdraw from pursuing their dreams and settling for a life of mediocrity, never realizing their true potential.
  • 5、Many people shy away from engaging in important conversations about social issues, fearing confrontation and potential backlash from opposing viewpoints, resulting in the stagnation of social progress.
  • 6、The fear of stepping out of their comfort zones has left many individuals trapped in unfulfilling jobs and relationships, never daring to pursue their passions and find true happiness.
  • 7、Instead of facing their financial problems head-on, some people choose to retreat and avoid taking responsibility for their actions, causing their debts to accumulate and their problems to worsen.
  • 8、The fear of rejection has prevented countless individuals from pursuing romantic relationships, resulting in a missed opportunity for love and companionship.
  • 9、The lack of courage shown by politicians in addressing environmental issues has only perpetuated the damage done to our planet, leaving future generations to bear the consequences.
  • 10、Many students, gripped by the fear of failure, choose to play it safe and follow the conventional path rather than taking risks and pursuing their true passions and interests.
  • 11、The reluctance of some companies to invest in research and development hinders their ability to innovate and remain competitive in the market, ultimately leading to their downfall.
  • 12、In times of crisis, some leaders prioritize their own self-interests over the well-being of their constituents, causing a lack of progress and perpetuating a cycle of corruption and stagnation.
  • 13、Some individuals, overwhelmed by the challenges of life, choose to withdraw and isolate themselves from society, missing out on the support and opportunities that could have propelled them forward.
  • 14、The fear of unknown consequences often holds people back from taking necessary risks in their personal and professional lives, preventing them from experiencing growth and transformation.
  • 15、The fear of being judged or ridiculed by others hinders many individuals from expressing their true selves and embracing their unique identities, leading to a loss of individuality and authenticity.
  • 16、The fear of success, often rooted in the fear of increased responsibilities and expectations, holds some individuals back from pursuing their goals wholeheartedly and achieving their true potential.
  • 17、The lack of confidence and self-esteem can cause individuals to retreat from challenging situations, missing out on valuable learning experiences and personal growth.
  • 18、知之小工具尽量原创和收集高质量句子,使您在造句的同时,还能学到有用的知识.
  • 19、承担风险,无可指责,但同时记住千万不能孤注一掷!当有机会获利时,千万不要畏缩不前
  • 20、狄龙当时在国家计划这种异端邪说面前有点畏缩不前.
  • 21、如果你心中有阳光,就不会恐惧前方的坎坷;如果你心中有勇气,就不会畏缩不前;无论前方风多大,雨多大,闯过去就是一片海阔天空!孩子别忧伤,生命的美丽就是坚强的走过坎坷!
  • 22、人人都被加工成平等的。人人都长得一样,人人都很开心,因为前面没有让他们畏缩不前的巍巍山川,他们也不用对比山川来衡量自己。
  • 23、也不知是疑心生鬼,又或者货箱内的九个还未醒来的女孩子,就是那般蹊跷,本是胆子大到包下天的楚欢,就此畏缩不前了。
  • 24、学习上决不能畏缩不前
  • 25、因此乡野的空气可以轻快有力地周游于索霍,而不至像无家可归的穷汉闯入教区里一样畏缩不前
  • 26、“即使把我关在果壳之中,仍然自以为无限宇宙之王。”,哈姆雷特也许是想说,虽然我们人类的身体受到许多限制,但是我们的精神却能自由的探索整个宇宙,甚至勇敢的闯入连"星际航行“都畏缩不前之处——噩梦不再纠缠的话。霍金
  • 27、每当人们的注意力集中在他身上时,他往往畏缩不前.
  • 28、在这个有太多人在感情世界里选择明哲保身畏缩不前的年代里,她执意要做古老韵律里那一类敢放手去赌的人,想和这个叫唐易的人一起,漂亮地相爱一场。朝小诚
  • 29、那条狗看见了一条蛇便畏缩不前.知之小工具
  • 30、我的女儿可不是畏缩不前的胆小鬼.
  • 31、要改革就难免有这样那样的困难,我们不能畏缩不前,应该知难而进。
  • 32、与此同时,主政者又主使百姓去干危险的工作,凡畏缩不前者就立刻施以严法峻刑.
  • 33、在困难面前畏缩不前,不是咱大庆人的作风。
  • 34、金融泡沫是另一种“生活方式”危机,它的产生激起异常的恐慌、恐惧,以及诸如责备、麻痹和畏缩不前
  • 35、当一小我筹行为算作某事失踪败时,他经常感应沮丧。有些人会屈就于失踪败而畏缩不前。而此外一小我却坚韧不拔并取得最后成功。
  • 36、在经济改革的过程中,不能左顾右盼,畏缩不前
  • 37、有些人会屈服于失败而畏缩不前.
  • 38、看到了四周的电视摄像机,他有些畏缩不前.
  • 39、但是一个昂藏七尺男儿,志在四方,岂能为了区区挫折,便畏缩不前
  • 40、人生十大难:1、最难改变是习惯;2、最难提高是素质;3、最难把握是机遇;4、最难控制是情绪;5、最难处理是关系;6、最难平衡是心态;7、最难实现是梦想;8、最难遇到是知己;9、最难积累是财富;10、最难超越是自己。面对10难,做名成功者不断跨越,莫做失败者畏缩不前
  • 41、当有机会获利时,千万不要畏缩不前。当你对一笔交易有把握时,给对方致命一击,即做对还不够,要尽可能多地获取。
  • 42、他想他不会活着走出丛林了,可是他并没有畏缩不前
  • 43、在敌人面前,胆小鬼们总是畏缩不前的.
  • 44、可当到了白云庵大门前他便跋前踬后畏缩不前了,于是他就装作看对联看得出神的样子。
  • 45、**内部那些畏缩不前的人多数是担心国内的反应.
  • 46、徘徊不前停止不前且踌躇不前;畏缩不前.
  • 47、法国和英国的新闻界缠着他们那个精疲力竭的盟友发动新的攻势,但是,当德国人很快从海上和陆地对里加发动猛烈进攻时,英国海军部却在有可能得到波罗的海远征军救援的情况下仍然畏缩不前
  • 48、理所当然,一些经理认为有家庭责任感得女性员工面对如此需求会畏缩不前,成千上万的女员工也很少不怀疑这样选择的正确性。
  • 49、该公司负责人力资源与企业文化的执行副总裁玛莎?普莱贝罗表示:“在这里,你可以得到关于求职者表现的第一手资料:哪些人乐观向上,哪些人畏缩不前。”。
  • 50、有人畏缩不前,但一切救赎都得付出代价。丹·布朗


畏缩不前 wèi suō bù qián

宋 魏泰《东轩笔录》第七卷:“唐子方始弹张尧佐,与谏官皆上疏。及弹文公,,则吴奎畏缩不前,当时谓拽动阵脚。”



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