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疲劳造句 首页

  • 1、疲劳了,大家就坐下来休息一会儿。
  • 2、高强度的劳动使他感觉有点疲劳了。
  • 3、Despite the exhaustion that enveloped her, her determination to succeed kept her pushing forward, refusing to let fatigue dictate her actions.
  • 4、The weariness in his eyes and the heaviness in his steps were a testament to the relentless fatigue that plagued him after days of sleepless nights.
  • 5、The weight of responsibilities and endless deadlines bore down on her shoulders, leaving her perpetually drained and battling with chronic fatigue.
  • 6、Asthe marathon runner neared the finish line, fatigue threatened to cripple his progress, but his unwavering willpower propelled him towards the end.
  • 7、The monotonous routine of her job drained her of all enthusiasm, leaving her feeling trapped in a never-ending cycle of exhaustion.
  • 8、Inthe midst of juggling multiple jobs and family responsibilities, the relentless fatigue became an unwelcome companion, like a shadow that refused to leave her side.
  • 9、The weight of the world seemed to rest on his shoulders, as the stress and fatigue of his high-pressure job threatened to drown him in an endless sea of exhaustion.
  • 10、The physical exhaustion etched on their faces was a stark reminder of the tireless efforts they put in to rebuild their lives after the devastating natural disaster.
  • 11、The long hours of overtime and sleep deprivation left him perpetually on the brink of exhaustion, teetering between productivity and an overwhelming desire to collapse.
  • 12、With each passing day, the weight of the world and the responsibilities she carried grew heavier, until fatigue threatened to suffocate her spirit and crush her dreams.
  • 13、The mental and emotional fatigue she experienced after months of heartbreak and disappointment became an impenetrable barrier, hindering her from moving forward.
  • 14、The fatigue from the constant demands of motherhood left her feeling like a hollow shell, craving a moment of respite from the never-ending obligations.
  • 15、The sleepless nights filled with worry and anxiety took a toll on her energy levels, leaving her caught in a cycle of fatigue and restlessness.
  • 16、The repetitive nature of his mundane job drained him of all enthusiasm, leaving him stuck in a perpetual state of fatigue and dissatisfaction.
  • 17、The physical and emotional fatigue from caring for her elderly parents consumed her, leaving her with little energy to take care of herself.
  • 18、基于选定的路面力学模型,采用断裂力学中的疲劳裂缝扩展理论对路面反射裂缝的扩展规律进行分析。
  • 19、成长是行走,一边得到一边失去;成长是负重,一边痛苦一边成就;成长是耕种,一边疲劳一边收获。
  • 20、幽默风趣的他总用风趣幽默的话语在我们上课之余给我们解解疲劳,让我们开心开心。
  • 21、最初,她被怀疑患了慢性疲劳综合征或肝炎,但转院之后,医生发现她的问题更加严重。
  • 22、过大的音量很容易便会令你听觉疲劳,这样,一次就可以搞定一首歌了。
  • 23、功效:净化空气,舒缓疲劳,使人神采奕奕,并于室内留下缕缕清香。
  • 24、履带板的疲劳寿命是自行火炮维修保障体系中急缺的指标。
  • 25、在此基础上,根椐已有假设,推导得出对称应力循环下裂纹萌生与止裂的缺口疲劳极限预测式。
  • 26、医生说我疲劳过度,劝我不要再做那么多工作了。
  • 27、总的来说,瑜伽可以消除疲劳,促进血液循环,协调身体并稳定情绪。
  • 28、选择肾部保养,让自己精力充沛,远离疲劳告别无精打采的日子!
  • 29、我成天忙碌,但并不感到疲劳。因为下象棋有这样一种奇妙的优点:把全部脑力集中在一个局限得很狭窄的活动范围内,即使拼命用脑思索,也不会使人脑子萎缩,相反,只会使脑子更加灵活,更有活力。
  • 30、这是个疲劳轰炸的筛选过程。
  • 31、勤奋成大器,劳动最光荣,用你勤劳的双手,装扮美丽的人生路;劳逸相结合,疲劳易伤身,及时自我调节,拥有持久的劳动力。五一劳动节来临,平日里忙碌辛苦的你,尽情休息玩乐,放松自己,为下一个征程整装待发!
  • 32、以适当的娱乐调节工作过度后的疲劳,是非常有益的事情。罗曼·罗兰
  • 33、疲劳倦怠,下肢痛,腰痛,老眼昏花,排尿困难,尿频.
  • 34、春天的太阳,在我们每位小朋友心中,都是一位值得尊敬和信赖的天使,不知疲劳的为我们送来光明和热量,让我们健康成长,安安心心学习,将来为祖国和社会做贡献。
  • 35、感应淬火实现了仿应力强化,提高了扭杆的疲劳极限和使用性能。
  • 36、他在外面有风度,又有温度,我在家里疲劳过度。
  • 37、听音乐能今人的心灵得到升华,疲劳时听音乐能缓解人们疲惫的身躯,放松心灵。
  • 38、酷暑该把身体调,注意养生有诀窍;少食辛辣多吃素,少喝饮料多喝水;苦瓜强肾又清热,清茶解困抗疲劳;每天几碗绿豆汤,喝出精神面容光!
  • 39、辊子的一些特性,例如:强度、耐热性、抗拉强度、接触疲劳强度都和剥落有关。因此,强度可作为硬度的参数来研究。
  • 40、每天练习的时间应随着每个人的体力、精力而定。最重要的是身体不觉得疲劳,提倡身体放松,精神集中地演奏音乐。
  • 41、为了追求销量,他们好像觉得就必须给产品加入无穷无尽的功能,以为这样就能让那些已经审美疲劳的顾客为此多掏腰包.
  • 42、本文提出了一种新的钢轨疲劳寿命的可靠度估算方法,使可靠性分析第一次进入钢轨的寿命估算。
  • 43、贞洁的秋季悄然流逝,多变的永远是天色,不变的永远是友情,愿淡淡的凉气轻拂您一生的疲劳,飒飒的冬风传递我衷心的挂念:寒天里,留意保暖!
  • 44、她的精力很充沛,从不觉得疲劳
  • 45、又如白芍具有免疫调节、抗衰老、抗疲劳作用.
  • 46、建议为全面评价不同混凝土的长期开裂性能,应增加开裂后的疲劳和冲击试验研究。
  • 47、亲亲日,我想告诉你:你的微笑,清扫了所有烦恼;你的娇俏,遮盖了所有疲劳;你的亲吻,驱赶了所有悲伤。让我们亲出幸福美好。
  • 48、他生病的原因是疲劳过度。
  • 49、用作橡胶的防老剂,对臭氧、风蚀和机械应力引起的曲挠疲劳有卓越的防护效能,对氧、热、高能辐射等也有显著的防护作用。
  • 50、在无边的沙漠上,骆驼走疲劳了便卧下来休息。


疲劳 píláo

疲劳 (汉语词语) 疲劳是一种主观不适感觉,但客观上会在同等条件下,失去其完成原来所从事的正常活动或工作能力。

