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盐场造句 首页

  • 1、从大连普兰店盐场盐池底泥样品中,分离得到一株具有耐盐性,可以分解活性蓝的菌株S32。
  • 2、天运年纪轻轻便坐上了盐场翘楚孟五德堂的掌门人椅子,众人声言孺子不可小觑。
  • 3、The salt field stretched out before me, its shimmering white expanse reflecting the boundless possibilities of life and reminding me of the purity that lies within us all.
  • 4、The salt field, with its salt crystals glistening under the sun's warm embrace, taught me the importance of resilience and strength in the face of adversity.
  • 5、Inthe salt field, where the elements of earth, water, and sun converge, I couldn't help but be in awe of the delicate balance of nature and the miraculous transformation of ordinary seawater into something extraordinary.
  • 6、Standing in the midst of the salt field, I felt a deep sense of gratitude for the hardworking individuals who toil day in and day out, harvesting this precious resource that sustains us.
  • 7、The salt field, with its stark beauty and undulating patterns, reminded me of the ebbs and flows of life, where challenges and triumphs coexist in perfect harmony.
  • 8、The salt field, like a blank canvas, beckons the creative soul to leave its mark, inspiring artists to capture its ethereal beauty through strokes of paint or words.
  • 9、The salt field, with its salty breeze and peaceful solitude, served as a sanctuary for my weary soul, offering solace and a sense of renewal.
  • 10、AsI watched the salt workers meticulously tending to the salt flats, I couldn't help but admire their dedication and craftsmanship, transforming the mundane into something extraordinary.
  • 11、In the hot, arid salt field, I found a metaphor for life's challenges – just as the salt crystals endure the harsh conditions to become pure and pristine, we too can face adversity and emerge stronger.
  • 12、Standing at the edge of the salt field, I marveled at the symphony of colors, as the golden sun kissed the white salt flats, painting a breathtaking landscape that filled my heart with awe and wonder.
  • 13、The salt field, with its imposing presence and rugged beauty, taught me the importance of embracing the wild, untamed aspects of life and finding beauty in the unconventional.
  • 14、In the vastness of the salt field, I discovered the power of perspective – when I shifted my gaze from my own troubles to the grandeur of the world around me, I found solace and a renewed sense of purpose.
  • 15、The salt field, with its shimmering salt crystals reflecting the ever-changing sky, reminded me of the transient nature of life and the importance of cherishing each fleeting moment.
  • 16、As I stood amidst the salt field, I felt a sense of unity with the Earth, recognizing that just as the salt sustains life and preserves food, we too have a role to play in nurturing and protecting our planet.
  • 17、The salt field, with its vastness and tranquility, became a metaphor for the boundless potential within me, inspiring me to dream big and believe in the limitless possibilities that lie ahead.
  • 18、Walking through the salt field, I could hear the whispers of the past, the stories of generations who had come before me, toiling in this timeless landscape and leaving behind a legacy of hard work and resilience.
  • 19、Surrounded by the serenity of the salt field, I found a refuge from the chaos of everyday life, a place where I could reconnect with myself and find inner peace.
  • 20、In the salt field, I witnessed the beauty of collaboration, as the salt workers worked harmoniously, each playing their part, to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary, reminding me of the power of unity and teamwork.
  • 21、吉兰泰盐场水文工程师潘存峰指着远处的厂房说,近些年,给水团官兵陆续在这里打了70多眼水井,不仅解决了厂里的生产生活用水,而且彻底改变了这里的生态知之小工具。
  • 22、7年,进行了青岛东风盐场和天津汉沽盐场几个典型的代表性盐池中的藻类资源调查研究。
  • 23、据了解,盐场路司法所已对房屋受损情况进行了了解,并组织当事住户和甘肃天添房地产开发公司进行了协商,但结果该公司只答应赔偿几千元。
  • 24、徐闻盐场是广东省七大盐场之一,灯楼工区是中国南方盐田机械化生产试验点单位,白蝶贝保护区是珍珠养殖基地。
  • 25、1谁最给力?答案:盐场老板!
  • 26、个育苗车间内,18个育苗池中,只有3个池子依靠从盐场拉来的卤水搀兑淡水,勉强孵育蟹苗和虾苗。
  • 27、金瓯大化和盐场已是战略联盟,作为‘媒人’,你我应得的信息费、劳务费,林哥哥和钱妹妹分文未取,全部做了贡献,盐场这是在还我的人情。
  • 28、中国著名民俗学家乌丙安曾撰文指出,大宁盐场有文字记载的制盐历史,距今有2000多年,巫溪也被称为“巫咸古国”。
  • 29、汉沽盐场再制盐小包装工段的女工,奋勇拼搏,艰苦奋斗,成为出席全国的“三八红旗集体”。
  • 30、在那几年,他的父亲在农活不忙而有闲时,有时还铤而走险,独自一人跑单帮,从新昌赶到百里之外的宁海海滩晒盐场去挑私盐回来卖,从中赚取一点差价。
  • 31、月6日,由甘肃天添房地产开发有限公司开发,坐落于雁滩大桥桥北盐场堡的“天添幸福港”盛大开盘,有大批购房者前来咨询。
  • 32、在各方的关心和支持下,丹育种猪场顺利落户灌云县灌西盐场,今天在此为项目奠基,我和我的同事们都感到欣慰和激动!
  • 33、河街是自贡最古老的街道,它是古代贡井盐场北上威远、资州、成都的运盐古道。
  • 34、再说,你别稀里马虎看不起盐场人。
  • 35、盐场要求我方赔偿其成品积压费XX美圆,我方应向船方索赔此笔损失XX美圆。
  • 36、所以每个月丘义都得去一趟高邮府,也只有在这几天里,盐场里盐民的生活才算安稳点。
  • 37、岳东恨得牙痒痒,却也不敢有对徽商轻举妄动,因为在盐业中,徽商财雄势大,扬州一半以上的盐场都是安徽人的,其中犹以黄、汪、吴三族为甚。
  • 38、天然盐场的体验还真是让我们感触很深.
  • 39、记者从市经信委获悉,25日,涉及青岛碱业、海晶化工、东风盐场等十个大型企业的岛城企业航母青岛海湾集团正式启动企业大规模搬迁。
  • 40、最大的盐场是河北省东面的海岸上.


盐场 yánchǎng

盐场 (海盐生产场所) 山东莱州湾盐区是我国及世界上利用该类地下卤水资源最早的地区,已有千年历史。
