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目的地造句 首页

  • 1、知之小工具在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天进步!
  • 2、不管在走向目的地的途中遭受什么样的苦难,我都愿意知难而进,继续前行!
  • 3、Standing at the edge of a cliff, gazing at the vast ocean ahead, I couldn't help but wonder what wonders awaited me at my next destination.
  • 4、After years of hard work and perseverance, I finally reached my ultimate destination - success!
  • 5、The winding road led me through picturesque landscapes, each more breathtaking than the last, as I made my way to my dream destination.
  • 6、With a heavy heart, I bid farewell to my hometown, knowing that my true destination lay in the discovery of new experiences and personal growth.
  • 7、The train was crowded with people from all walks of life, each with their own unique stories and destinations to pursue.
  • 8、With a map in hand and a sense of adventure in my heart, I embarked on a solo journey to an unknown destination, ready to discover the world and myself.
  • 9、Asthe sun set behind the mountains, I found solace in the beauty of nature at this hidden destination, a sanctuary far from the chaos of the city.
  • 10、Our family vacation to the tropics was the perfect escape from reality, as we lounged on the pristine beaches and indulged in the local cuisine of our dream destination.
  • 11、The feeling of stepping onto a bustling street in a foreign country, where the sights, sounds, and smells were completely different from anything I had ever experienced, made me realize that I had truly arrived at my desired destination.
  • 12、With determination in my heart and a backpack full of dreams, I set out on a solo backpacking trip across Europe, eager to explore new cultures and find my own destination.
  • 13、The applause and cheers of the audience filled the concert hall as the renowned pianist took the stage, proving that years of hard work and dedication had led him to his ultimate destination - musical greatness.
  • 14、The elderly couple held hands as they strolled through the streets of Paris, their destination for a romantic getaway, reliving the memories of their youth and rekindling their love.
  • 15、In the midst of chaos and uncertainty, I found a sense of peace and purpose as I focused on my destination - a better future for myself and those I care about.
  • 16、The ancient ruins stood as a testament to the grandeur of a civilization long gone, drawing thousands of tourists to this historical destination every year.
  • 17、As the car pulled into the driveway of my childhood home, I couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia, knowing that I had returned to my destination of love and belonging.
  • 18、The summit of the mountain awaited us, challenging our physical and mental limits, but promising breathtaking views as our reward at the final destination.
  • 19、The smell of freshly baked bread wafted through the air as I entered the local bakery, my destination for a taste of comfort and nostalgia.
  • 20、天真烂漫、异想天开,跟她相处,就好像坐云霄飞车,我总是被她耍的团团转。这个人本身...就像是没有目的地的...旅程。有马公生
  • 21、理想就像天上的星星,你不可能用手触摸到它们,然而,你可以如同以海为家的水手们那样,视它们为你的指引,跟随着它们,最后必能达到你的目的地
  • 22、当你到达某一目的地时,别忘记,你的成功不敢决于你的能力与冲劲,而是你掌握情势后,促使你努力不懈的那股令人敬畏的固执与蛮劲。
  • 23、您应该保留门票,因为它是在目的地检查。
  • 24、他们不屈不挠地前进,终于到达了目的地
  • 25、自古以来学有建树的人,都离不开一个“苦”字。吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。人生的大道上荆棘丛生,生活之路上烽烟滚滚,只有意志坚强而勤奋吃苦的人,才可以在笑中达到目的地
  • 26、我们经过长途跋涉,终于到达了目的地
  • 27、这样无目的地干下去,真是劳民伤财,害人不浅。
  • 28、当你走到“1212要爱要爱”站时,请接受甜蜜的祝福,因为你马上就会经过“1213要爱一生”站,最终抵达“1214要爱一世”目的地
  • 29、有了这张通行证,你就可以畅通无阻地顺利抵达目的地
  • 30、我在街上漫无目的地闲逛,不时看到烟火升腾。一大颗烟花在我上方炸开,流光溢彩。火星稀稀疏疏窜向四周,旋即又消失了。紧接着又有一个烟花在空中绽放,映着人们的笑脸。
  • 31、如果你知道你的具体的目的地,而且向它迈出了第一步,你便走上了成功之路!用小步而不是迈大步越过一个个障碍,你就会走向成功的巅峰。
  • 32、这麽一来,这类飞机可用较短的机翼提高速度飞到目的地,并在盘旋或减速准备降落时,拉长充气式机翼,以减少燃料消耗。
  • 33、只需起程,才会到达抱负和目的地;只需奋斗,才会取得光辉的成功;只需耕种,才会有收成;只需寻求,才会品尝光亮正大的人。
  • 34、大风卷得风沙起,人生总是要磨砺,前进生命才有意义,懒惰懈怠是天敌,跟刻苦结盟在一起,才会顺利到达目的地
  • 35、机会就像坐公交车,有人上车早,有人上车晚,有人直达车,有人要转车。只有你有决心去目的地,一定可以找到自己的路线!
  • 36、走了这么远的山路,目的地终于遥遥在望了。
  • 37、在不快不慢的速率之间,让你对遥远的目的地充满憧憬与期盼。
  • 38、由于运输部门的大力支持,全部器材都安然无恙地到达目的地
  • 39、已經非常接近目的地了,但王凱“三過其門而不入”,繞了三個大圈子,最後才把車駛進W酒店的停車場。
  • 40、我用真情,从丘比特手中买了一张车票,出发地是我的心,途经相思山、甜蜜滩、浪漫湾、牵手站、快乐店,最终抵达目的地:你的心。请你准时接站。
  • 41、路就在脚下,只有启程,才能到达目的地
  • 42、知之小工具是一部在线造句词典,其宗旨是让大家更快地造出高质量的句子.
  • 43、他们越过了万水千山,历尽艰难险阻,终于到达了目的地
  • 44、一个从未见过的光彩夺目的地方。
  • 45、当到达目的地时,队长下令全体队员提高警觉,步步为营,必求将屋子裡的匪徒一网打尽。
  • 46、不正常地悔恨过去,与无目的地恐惧未来,都会损害眼前的生活。只有将今天的生活过得深沉又恳挚,才会有丰盈的过去,也才能开创未来。
  • 47、圣胡安河的这一河段是著名的漂流目的地
  • 48、他们就这样漫无目的地逛着,消磨了一阵时光,每当德贝维尔请她吃草莓,她都半推半就地吃了。
  • 49、没有目的地,这就是生命的美,因为如果有一个终点,一个目的地,那就只是意味着死亡。生命是一件持续前进的事情。它继续从永恒到永恒绽放。
  • 50、司令员命令部队兼程并进,在天亮前赶到目的地


