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目的论造句 首页

  • 1、具体而言,这种审丑诗学目的论又主要表现为三种流向,即:对性本能的敞开、对死本能的发掘和对存在的焦虑、颓废的显现。
  • 2、关于这个题目的论著目前大都散见于许多国内外的期刊杂志中.
  • 3、Education is the key to shaping young minds and empowering them with the knowledge and skills they need to achieve their dreams and make a meaningful contribution to society.
  • 4、The purpose of art is to evoke emotions, ignite imagination, and challenge the boundaries of conventional thinking, allowing us to explore the depths of our own creativity and connect with the world on a deeper level.
  • 5、Traveling opens our eyes to the beauty and diversity of the world, broadens our horizons, and teaches us tolerance and understanding, reminding us that the purpose of life is not just to exist, but to truly live and appreciate the wonders around us.
  • 6、Through scientific research and innovation, we strive to unravel the mysteries of the universe, improve our lives, and create a better future for humankind, pushing the boundaries of human knowledge and fulfilling our innate curiosity and thirst for discovery.
  • 7、The purpose of literature is to delve into the complexities of human nature, reflect the joys and struggles of the human experience, and provide solace, inspiration, and a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world we inhabit.
  • 8、The purpose of music is to transcend language barriers, touch our souls, and unite people from all walks of life, allowing us to express our emotions, connect with others, and find solace in the beauty of harmonious melodies and powerful lyrics.
  • 9、The purpose of medicine is to alleviate suffering, promote health, and save lives, reminding us of the fragility of our existence and the importance of compassion, empathy, and the pursuit of knowledge in the face of adversity.
  • 10、The purpose of technology is to simplify our lives, enhance our productivity, and connect us in ways that were once unimaginable, empowering individuals and communities to overcome challenges, bridge gaps, and create a more interconnected world.
  • 11、The purpose of sports goes beyond mere competition; it teaches us discipline, teamwork, resilience, and the thrill of pushing our physical and mental limits, reminding us of the importance of striving for excellence in all aspects of life.
  • 12、The purpose of charity is to demonstrate compassion, alleviate suffering, and make a positive impact in the lives of the less fortunate, reminding us of our shared humanity and the importance of helping those in need.
  • 13、The purpose of technology in education is to enhance learning experiences, encourage creativity and critical thinking, and provide equal access to quality education for all, leveling the playing field and bridging the educational divide.
  • 14、The purpose of entrepreneurship is to create innovative solutions, drive economic growth, and empower individuals to pursue their passions and build a better future for themselves and their communities.
  • 15、The purpose of history is to learn from our past, understand our present, and shape a better future, reminding us of the importance of preserving our collective memory and honoring the stories and experiences of those who came before us.
  • 16、全球化通过放弃欧洲中心的目的论,以包容现代性发展中不同历史轨迹的可能性而有别于现代化。
  • 17、在人们无法找出原因和结果的关系的时候,知之小工具他们便会寻求目的论的解释。
  • 18、在我国,规范论和目的论是相互对立的,并且似乎缺乏深层沟通的愿望。
  • 19、启蒙运动所隐含的机械主义和功利主义两重现代性倾向共同侵夺了精神世界的地盘,其最终的结果就是目的论的陨落。
  • 20、这不仅是孔门儒家,也是中国古代服饰美学思想目的论的核心内涵。
  • 21、康德试图通过形而上学的重建以及目的论的重倡来遏制功利主义和机械主义的蔓延,以阻止现代性的过度扩张。
  • 22、传统的发展观是一种历史形而上学的发展观,包括道德目的论和庸俗进化论两种形式。
  • 23、目的论将研究聚焦在翻译过程中各种目的的选择上,能够弥补传统翻译研究的不足。
  • 24、艺术的生命宿命,是叛逆的,怀疑的,异教的,异端的,不现实的,无为的,个人的,不合群的。宗教的宿命,是*制的,顺从的,牺牲个人的,积极地,目的论的,群策群力的,信仰的,其实就是政治。木心
  • 25、责任伦理学以人的理念的存在为逻辑起点,又通过目的论证明了自然的客观价值,最终又归位到存在本体论。
  • 26、即使赞成他目的论和反简化论点的心理学家也未必对他心服。
  • 27、康德深以这一观点为是,但他最终相信目的论
  • 28、他们都宣称用纯粹的因果关系分析来代替目的论,因为用目的论研究人类行为是不科学的。
  • 29、和石头和老鼠打交道,目的论或许不奏效,但是在和人打交道上,它真的很好用。
  • 30、这使吾人进步、社会发展、宇宙进化都成为有源之水。熊十力在主观、抽象的方面伸张了主体的创造性,这在机械决定论和目的论宰制人生的年代无疑具有纠偏作用。
  • 31、实证主义断然否定那些采用目的论做研究的领域。
  • 32、第三部分讨论目的论在中国翻译工作者的翻译实践中的运用。
  • 33、熊十力在主观、抽象的方面伸张了主体的创造性,这在机械决定论和目的论宰制人生的年代无疑具有纠偏作用。
  • 34、按照他们所看到的,所有事情的发生都必须用刺激和反应来解释,而不存在一点点为了目的论而行动的可能性。
  • 35、目的论给自由留下了空间吗?
  • 36、他阐明了一种,谨慎而彻底的唯物主义的,非目的论的人性的物理。
  • 37、黄老思想也开始兴起,如王充的《论衡》便公开反对神学的目的论,名法思想开始产生影响。
