- 1、由于项目三面环水,海岸线长,开发商花重金打造一条长达2100米的高极硬木栈道,沿途设有休闲坐椅,让居者有归属感。
- 2、如果再暖和一点,高山植物也会变成硬木林的。
- 3、With its rich color and sturdy texture, the hardwood flooring in my house adds a touch of elegance and warmth to every room.
- 4、The craftsmanship required to carve intricate designs on solid hardwood furniture is a testament to the skill and dedication of the artisans.
- 5、The sound of footsteps on polished hardwood floors echoed through the empty hallway, creating a sense of grandeur and solitude.
- 6、The hardwood forest stood tall and proud, its majesty untouched by human hands, a sanctuary for countless species of plants and animals.
- 7、The solid hardwood door, with its intricate carvings and brass handles, provided a sense of security and elegance to the entrance of the old mansion.
- 8、The intense heat and crackling sound of the hardwood fire in the fireplace enveloped the room, creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere for the gathering.
- 9、The beauty of a hardwood violin, its smooth curves and deep resonance, can only be appreciated by those who truly understand the art of music.
- 10、The sturdy hardwood beams in the old farmhouse supported the weight of generations, a silent witness to the passage of time and the stories it holds.
- 11、The scent of freshly cut hardwood filled the air, a reminder of the labor and dedication required to create functional and beautiful furniture.
- 12、The feel of a hardwood baseball bat in my hands gives me a sense of power and control, as I prepare to hit the ball out of the park.
- 13、The solid hardwood staircase, with its intricate handrail and smooth steps, was the centerpiece of the elegant mansion, adding a touch of grandeur to its interior.
- 14、The vibrant colors of the hardwood flooring in the art gallery served as the perfect backdrop for the stunning paintings and sculptures on display.
- 15、The tranquil sound of raindrops on the hardwood roof brought a sense of harmony and peace to the cozy cabin in the woods.
- 16、The hardwood chopping board, worn and weathered from years of use, held the memories of countless meals prepared with love and care.
- 17、The rustic charm of the hardwood cabin in the mountains, surrounded by towering trees and breathtaking views, offered a peaceful retreat from the chaos of daily life.
- 18、可以铺白色的硬木地板,而如果地毯不是白色的,可以在房间内铺白色或浅色的垫子。
- 19、染料木是一种硬质印度产硬木.
- 20、陈淑彦不觉有些拘谨,那镶着大理石面儿的硬木桌椅,凉森森的,和她家里的那吃饭、做功课都在一个地方的旧桌子、小杌凳很不相同了。
- 21、苏打浆:把硬木片放入苛性钠内蒸煮成的浆.参阅硫酸盐浆.
- 22、它们由硬木板雕刻而成,在装饰物中有一个用于燃烧的热的肉叉.
- 23、在图片上,你看到我们的黑檀木涂装非常漂亮,像硬木一样,但事实上这是白杨木,被用一种特殊的方法处理过,染成深颜色了。
- 24、他们经历了恶劣的天气,孔塔的背部由于在硬木板上滚动而流了血。
- 25、有着硬木棍支撑框架,正如刚才那个女人手里拿的一样,它是用一块厚布包覆着然后再以一束散状的植物纤维绳子紧紧扎捆起来的。
- 26、铁力木,或作“铁梨木”、“铁栗木”,在几种硬木树种中长得最高大。
- 27、他说经常听到有人在老的硬木地板上走路的声音.
- 28、对像柚木此类硬木的需求,成为了热带丛林被迅速砍伐的一个原因。
- 29、背了一根黑乌乌的硬木扁担,自称替人挑货赚点脚力钱,轻易地取得了少年的信任。
- 30、大风浪中,船身剧烈摇晃,甲板上的硬木不堪巨力滚荡,不停发出嘎啦啦地闷响,燕顶全身湿透,双脚却仿若生根,任凭如何颠簸他的身形都岿然不动,单手稳稳把住船舵。
- 31、适合切削材料:不带活木节的软,硬木以及热带木。
- 32、王可钦介绍,纯手工木雕家具用的是红椿木等硬木头,刻起来不但要竭尽气力,而且要聚精会神,每天要工作17个小时左右。
- 33、他重新往硬木雕花的椅子上一靠,斜觑着正端端正正坐在地上的韦恩,“不知道坐在这里的是一位年迈的老人么?”。
- 34、铁饼是一个外包铁皮有硬木或金属的圆盘.
- 35、中间是炕沿儿,上有木板,多是枣木核桃木这样的硬木,槐木是绝对不可以用的,只因里面有“鬼”,哪家愿意招惹那玩意儿?炕沿两边是对称的炕墙。
- 36、中国从与暹罗的贸易关系中,获得了该国富产的硬木、降真香、沉香、象牙、翠羽、锡、豆蔻,和可以用来治麻风的大枫子油。
- 37、船只用印尼本地产的7种硬木建造而成,船体各部分完全用木榫子连接。
- 38、这支用水杨梅木料制成的硬木扁担,还有一双棕绳麻索,摆放在邹氏家祠神龛里。
- 39、橡木、杨木和枫木是具代表性的美国产硬木.
- 40、单位里有硬木地板,宽敞的开放式厨房里有花岗岩柜台,中央冷暖空调和室内洗衣房。
- 41、后来又经过扩建和改建,形成了英国式的硬木地板、钢筋水泥地坪和钢骨水泥门梁,使得这座监狱保存完好,从监狱的外墙望进去,丝毫没有破败的迹象。
- 42、极具年代陈积的大款硬木雕象,估为19世纪外销品。
- 43、泰国小女孩和沙滩男孩带我们看了硬木床和厚达6英寸的席梦思,还给我们奉上冰毛巾和茶水。
- 44、用硬木做内板底板则显得沉重且滞闷。
- 45、所以,虽然这不过是一张由硬木板搭建起来的床,却也让我感觉是那么的暇逸。
- 46、蜜色硬木地板仍保留着植物纹路,中性的沙发和红色丝绸抱枕的组合对应了汤罐头的外观设计。
- 47、门口装修设矮脚吊扇门、趟栊、硬木门等三重门扇。
- 48、硬木做成的棒槌有点分量,几起几落,汗珠儿就会从鬓发间透露出来,亮亮的,美得叫人心疼。
- 49、以前的住客曾经开辟出一片花床,并且放着几只绿色硬木的木桶,预备栽种耐冬植物和藤萝之用。
- 50、硬木例如山胡桃木、橡树和白蜡树.