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祖母绿造句 首页

  • 1、福林德斯夫人:画我戴着钻石耳环、钻石项链、祖母绿手镯,还有红宝石垂饰。
  • 2、1996年,麻栗坡祖母绿被时任地质矿产部部长宋瑞祥命名为“中国祖母绿”。
  • 3、Standing on the emerald green hilltop, I feel a sense of peace and serenity enveloping me, as if my grandmother's loving embrace has been etched into the very fabric of nature itself.
  • 4、The sparkling emerald green waters of the secluded lake mirror the boundless beauty of my grandmother's heart, always reflecting love, wisdom, and strength.
  • 5、Inmy grandmother's sanctuary, a small room adorned with emerald green curtains, I find solace and comfort, surrounded by her precious memories and cherished belongings.
  • 6、The emerald green dress that my grandmother wore on her wedding day still hangs in the old oak wardrobe, a symbol of enduring love and the promise of a lifetime spent together.
  • 7、The emerald green eyes of my grandmother glisten with a million untold stories, each one revealing a glimpse of a life filled with joys, sorrows, and unwavering resilience.
  • 8、AsI wrap myself in the cozy emerald green blanket knitted by my grandmother's gentle hands, I feel a sense of warmth and security, knowing that love transcends time and distance.
  • 9、Inmy grandmother's garden, vibrant emerald green plants and flowers bloom with an unrivaled vibrancy, reminding me to find beauty and hope even in the darkest of times.
  • 10、The emerald green pendant that my grandmother wore around her neck holds a secret, a hidden message that only the wearer can unlock—an everlasting connection between generations that transcends mere words.
  • 11、In the emerald green pages of my grandmother's old diary, her handwritten thoughts and dreams come to life, offering a glimpse into a world long gone, yet still alive in my heart.
  • 12、The emerald green fields stretch for miles, whispering stories of resilience and determination, echoing the unwavering spirit of my grandmother who fought tirelessly for her dreams.
  • 13、The emerald green necklace that my grandmother passed down to me is a symbol of strength and protection, carrying with it the love and wisdom of generations that came before.
  • 14、Walking hand in hand with my grandmother on an emerald green path, I learn that life is not always about the destination, but the journey and the love shared along the way.
  • 15、The emerald green hills, covered in a tapestry of wildflowers, evoke a sense of awe and gratitude for the beauty of nature—an appreciation my grandmother taught me as she tended to her garden with unwavering dedication.
  • 16、In the emerald green tea leaves floating in my cup, I taste the subtle flavors of my grandmother's nurturing love and the warmth of her comforting presence, bringing calm to my restless soul.
  • 17、The vibrant emerald green silk dress that my grandmother wore to celebrate her seventieth birthday radiates elegance and vitality, a reminder that age is just a number when the spirit remains forever young.
  • 18、The emerald green quilt that my grandmother stitched with intricate patterns and love, keeps me warm on chilly nights, reminding me that her care and protection extend far beyond her physical presence.
  • 19、但是它们无法抵御祖母绿白蜡虫.
  • 20、福林德斯夫人:画我戴着钻石耳环、钻石项链、祖母绿手镯.
  • 21、狭尖形侧钻的钻戒配衬大胆的祖母绿切割主钻,雍容华贵。
  • 22、精美的祖母绿与璀璨的钻石打造了这款迷人的纽扣耳环.
  • 23、1996年,麻栗坡祖母绿被原地质矿产部部长宋瑞祥命名为“中国祖母绿”,麻栗坡也因此被誉为“中国祖母绿都”。
  • 24、南京出境游购物,惊现假祖母绿在南京市的宁之旅旅行社,前不久,一位参加新马泰旅游的顾客找到了旅行社的负责人,因为她在旅游购物时买了假珠宝。
  • 25、实际上早在明清时期,中国人对祖母绿就十分喜爱,有“礼冠需猫睛、祖母绿”之说。
  • 26、警方表示,这些珠宝包括祖母绿、珍珠和钻石,其中还有一颗十二克拉的钻石.
  • 27、泰山虽云高,不如东海崂;天地钟灵秀,结穴在名山;仰口海底玉,品胜祖母绿;风情万千种,尽在一拳石。
  • 28、我听说,上星期五看歌剧时她戴的祖母绿项链是鲍尔一布莱克首饰店下午刚送去的试用品,不知他们是否还能收回去。
  • 29、煮熟的包子口味新鲜,味道很好,并期待在里面祖母绿.
  • 30、他也顾不得被李仑发现,手忙脚乱地掏出那枚祖母绿戒指丢在地上,翻腕亮剑,正要将它捣碎。
  • 31、祖母绿被认为是世界上最美丽的宝石,和南非的“滴血钻石”一样,祖母绿宝石交易也与暴力,腐败等联系在一起。
  • 32、这帝王翡翠的价格非常昂贵,计量单位以克拉计算,并跻身于钻石、刚玉、祖母绿、猫儿眼等高档宝石的行列。
  • 33、玻璃种祖母绿,通体不见一丝杂色,尤其是这雕工绝对是大师级的,云层飘渺,仿佛是在流动一般。
  • 34、她告诉那位肖像画家说:“画我带着钻石耳环、钻石项链、祖母绿手镯,还有红宝石垂饰。”。
  • 35、其间,麻瓜世界报道从空中掉落奇怪的事物,包括空酒瓶和诸如祖母绿孔雀蓝这种难以置信的颜色的女式内衣。
  • 36、一个小箱子,里边装着一些宝石,不过最贵重的是一个颈饰,上边镶嵌着一颗鹅蛋大小被称为苏伦备注2之泪的祖母绿,单这颗宝石最少也要值三百磅黄金。
  • 37、使它更加困难,一些祖母绿包含一个以上的填料.
  • 38、其他祖母绿、猫儿眼,诸般异宝,目所未睹,莫能定其价之多少。
  • 39、知之小工具在线造句词典-造句大全,几千词语的造句供您参考!
  • 40、在某些文化中,人们鼓励情侣佩戴祖母绿以确保忠贞不渝、坦诚相待。
  • 41、云南麻栗坡祖母绿矿床是我国唯一发现,并做过较为详细的调查研究的祖母绿矿床。
  • 42、祖母绿品种,是指具有中等至强烈的饱和度的颜色.
  • 43、在她的饰品中,包括未切割的祖母绿耳环、翡翠尾戒、碎钻手镯等应有尽有。


祖母绿 zǔmǔlǜ

祖母绿 (词义解释) 祖母绿被称为绿宝石之王,是相当贵重的宝石(五月的诞生石),国际珠宝界公认的四大名贵宝石之一(红蓝绿宝石以及钻石)。因其特有的绿色和独特的魅力,以及神奇的传说,深受西方人的青睐。 祖母绿象征着仁慈、信心、善良、永恒、幸运和幸福,佩戴它会给人带来一生的平安。它也是结婚55周年的纪念石。 祖母绿是很古老的宝石,在古埃及时代就已用做珠宝。