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  • 1、这篇“讲话”让人耳目一新,对这位离职的*理也就肃然生敬第26期《瞭望新闻周刊》。
  • 2、摩根士丹利和添惠合并后,为争夺第一把交椅,公司内部展开了一场恶斗,导致众多高管离职,潘伟迪就是这些高管中的一员。
  • 3、After years of working at the company, I have decided to submit my resignation and officially embark on a new journey, leaving a sense of gratefulness for all the experiences and opportunities I have gained.
  • 4、Leaving this job behind feels like closing a significant chapter of my life, but I am confident that this decision will lead me to personal and professional growth that I cannot achieve within these walls.
  • 5、AsI tender my resignation, I am overwhelmed by a sense of liberation, as if shedding a heavy burden, and I eagerly embrace the unknown path that lies ahead, ready to embrace new challenges head-on.
  • 6、Itis with a heavy heart that I say goodbye to my colleagues, who have not only been supportive but have also become a second family to me throughout the years, leaving behind countless cherished memories.
  • 7、After much contemplation and soul-searching, I have decided to part ways with this company, knowing that my departure is a necessary step towards pursuing my true passions and dreams.
  • 8、Itis bittersweet to bid farewell to my workmates, with whom I have shared countless laughter, tears, and milestones, but I firmly believe that this separation will lead me to greener pastures.
  • 9、Leaving this job is akin to removing a safety net that has provided me stability for years, but I am determined to take leaps of faith and explore uncharted territories, knowing that growth lies beyond this departure.
  • 10、With gratitude towards the opportunities I have been given, I have made the tough decision to resign, recognizing that true fulfillment lies in pursuing one's passions wholeheartedly.
  • 11、As I hand in my resignation letter, I cannot help but feel a mixture of anticipation and trepidation, as I leave behind the comfort of familiarity to explore uncharted professional landscapes.
  • 12、After much reflection and self-discovery, I have decided to end this chapter of my career, bidding adieu to a job that has shaped me but no longer aligns with my personal and professional aspirations.
  • 13、While parting ways with this company fills me with sadness, I am eager to close this chapter and embark on a new adventure that will allow me to create a meaningful impact and unleash my full potential.
  • 14、With a heavy heart, I disclose my decision to resign, acknowledging the valuable relationships I have formed and the invaluable lessons I have learned during my time here.
  • 15、Leaving this job is like untangling myself from a web of responsibilities and expectations; I am ready to break free and pursue a future that fills me with passion and purpose.
  • 16、As I bid farewell to this organization, I am grateful for the support and growth opportunities that have shaped me into the professional I am today, and I confidently move forward towards new challenges.
  • 17、Leaving this job means stepping into the unknown, but I embrace the uncertainty with open arms, knowing that this leap of faith will lead me to a more fulfilling and purposeful career path.
  • 18、It is time for me to close the door on this chapter of my life, leaving behind memories and experiences that have shaped me, and embarking on a new path that holds promises of self-discovery.
  • 19、With a mixture of gratitude and anticipation, I take the definitive step of resigning from my current position, knowing that this decision is an investment in my personal and professional development.
  • 20、你的工作烂透了但无论如何你都无法离职
  • 21、当外界盛传加利亚尼即将离职米兰时,人们就开始讨论这位米兰王朝肱股之臣的离去,会给红黑军团带来多大震动。
  • 22、兹证明上述资料完全正确,本人并会退回因离职纪律部门或其他原因而失效之任何会员证。
  • 23、自从他的联络官菲格莱因擅离职守以来,一直没有消息.
  • 24、团队中有人要休产假,有人要结婚搬家,还有些人只是要离职
  • 25、员工离职使我们有机会从内部提拔人才,或者从外部聘请有新视野、经验丰富和技能完备的人才。
  • 26、人事行政管理,包括内部调动程序、入职和离职等。
  • 27、*弯“环保署长”沈世宏26日笑谈离职心情,但他早已屈指算好到3月3日交接,自己共在任5年9个月又12天,仍难掩离情依依。
  • 28、十几个离职的高层主官都是得力的古奇使者,古奇的创业型文化他们一目了然,古奇的经营历史他们也一清二楚。
  • 29、任教者离职时被扣工资执法难。
  • 30、BBC目前正推行节约计划,其中包括在未来五年内裁减2000个工作职位,其中大多数通过自愿离职来进行,但有110人被强制裁退。
  • 31、对于此次变动,已经离职的陈华表示目前依然不方便评论.酷讯投资方联创策源相关联系人手机则处于无人接听状态.
  • 32、5月22日下午,闾丘露薇在微博宣布从凤凰卫视离职,并晒出最后一次录节目的照片。
  • 33、张帆的离职令红杉中国的另一创始管理人沈南鹏独掌大权,沈创办了所谓“中国的Expedia”携程网,以及如家快捷酒店,广受尊敬。
  • 34、要说对于上官飞就任总捕头一职最不满的就是邱捕快,按照惯例上一任总捕头离职之后应该轮到他邱捕快,此次上官飞可以说是半路杀出来的程咬金,虎口夺食。
  • 35、这也是为什么韩德胜离职带来的积极信号迅速消散的原因.
  • 36、作为集群的有连带关系的人员流动方式,群体离职与个体离职在影响后果方面具有明显的差异性。
  • 37、据中评社报道,海基会综合服务处长曾淳良、副处长陈德兆、文化服务处副处长颜升邦在新的年度并未获得续聘,已经在去年年底完成离职手续。
  • 38、5月22日下午,闾丘露薇在微博宣布从凤凰卫视离职,同时晒出最后一次录制节目的照片。
  • 39、但陈某离职后随即另立门户成立新公司,并开始与“老东家”的原有客户开展业务。
  • 40、如果怀疑有人不恰当地使用了公司的商业机密,应该马上强制性隔离离职员工的计算机或者文件,并雇佣法庭专家对事件进行深入调查。
  • 41、离职后的傅被周告上法院要求收回了20万股票,并冠以“盗窃东家机密”的罪名,好不热闹。
  • 42、19日,华泰汽车副总裁王晓东接受专访时表示,该公司人事变动属于正常人才流动,且华泰汽车总裁刘志刚并未提出离职
  • 43、如果科里纳离职,我会非常遗憾。
  • 44、何某辩说是因为离职一事,和赖某有劳资纠纷,一切都是遭对方陷害。
  • 45、不管2010年的经济是会回升,还是会慢慢爬出低谷,人力招聘经理都在计划尽量少裁员,而更多得招聘,并且很多员工都急着离职
  • 46、10月8日,英雄互娱发布内部邮件称,金山云COO刘志刚已离职加入英雄互娱任COO,负责全面统筹用户中心、电竞中心的整体管理工作。
  • 47、此次美加大停电之后,一些公司打着节约用电的旗号让员工暂时离职或是裁人。
  • 48、王珏虽然是业务骨干,但离职前受政策限制仅是正科级助理检察员,年收入约5万元。
  • 49、补偿方式也可约定离职后竞业禁止期间应得的总金额,有人认为应不低于该职工同期在原单位的收入,笔者认为,职工已离开原单位不劳而获得在原单位同期同等的收入明显不妥,因此以不少于该职工在原单位同期的收入总额的二分之一为妥。
  • 50、在发生合并或兼并的情况下,公司高层行政领导离开其职位时所获得的丰厚补偿,作为高额离职补助金。


离职 lízhí

离职 离职,是指职工离开原职务和原工作单位的劳动法律制度。有两种情况,一种是离职休养,离职入校学习进修,停薪留职,这种离职不终止劳动法律关系;另一种是职工本人要求辞职被单位批准离职,被单位辞退离职、自动离职等,这种离职终止劳动法律关系。离职职工根据不同情况享受不同的待遇。
