- 1、第三人称没有这一局限性,同时还可能更加客观。不过,妥善地编排在不同地点、不同人物身上发生的事情也不是一件容易的事情。
- 2、爱情的力学,没有正负相抵,只有万有引力。爱情的数学,没有奇偶交替,只有成双成对。爱情的语法,没有第三人称,只有我和你。七夕节,真爱最无敌!
- 3、Inthe quiet darkness of the night, he remembered the way her smile lit up his world and his heart ached for her presence once again.
- 4、Asshe walked down the busy city streets, strangers glanced at her with curiosity, unaware of the strength and resilience hidden beneath her graceful demeanor.
- 5、With a heavy heart, he watched her disappear into the crowd, realizing that she had become a distant memory, forever lost in the passage of time.
- 6、With a flick of his wand, he unleashed a powerful spell, the magic radiating from his fingertips as he fought against the forces of evil, determined to protect those he loved.
- 7、From the window of her small apartment, she observed the hustle and bustle of the city, dreaming of a life that existed beyond the boundaries of her cramped living space.
- 8、Asthe sun set over the horizon, he found solace in the tranquility of nature, his worries fading away as he immersed himself in the beauty of the world around him.
- 9、With trembling hands, she picked up the envelope, her heart pounding in anticipation as she unfolded the letter that held the key to her dreams and aspirations.
- 10、Hehad always been a quiet observer, lurking in the shadows, but today was the day he decided to step forward and change the course of his own destiny.
- 11、On the battlefield, he fought with unwavering courage, his determination to protect his comrades unwavering despite the chaos and destruction surrounding them.
- 12、She gazed out at the vast expanse of the ocean, feeling both small and infinite at the same time, as the waves whispered secrets only the sea could know.
- 13、Despite the hardships he endured, he never lost faith in humanity, always extending a helping hand to those in need, reminding the world of the power of compassion.
- 14、In the depths of despair, she discovered a strength she never knew she had, rising from the ashes of her past to transform herself into a beacon of hope.
- 15、He stood at the crossroads of his life, torn between the familiar comforts of the present and the uncertainty of a future that held endless possibilities.
- 16、With a gentle touch, she cared for the wounded bird, nursing it back to health and teaching it to fly again, a symbol of the power of love and nurturing.
- 17、As the clock ticked away, he realized that time was slipping through his fingers, motivating him to make every moment count and live a life without regrets.
- 18、From the darkness of the underground, he emerged into the light, embracing his true identity and refusing to be confined by societal expectations.
- 19、《异人傲世录》一开始就是第一人称,后来觉得写着不方便,就和第三人称混用,后来干脆模糊界限直到最后成了第三人称。
- 20、用第三人称的立场写作,如此你便可以强调自己的成就,又不会显得自吹自擂。
- 21、爱情的数学,没有奇偶交替,只有成双成对;爱情的力学,没有正负相抵,只有万有引力;爱情的语法,没有第三人称,只有我和你。七夕节,真爱最无敌!
- 22、我用第一人称将过往的爱与恨抄写在我们的剧本,我用第二人称在剧中痛哭失声与最爱的人道离分,我用第三人称描述来不及温存就已经转身的青春。方文山
- 23、爱情的力学,没有正负相抵,只有万有引力;爱情的语法,没有第三人称,只有我和你;爱情的数学,没有奇偶交替,只有成双成对。缘分,就是一个奇数,等待另一个奇数,来组成一个偶数。七夕佳节,愿还是奇数的你,早日脱单;已是偶数的你,幸福甜蜜!
- 24、祝福的数学,没有奇偶交替,只有好事成双;祝福的力学,没有正负相抵,只有好运归你;祝福的语法,没有第三人称,只有我和你。平平淡淡的日子里,祝福最有魅力,祝你幸运无数,人生。
- 25、语言中的概念参照点现象是人类基本认知能力的体现,现代汉语第三人称代词的回指功能也可据此得到阐释.
- 26、重复设问,当你变成第三人称。许嵩
- 27、这种方法以报导叙述第三人称、过去式来呈现人物的思想,但严格地筛用只适合这个角色的词汇,并把一些正式叙述文体通常会有的附加语——“她想”“她疑惑”“她自问”等——给省略掉。让读者觉得直接进入了角色心里,但又不会全然抹杀掉著者在话语叙述中的参与。戴维·洛奇
- 28、节拍之城是一款用声音做武器的第三人称视点冒险解谜游戏.
- 29、这次用第三人称写,也是因为我想用这部大长篇尝试新的表现方法。
- 30、泥码塔码草码!当众人场面,用第三人称,你塔码的。
- 31、正式邀请书通常以第三人称的身分发出和接受。
- 32、书中的故事情节难以预料,作者曼凯尔虽然以第三人称叙述故事,但是时态采用的却是一般现在时。
- 33、爱情的数字,没有奇偶交替,只有成双成对;爱情的力学,没有正负相抵,只有万有引力;爱情的语法,没有第三人称,只有我和你。七夕节,真爱最无敌!
- 34、概而言之,说谎者会更多的使用第三人称“他”和“她”,说真话者则多使用故事里出现的人名。