- 1、省基础地理信息中心在充分调研的基础上,组织精兵强将,调集资料,加班加点,顺利完成了项目方案设计工作。
- 2、攻关组配备了一队精兵强将,都是以前当过总师的,是货真价实的干将。
- 3、Inthe face of adversity, only a team of "精兵强将" can overcome challenges with unwavering determination and resilience, leading their nation to victory.
- 4、The battlefield is where the true strength of "精兵强将" shines, as their exceptional training and skills ensure triumph against any formidable enemy.
- 5、Aation with a well-trained and disciplined army of "精兵强将" stands tall, ready to defend their borders and protect their people at all costs.
- 6、Asthe commander of an army composed of "精兵强将," it is my duty to lead them fearlessly into battle, inspiring them to give their all and achieve greatness.
- 7、The mark of a true leader is the ability to identify and nurture "精兵强将," ensuring that they are equipped with the right resources and opportunities to excel in their roles.
- 8、Intimes of crisis, it is the unparalleled dedication and bravery of "精兵强将" that restore hope and instill faith in the hearts of the nation.
- 9、The success of any military operation lies in the meticulous planning, coordination, and execution by "精兵强将," who are always prepared to go above and beyond the call of duty.
- 10、"精兵强将" embody the very essence of what it means to be a soldier – their unwavering courage, discipline, and unwavering determination set them apart from the rest.
- 11、The training and expertise of "精兵强将" enable them to adapt swiftly to any situation, turning the tide of battle and ensuring victory for their nation.
- 12、Ateam of "精兵强将" is a force to be reckoned with – their strategic thinking, quick reflexes, and sheer strength ensure that they always come out on top.
- 13、The camaraderie and trust among "精兵强将" form an unbreakable bond, allowing them to work seamlessly together, conquering all obstacles in their path.
- 14、The role of a "精兵强将" extends beyond the battlefield, as they also serve as role models to inspire future generations and embody national pride.
- 15、The exceptional leadership skills of "精兵强将" ensure that their troops remain focused, motivated, and united, fostering a strong and cohesive fighting force.
- 16、The unwavering dedication and commitment of "精兵强将" inspire a sense of confidence and security within the nation, as they stand as the guardians of peace.
- 17、Through rigorous training and continuous improvement, "精兵强将" strive to be the best versions of themselves, always seeking to push their limits and achieve greatness.
- 18、山下奉文以第5师为主力,亲自挑选精兵强将,组建了一个摩托化突击挺进队,目标直指马来亚吉打州首府亚罗士打。
- 19、手下个个都是精兵强将,到时候真要来一个挥泪斩马谡,自己不落忍不说,关键是动摇军心啊。
- 20、工程队老板言信行果,7月初即派出精兵强将带着设备开赴基地。
- 21、我们将集全局之精兵强将,高度重视本工程对我局在上海乃至“长三角”的特殊意义,既快又好地完成本工程。
- 22、五代末,扶汉阳统治的“梅山蛮国”,精兵强将沿洢水,下资江,四次攻打长沙。
- 23、全军将士吃得饱饱的,马也喂足了草料。从全军中挑出三万精兵强将。
- 24、9月24日,大同供电公司送变电安装公司调集80余名精兵强将,对大北220千伏输电线路开展为期两天的迁改加高和换线作业。
- 25、春节一过,他们就组成领导小组,抽调各方面的精兵强将策划研发公关。
- 26、这些曾经转战南北、身经百战的精兵强将为发展祖国钢铁事业,今天又在这里精心设计、精心施工。
- 27、龙泉驿区项目年工作动员大会结束后,该区组织精兵强将多次赴上海、无锡、昆山、宁波、东莞、顺德等地拜访英格索兰、霍尼威尔等大型企业。
- 28、目前奥镁巴西销售小组共有101精兵强将组成,在贝洛奥里藏特工作。
- 29、14个中队,48辆消防车,336名官兵昨天晚上8点50分,位于德胜路395号杭州长城五金机电市场南面的仓库燃起熊能大火,杭城消防部门调集精兵强将赶赴灭火。
- 30、另外部分单位对内部审计人员的选配也不够合理,没有把精兵强将选配到内审岗位上来,有的富余人员充岗,有的知识结构不适应,业务技能较差,诸如此类。
- 31、春宫大人,我大友家如今称霸九州,支配四国,外有雷神大人和春宫大人这等精兵强将,内又坐拥十国之地,钱粮丰广,敌国外患仅毛利一家而已。