- 1、习惯改变命运,细节铸就终身。
- 2、见微知着,由小见大,诸如此类,乱七八糟,反正我是生出了很多感慨,想到了很多事情,很多细节,此间与你们回忆一二。
- 3、The sunlight danced through the treetops, casting intricate patterns of shadows on the emerald-green grass, illuminating every delicate blade with a touch of golden warmth.
- 4、Her eyes, as deep and mysterious as the ocean, contain a multitude of secrets, reflecting the complexities of her soul in every shimmering fleck of color.
- 5、The painter meticulously captured every crease and wrinkle on the old man's weathered face, each line telling a story of a lifetime filled with laughter, tears, and resilience.
- 6、The fragrance of freshly baked bread wafted through the air, mingling with the sound of crackling crust and the satisfaction of sinking teeth into the warm, doughy goodness.
- 7、Asthe rain cascaded down from the heavens, each droplet whispered a soothing melody as it touched the earth, nurturing every thirsty plant, and awakening the scent of petrichor.
- 8、The pianist's fingers danced across the ivory keys, effortlessly weaving a tapestry of melodies that swept the audience away, leaving their hearts both shattered and mended.
- 9、Nestled among the satin sheets, their bodies entwined like vines, every touch, every caress spoke volumes of their love, their passion, and their unbreakable bond.
- 10、The ancient ruins stood proudly, weathered by time and nature's relentless embrace, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the passing of civilizations.
- 11、The pendulum swung with unwavering precision, its rhythmic tick-tock resonating in the silence, measuring the passage of time with each meticulous swing.
- 12、The morning dew kissed the petals of the blooming flowers, delicately glistening in the gentle rays of the rising sun, reflecting the miracle of nature's rebirth.
- 13、The dancer twirled and leaped with graceful abandon, each movement meticulously choreographed, telling a story of heartache, triumph, and the pursuit of artistic expression.
- 14、The aroma of freshly brewed coffee enveloped the cozy café, where patrons savor every sip, their taste buds awakened by the intricate blend of flavors and the promise of a new day.
- 15、The bookstore was a sanctuary for book lovers, every nook and cranny filled with tales waiting to be unfolded, transporting readers to distant lands and captivating their imagination.
- 16、In the quiet of the night, the stars glowed like tiny pinpricks in the sky, each one a reminder of the vastness of the universe and our place within it.
- 17、The autumn leaves danced through the air, their vibrant colors painting a breathtaking picture, reminding us of the fleeting nature of time and the beauty of letting go.
- 18、The intricate lacework of the wedding dress draped elegantly over the bride's figure, every stitch woven with love and anticipation, symbolizing the beginning of a lifelong commitment.
- 19、The oyster nestled deep in its shell, carefully crafting a pearl, layer by layer, a testament to the quiet strength and beauty that can emerge from adversity.
- 20、青春固然美好,青春固然不老,青春固然耀眼,但是青春仅仅悠悠数载,只有你真正好好利用这短暂的数载,努力把握住点滴细节让青春真正得到它应有的价值,青春这段时光对于你才算是无悔的,无怨的,无憾的……
- 21、细节成为产品或服务质量的最有力的表现形式。
- 22、历史离去时,有时也十分有情。它往往把自己生命的一切注入一件遗落下来的细节上。细节常常比整体更具魅力。如果你也有情,就一定会被这珍罕的细节打动,从中想象出它原有的那个鲜活的生命整体来。
- 23、态度决定高度,思路决定出路,细节关乎命运。
- 24、千万不必去假装过得很好,其实根本没多少人在乎。很不幸的是,任何一种负面的生活都能产生很多烂七八糟的细节,使它变得蛮有趣的;人就在这种有趣中沉沦下去,从根本上忘记了这种生活需要改进。
- 25、考虑到细节、注重细节的人,不仅认真对待工作,将小事做细,而且注重在做事的细节中找到机会,从而使自己走向成功之路。
- 26、诚信不是一种销售,不是一种高深空洞的理念,是实实在在的言出必行,点点滴滴的细节,诚信不能拿来销售,不能拿来做概念。
- 27、小事成就大事,细节成就完美。
- 28、如果你想要画的是情绪,带上它所有的力量…那么你就不能坐视和凝望对象,确切地描绘你所见到的每一个细节。你要去画它所必须展示的,那刚好是在你对主题的情绪反射之中产生的那一个。
- 29、福尔摩斯对我而言是一个神奇的侦探,每一个细节都能观察的那么清楚。
- 30、人要有着眼点;又要有落脚点。前者是战略;后者是战术。是战略决定成败,还是细节决定成败?没有大前提的设问,都是在玩文字游戏。
- 31、罗丹做什么事情多事全神贯注的,光是修改雕塑的细节部位都十分仔细,达到了忘我的境界。
- 32、上课不分神,是一个细节,更是一种修养。
- 33、人生如一本书,应该多一些精彩的细节,少一些乏味的字眼;人生如一支歌,应该多一些昂扬的旋律,少一些忧伤的音符;人生如一幅画,应该多一些亮丽的色彩,少一些灰暗的色调。
- 34、现实主义的意思是除细节的真实外,还要真实地再现典型环境中的典型人物。恩格斯
- 35、态度决定一切。细节决定成败,习惯成就人生。
- 36、你的睫毛微微上翘,弹奏着美丽旋律的妙,你的嘴角微微上翘,刻画着自信可爱的笑,亲爱的,你每一个细节的魅力都是我爱追逐的目标,爱你。
- 37、我始终坚持的一点就是,尊重自己内心的感觉,不要随波逐流。一件漂亮的衣服会过时,一种执着于细节的态度将永远精彩。
- 38、跟这债务有关的一些细节,使他一想起来便心烦意乱,坐立不安。
- 39、现在的时代,战略正确之后细节决定因素,有很多细节处理不好,你的战略正确了也会失败。
- 40、如果要去逛街,记得穿舒适的鞋子。善待自己是表现在细节上的。
- 41、这个计划的具体细节还需要讨论。
- 42、细节打败爱情。我除拉我爱你比你爱我多以外,我没有任何条件比你好,我今天才知道一个道理,什么叫失无所失!
- 43、我们有一个亲切和蔼老师,她总是对我们嘘寒问暖,不放过一点细节,让我感动,我知道她的用意是想要我们好好学习呀!
- 44、只要家长善于利用,生活中的每个细节都可以用来教育孩子。
- 45、从观察中找到乐趣,从细节中找寻答案。
- 46、成大业若烹小鲜,做大事必重细节。
- 47、平淡是一种风,一种无牵无挂的行吟,轻轻地来,轻轻地走,使心境自由的奔放,平淡就这样深入每个日子和生活的细节。不必大喜大悲,不必惊诧万分,恬静从容真诚地善待每一件事每一个人。
- 48、我们的成功表明,我们的竞争者的管理层对下层的介入未能坚持下去,他们缺乏对细节的深层关注。
- 49、关注“每一个”细节,欣赏“每一个”学生。
- 50、诚信绝对不是一种销售,更不是一种高深空洞的理念,它是实实在在的言出必行、点点滴滴的细节。