- 1、向着某一天终于要达到的那个终极目标迈步还不够,还要把每一步骤看成目标,使它作为步骤而起作用。
- 2、我在神学院所学尽管与我的学术终极目标相去不远,却无法直接给我在博士班的学术研究重心作支撑。
- 3、Myultimate goal is to create a foundation that provides education and opportunities for underprivileged children around the world, empowering them to break the cycle of poverty and reach their full potential.
- 4、The ultimate goal of my life is to live in harmony with nature, protecting and preserving the environment for future generations to enjoy its beauty and abundance.
- 5、Bydedicating my time and resources, my ultimate goal is to contribute to medical research and find a cure for diseases that have plagued humanity for centuries, bringing hope and healing to millions of people.
- 6、Our ultimate goal as a society should be to build a world where everyone is treated with respect and equality, regardless of their race, gender, or social background.
- 7、The ultimate goal of education should be to nurture curious minds, instilling a love for learning and equipping students with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in an ever-changing world.
- 8、Myultimate goal in my career is to become a leader who inspires and motivates others, creating a positive work environment where individuals can grow and succeed.
- 9、Bypromoting peace and understanding, our ultimate goal should be to foster global cooperation and unity, creating a world free from conflicts and divisions.
- 10、Asa chef, my ultimate goal is to create dishes that not only satisfy the palate but also nourish the body, promoting a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
- 11、The ultimate goal of my fitness journey is not just physical transformation, but also mental and emotional well-being, achieving a balanced and fulfilling life.
- 12、As a writer, my ultimate goal is to pen stories that transport readers to different worlds, allowing them to escape reality and experience the power of imagination.
- 13、By promoting social entrepreneurship and empowering individuals to create meaningful change, our ultimate goal should be to address social issues and create a more inclusive and just society.
- 14、My ultimate goal as a parent is to raise children who are compassionate, kind, and resilient, preparing them to navigate life's challenges with integrity and empathy.
- 15、By fostering innovation and embracing technological advancements, our ultimate goal should be to create a future where technology serves humanity and enhances our quality of life.
- 16、As a lifelong learner, my ultimate goal is to acquire knowledge and wisdom, constantly growing and evolving as a person, and sharing my insights with others.
- 17、The ultimate goal of art should be to provoke thought, challenge conventions, and spark conversations that lead to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world we live in.
- 18、目的:探讨现代抗休克液体复苏方法和复苏终极目标实现手段。
- 19、向着某一天最后要到达的那个终极目标迈步还不够,还要把每一步骤看成目标,使它作为步骤而起作用。
- 20、**的终极目标并非将人民圈禁并以武力恫吓束缚,从而使他们仰人鼻息而苟活。
- 21、传记文学文本具有自身独特的教育功能,可达到“立人”的终极目标。
- 22、老朱忍辱负重的终极目标:作为足球教练员,不带领国家队征战一次世界杯,那还叫什么足球教练呢?
- 23、亲吻有魔力,悄悄告诉你:艰难因亲吻而简单,失败因亲吻而成功,失落因亲吻而坚强。亲亲日,想对你说,你是我人生的终极目标。
- 24、洞察秋毫是每一个修道者的终极目标。
- 25、诺切拉说人造树叶的终极目标就是让每家每户都能成为供电站。
- 26、伦理学是研究人伦关系的学说,如何“成*”、“至善”是中国古代伦理学追求的终极目标。
- 27、在共同目标对人们并非一种终极目标而是一种能够用于多种多样意图的手段的地方知之小工具,人们才最可能对共同行动达成共识。哈耶克
- 28、这是海葬的一种,同时第一阶段估计可保存850个遗体,终极目标是达到12.5万个遗体存放量。
- 29、英语学习终极目标是什么?你用心想过吗?
- 30、追求,要以结合为终极目标,以情感为命脉,以人为基础,以坦诚为关键,以行动为重点的一项调研,分析,创新,思考,执行的智慧工程,祝你早日告别单身,光棍节快乐!
- 31、菲利斯的目标,变得那么烦人还不是他的终极目标。
- 32、知之小工具是一部在线造句词典,其宗旨是更快地造出更优质的句子.
- 33、下药,开枪,暗算等等等等,杀手的终极目标,就是能将目标任务弄死,手段无不可用其极,没有光明正大,当面锣对面鼓的必要。
- 34、唯品会CEO沈亚曾表示,唯品会的终极目标是持续帮商家卖货,持续帮消费者找到心仪的商品。
- 35、广东综艺文化传媒有限公司,中国国际明星网竭力“弘扬时代文化,引领艺术新潮,构建大型服务,打造专业品牌”为终极目标。
- 36、她们把自己恋爱作为终极目标,有了爱人便什么都不要了,对社会作不了贡献,人生价值最少。向警予
- 37、快乐不仅在生活的终极目标远大理想那里,也在生活具体而微小的各种事项与进程之中。快乐不仅在于达到目标,也在于为达到目标而走过的全过程。
- 38、向着某一天终于要达到的那个终极目标迈步还不够,还要把每一步骤看作目标,使它作为步骤而起作用。
- 39、追求,要结合为终极目标,以情感为命脉,以人为基础,以坦诚为关键,以行动为重点的一项调研,分析,创新,思考,执行的智慧工程,祝你早日告别单身,光棍节快乐!
- 40、确保司法公正,提高司法效率,是刑事简易程序审判组织模式改革的终极目标。
- 41、类似的还有占卜术,占卜是一种试图看清未来的法术,它的终极目标,也是神力的源头。
- 42、你这么关系我的幸福...不如好好想想你自己的吧!我啊...我的哪有什么好想的...一年之后我很简单...反正我一地会考上我的律师执照...这才是我的人生终极目标。冯凯
- 43、学者型编辑和学习型编辑在本质上并无区别,两者之不同在于前者为终极目标,后者为终身目标。
- 44、最近,日本媒体刊文指出,日本增长的目标并非只是实现GDP每年3%至4%的增长,其终极目标应是GDP反超中国。
- 45、他视智慧为手段,我却视智慧为终极目标。特德·蒋
- 46、中国航天事业的终极目标就是和平利用太空资源,最终造福全人类.
- 47、终极目标属性逻各斯表征人的行为终极目标优位存在。
- 48、从来也没有一个人能真正透彻地了解和掌握自己的命运,只不过从各不相同的方式和不可知的命运较量而已,或逆来顺受,或奋起拼搏,拼搏的动力不仅来自“自知”,而且来自幻想——美好的幻想往往既是辉煌的人生的起点也是终极目标。人生需要幻想,幻想使人生变得美好是有限的生命变的被无限!霍达
- 49、校训引导师德建设的方向,决定师德建设的基本要求和终极目标。
- 50、他希望能进一步降低太空旅行的费用,终极目标是登上火星,不过要先发射卫星。