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终点线造句 首页

  • 1、他们已经划得精疲力竭,一到终点线便伏倒在桨上。
  • 2、我坚信首次跑马拉松的目标应该是达到终点线时挺直了别趴下,因为该距离本身就是一个挑战!
  • 3、Standing at the finish line, I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment and euphoria, knowing that I had conquered the challenges along the way and reached my ultimate goal.
  • 4、AsI approached the end of the race, the anticipation and exhilaration grew, fueling every step I took towards that final white line marking the end of my journey.
  • 5、The finish line symbolizes not only the end of a physical race, but also the beginning of a new chapter in life, where achievements are celebrated and new dreams are born.
  • 6、With every stride towards the finish line, I pushed past my limits, defying my own doubts and fears, proving that perseverance and determination can lead to extraordinary results.
  • 7、Inthe face of adversity and challenges, the finish line serves as a beacon of hope, reminding us that no matter how tough the journey may be, there is always an end in sight, where triumph awaits.
  • 8、Crossing the finish line hand in hand with my teammates, I felt an overwhelming sense of unity and camaraderie that comes from shared goals and shared struggles, reminding me of the power of teamwork.
  • 9、The finish line may signify the end of one chapter, but it also signifies the beginning of another, where new aspirations are sparked and the pursuit of excellence continues.
  • 10、As the crowd cheered and applauded, the finish line became a stage where my dreams and hard work were showcased, reminding me that success is not just a personal victory, but also an inspiration to others.
  • 11、The finish line is a powerful symbol of triumph over adversity, reminding us that setbacks and failures along the way are merely stepping stones towards ultimate success and personal growth.
  • 12、The finish line is a reminder that life's challenges are not meant to break us, but to inspire us to overcome obstacles, push past our limits, and reach new heights we never thought possible.
  • 13、Crossing the finish line, I realized that success is not determined solely by winning or losing, but rather by the lessons learned, the friendships forged, and the personal growth achieved along the way.
  • 14、The finish line serves as a tangible reminder that dreams are within reach, and with grit, perseverance, and unwavering belief, one can transform those dreams into reality.
  • 15、As I crossed the finish line, a wave of emotions washed over me – joy, relief, and gratitude – for the opportunity to have embarked on this challenging yet incredibly rewarding endeavor.
  • 16、The finish line may mark the end of a specific goal, but it also presents an opportunity to set new goals, dream bigger dreams, and embark on new adventures with renewed passion and determination.
  • 17、The finish line is not just a physical marker; it is a testament to human resilience, pushing us to dig deep, find that inner strength, and conquer any obstacle that comes our way.
  • 18、他在比赛过程中脚抽筋,搭了一辆便车,当他们快到终点的时候,那辆车坏了,可是那时心怀鬼胎的他感觉好多了,于是他下车跑完了剩余的一小段并冲过终点线
  • 19、小时候,当我们在跑道上奔走时,他们告诉我说不能东张西望,而是要将目光聚结在终点线,宛若远帆驶入海港停靠码头般凝视前方。
  • 20、在城市的人均寿命已经达到了七十六岁的今天,三十放在其中还赶不上肚肌眼的位置,顶多算条露骨低腰裤,但始终有个画在此处的终点线,宣告了原来随后四十几年不过是一项无足轻重却漫长的收尾工作。
  • 21、知之小工具尽量原创和收集高质量句子,使您在造句的同时,还能学到有用的知识.
  • 22、坚定,执着,耐力与希望,在延伸的白色跑道中点点凝聚!力量,信念,拼搏与奋斗,在遥远的终点线上渐渐明亮!时代的强音正在你的脚下踏响。
  • 23、通过终点线进入最后一圈时会打铃提醒,如果有必要也会减少预定圈数而提前打铃。
  • 24、阿吉莱拉接近在她的迄今无标题的后续行动上的终点线脱去,并且声音可能使爱好者惊讶。
  • 25、游泳选手是唯一不需要通过终点线的速度比赛选手,取而代之的是安装在泳道末端的电动计时触板,它将精确地记录下选手们每次游到终点的时间。
  • 26、终点线前提早庆祝马拉松选手遭反超。
  • 27、施轩的脚步很均匀,双臂一前一后地摆动着,双脚越迈越快,身子向前倾斜着,像要倒下似的,奋力向前迅跑。跑到终点线处,她头一抬,胸一挺,终于取得了第一名。
  • 28、接着跑到前头去了.在终点线上,威尔玛冲线了.
  • 29、冲过终点线后,祁顺表现得异常兴奋,他长时间跪在地上,亲吻着红色的塑胶跑道。
  • 30、这将是容易的科乐美开始向人群挥手,甚至可能签署一些签名,并提供沾沾自喜微笑与视线终点线的人群。
  • 31、也许你正奔跑在接近终点线的地方;也许你正徘徊在黎明前的黑暗;也许你正苦战在实现理想的边缘……不管怎样,再努力一点!祝你321倒数日美梦成真!
  • 32、为什么终点线总是在人们刚想要放弃后就出现呢?这或许就是宇宙的通行法则吧,它总是把最好的留给那些付出最多的人。从大自然我领会到了这一点——往往最黑暗的时刻之后就是黎明。贝尔·格里尔斯
  • 33、在你气喘吁吁在赛道上奔跑时,同学站在终点线上给你一个微笑,即使你已筋疲力尽,你还是你还是会努力冲刺。微笑是一种高尚的表情,是同学对你鼓励的态度。
  • 34、我着第一个越过终点线的人是我,我幻想着广播是播的是我夺得了第一名。
  • 35、到达终点线时,不被看好的六号马竟然后来居上,得到名次。
  • 36、当我到达了终点线,我转动我的头看,所有我的竞争者是在我之后并且我体会我是第号一个。
  • 37、在2003赛季,麦克拉伦开启了他们的统治时代。莱科宁在这个赛季第二站的马来西亚大奖赛中第一个冲过了终点线
  • 38、小小竹筏刚过终点线,豪放的小卜冒就忍不住一头扎入清凉的河水,酣畅淋漓地洗了个生态澡。
  • 39、每个孩子必须从站的地方爬入一个麻袋中,再跳到终点线,然后跳回,再爬出麻装。
  • 40、我憧憬着第一个越过终点线的人是我,我幻想着广播是播的是我夺得了第一名。
  • 41、所以,你是否押对了马,总得等到最后穿过终点线的那一刹那才能知晓。
  • 42、那条红色的赛船第一个冲过了终点线.
  • 43、在伦敦举行的马拉松赛,距终点线一哩之处的路边,有数千名观众高举著标语.
  • 44、原定设在白城体育场的终点也向前移了一些,这样马拉松比赛的终点线正好位于英国国王爱德华七室的观礼台前。