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经历造句 首页

  • 1、在经受了失败和挫折后,我学会了坚韧;在遭受到误解和委屈时,我学会了宽容;在经历了失落和离别后,我懂得了珍惜。
  • 2、男人的年龄是写在脸上的经历,是刻在心头的智慧,是深沉的魅力。而女人的年龄是隐藏在心头的刺,说不得碰不得,好像树的年轮,一圈一圈全藏在心里。
  • 3、Iave had the immense privilege of experiencing the awe-inspiring wonders of nature, from climbing majestic mountains to witnessing breathtaking sunsets over vast oceans.
  • 4、Myjourney through life has been a roller coaster of ups and downs, filled with exhilarating triumphs and heart-wrenching setbacks, but each experience has shaped me into the resilient and compassionate person I am today.
  • 5、The profound loss of a loved one left a void in my heart, but through the grieving process and the support of friends and family, I learned the power of healing and the indomitable strength of the human spirit.
  • 6、Traveling to different countries and immersing myself in diverse cultures has opened my eyes to the beauty of our world and ignited a passion within me to embrace and celebrate our differences.
  • 7、The hardships I faced during my upbringing have taught me the value of perseverance and the importance of never giving up, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles.
  • 8、Asan artist, I have had the privilege of creating beauty from the depths of my soul, channeling my emotions and experiences into works of art that resonate with others on a profound level.
  • 9、The bittersweet nostalgia of leaving behind the familiar comforts of home and embarking on a new chapter in my life taught me the importance of embracing change and the transformative power it holds.
  • 10、Ahance encounter with a stranger's act of kindness reminded me of the inherent goodness in humanity and the profound impact a single act of compassion can have on someone's life.
  • 11、Experiencing the joy of becoming a parent has given me a newfound appreciation for the miracle of life and a deeper understanding of selflessness and unconditional love.
  • 12、The exhilarating rush of achieving a long-awaited goal reminded me that with determination, perseverance, and belief in oneself, any dream can be turned into a reality.
  • 13、The transformative power of education has given me the tools to navigate the complexities of the world, broaden my perspective, and truly understand the importance of lifelong learning.
  • 14、The heartwarming feeling of being part of a tight-knit community taught me the value of connection, support, and the powerful sense of belonging that comes with it.
  • 15、The humbling experience of volunteering in underprivileged communities has shed light on the stark realities of inequality and inspired me to work towards creating a more just and inclusive society.
  • 16、Weathering numerous failed attempts and setbacks in my career taught me the importance of resilience, adaptability, and the belief that every setback is an opportunity for growth and self-improvement.
  • 17、The serenity and tranquility of losing myself in the pages of a book have provided solace during the most challenging times, reminding me of the power of stories to inspire, uplift, and transport us to new worlds.
  • 18、The exhilaration of conquering my fears and pushing beyond my comfort zone through adventurous activities like skydiving and bungee jumping has taught me the exhilarating rewards that lie just outside our comfort zones.
  • 19、Experiencing the breathtaking beauty of art and witnessing its ability to transcend language and cultural barriers has reaffirmed my belief in the universality of human expression and the power of creativity to inspire change.
  • 20、压力是躲不掉的。一个企业家要耐得住寂寞,耐得住诱惑,还要耐得住压力,耐得住冤枉,外练一层皮,内练一口气,这很重要。武林高手比的是经历了多少磨难,而不是取得过多少成功。
  • 21、如果人生没有挫折,生命会平静的如一潭死水;如果理想的实现没有挫折,我们会少了份成功时候的喜悦;如果爱情没有经历挫折,我们很难明白守护爱情的伟大。
  • 22、妈妈,我想对你说我爱你。感谢您给了我生命以及让生命有价值。你的皱纹是我成长的经历
  • 23、追逐梦想,寻找自己的蓝天。在人生的道路上难免不会遇到挫折,偶尔遇到挫折,就犹如遇到暴风雨般的平常。当人们遇到这种挫折、困难、忧伤、失意时,不要灰心丧气,应该沉着应对。不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹?
  • 24、从小到大,梦想不停变化。每当梦想改变时,就说明我们的知识增加了,思想进步了,对社会的理解也改变了。梦想的改变,这在我们的人生历程中必须经历无数次。但记住,我们追寻梦想的脚步,永远都不能停止!
  • 25、学校仅仅是一段经历,并不决定你的一生,决定你一生的是自己的努力程度。
  • 26、经历黑夜的阳光都不会变,我们偶尔失败一次,为什么要变?
  • 27、古筝它演绎了扬州的风雅韵事!它熏陶了一代一代的古筝爱好者,如果将扬州的古筝史比作一个人的成长经历的话,那如今她已经成长为一名成熟细腻的灵秀女子,她有着她独特的个人魅力吸引着一批批地艺术者走进它的灵魂世界,与她共鸣,与她共慰共进……
  • 28、唐僧师徒西天取经,经历了许多苦难。
  • 29、从某种意义上来说:抵达,意味着金钱地位;经历,象征着勤奋努力。生命不是为了被金钱地位所束缚,生命是为了感悟、品赏自然宇宙的美妙。没有勤奋努力的经历,就不会真正感悟、品赏到自然宇宙的美妙。
  • 30、也许一个人要走很长的路,经历过生命中无数突如其来的繁华和苍凉才会变的成熟。
  • 31、人生中,每个人都经历过不少的风风雨雨,而不会风调雨顺。偶然面对这些,幼时,我只会不知所措地红着脸不知怎么办才好,但渐渐的,我已经伤痕累累,再次遇到时,也只会微微一笑,掩盖而过。
  • 32、人生的每一笔经历,都在书写你的简历。原本你以为微不足道的事情,回头看的时候,都有着无法细数的刻度。自己拼出来的东西,和别人送到嘴边的东西,意义和珍惜的程度都大为不同。
  • 33、唯有经历最深沉的痛楚,才换取最美好的事物。
  • 34、从未失败就意味着从未成功;从未挫折就意味着从未胜利;从未反思就意味着从未经历;从未跌倒就意味着从未登顶。
  • 35、逻辑的谐和在宇宙中是作为一种无为变易的必然性而存在的。但审美的谐和则在宇宙间作为一种生动的理想而存在着,并把宇宙走向更细腻。更微妙的事物所经历的残缺过程熔合起来。
  • 36、童年,一首欢乐的歌,一个美好的梦,一杯或苦涩或香甜的咖啡。在记忆长河中,童年就好似一个虚幻缥缈的传说,让人亲身经历,永不忘记。童年的事,最最精彩,最最幼稚,也最最让人感到历历在目。
  • 37、棕榈树的树干上长一缕缕长长的鬃毛,摸起来跟头发一样。棕榈树经历过风吹雨打,从来没有低过头。依然挺着笔直的树干。永远守护着比自己弱小的花草。我对棕榈树那顽强不屈的精神肃然起敬。
  • 38、如果失恋33天可以拍部电影那么哥的经历都可以拍部电视剧。
  • 39、人生就是这样充满了大起大合,你永远不会知道下一刻会发生什么,也不会明白命运为何这样待你。只有在你经历了人生种种变故之后,你才会褪尽了最初的浮华,以一种谦卑的姿态看待这个世界。贾文宇
  • 40、经历过磨难的人才是最有财富的人。
  • 41、中国人民经历千辛万苦,付出巨大的代价,才找到革命的真理。
  • 42、不经历**,怎么能轻易出嫁,没有人能随随便便当妈。
  • 43、在童年我有很多的回忆,真的就像一本书一样,翻不完的书,每一页都是自己的经历和过去。回忆童年,每一次都有一种不同的感觉,珍藏回忆,让你的生活更充实,更美好。
  • 44、怎么能拒绝阴天呢?阴天是彩虹的前期之景,不经历风雨怎能见彩虹呢?就如没有人能轻而易举成功。是的,我不能拒绝如此美丽的风景,所以我不拒绝阴天。
  • 45、爱,从来就是一件千回百转的事。不曾被离弃,不曾受伤害,怎懂得爱人?爱,原来是一种经历,但愿人长久。
  • 46、以前觉得‘坚强’就是一个形容词,只有经历了一些事情,才真正体会到这两个字的含义……有些人不一定有那么多机会体会这两个字,我有这些机会,不知道是我的幸运还是不幸。
  • 47、成长是一朵开放着的鲜花;成长是一本富含哲理的书;成长是一场精彩的表演;成长是人生必不可少的经历……
  • 48、因为经历过,所以我明白,自信也要有限度,否则,会适得其反。
  • 49、艺术在常总是十分高雅而不可及的,其实它可以是一首歌、一次展览、一段经历……有艺术的生活就有欢乐,就有美。
  • 50、人们赞誉我是超人,其实我并非天生就是优秀的经营者。到现在我只敢说经营得还可以,我是经历了很多挫折和磨难之后,才领会一些经营的要诀的。


经历 jīnglì

1、亲身遇到过的事情 2、亲身遇到过 3、历时 
经历 伊朗电影,讲述一个叫穆罕默德的14岁小男孩在一家照相器材店里做勤杂工,晚上可以睡在店里。他对一个住在富人区的小姑娘产生了朦胧的爱意。一天早上,他得到机会到这个女孩家里维修照相机,但是最终他意识到自己对女孩的爱是无望的。 经历 经历是一个汉语词汇,读音为jīng lì,指自身或他人见过、做过或遭遇过的事。
