- 1、由于客观世界充满不确定性、经济业务的复杂性,使会计工作自始至终需要判断和选择。
- 2、知之小工具在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天进步!
- 3、Asthe global economy faces uncertainty, it becomes imperative for countries to collaborate and devise effective economic policies to stimulate growth and stabilize financial markets.
- 4、Over the past decade, technological advancements have revolutionized the way businesses operate, creating new opportunities and challenges in the realm of economic affairs.
- 5、The role of government in shaping economic policy cannot be understated, as it is their responsibility to strike a delicate balance between regulating market forces and fostering innovation and entrepreneurial spirit.
- 6、Aey aspect of economic development lies in investing in human capital, by promoting education and skills training programs that empower individuals to contribute to the economy and achieve sustainable growth.
- 7、The ever-evolving field of finance demands constant vigilance and prudent risk management to safeguard investor confidence and maintain financial stability.
- 8、Sound macroeconomic policies, such as maintaining stable inflation rates and managing fiscal deficits, lay the foundation for long-term economic growth and provide a favorable environment for businesses to thrive.
- 9、The role of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in driving economic growth cannot be overlooked, as they contribute to job creation, innovation, and decentralization of economic power.
- 10、Economic inequality remains a pressing issue that demands comprehensive policy interventions to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor, promoting equal opportunities and social mobility.
- 11、Effective regulation of financial markets is crucial to prevent excessive risk-taking, market manipulation, and fraud, ensuring the integrity and transparency necessary for a functioning economy.
- 12、As economies become increasingly digital and data-driven, the protection of personal privacy and cybersecurity pose new challenges that economic policymakers need to address to ensure trust and confidence in digital transactions.
- 13、The labor market is constantly evolving, necessitating the development of flexible employment policies that strike a balance between job security and flexibility, empowering workers in the gig economy and non-traditional employment arrangements.
- 14、The transition to a low-carbon economy requires a coordinated effort from governments, businesses, and individuals, fostering innovation and investment in clean technologies, while also preparing for the social and economic consequences of this transformation.
- 15、Economic diversification is crucial for countries heavily reliant on a single industry, as it minimizes vulnerability to external shocks and creates a more resilient and sustainable economy.
- 16、在实际工作中,经济业务首先被记录在日记账中,之后单个账户所记录的借贷变化情况被过账到分类账中。
- 17、结账是指在某一会计期间的期末将收入和费用账户结清的会计程序,以便记录下一个会计期间的经济业务。
- 18、日记帐是以经济业务为单位进行组织的。
- 19、日记账是经济业务的序时记录。
- 20、说明经济业务对会计等式和资产负债表的影响。
- 21、会计原始凭证是经济业务发生时填制和取得的,它是反映经济业务最基本的证据。
- 22、经济业务是一种由会计师记录的企业的经济事件。
- 23、随着我国企业购并和资产重组等经济业务的不断产生与发展,商誉的会计理论与实务成为会计界关注的焦点。
- 24、由于客观世界的不确定性、会计准则的混沌状态、经济业务的复杂性以及应计制会计自身特点等原因,会计选择成为必然。
- 25、数量很少的经济业务可以只用一种日记账。
- 26、日记帐是经济业务的首次会议记录。
- 27、围绕党的中心任务,把思想工作与经济业务工作有机结合起来是每一位思想工作者义不容辞的职责。
- 28、某些经济业务存户记录了,而银行尚未记录.
- 29、试算表不能证明经济业务已被正确地记入适当的账户。
- 30、从以上分析可知,每笔经济业务,不论如何简单或复杂,都可以按其在会计等式上影响进行表述。
- 31、这项经济业务登账的结果如图3所示。
- 32、与普通日记账相比,特种日记账被用来记录某类经常发生的经济业务。
- 33、企业经济业务的发生是会计循环的起点,其终点是该企业的年终财务报表。
- 34、第四条会计核算应当以企业发生的各项经济业务为对象,记录和反映企业本身的各项生产经营活动。
- 35、普通日记簿按日期顺序对经济业务所做的会计记录。
- 36、如果明晃晃的经济业务与荣誉信用都不能撇清干系,红监会何以立命安身呢?看起来,红会“麻烦”不断。
- 37、有关将来经济业务的合同称为承付款项.