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翘舌音造句 首页

  • 1、这崔先生说话磕磕绊绊,说翘舌音十分别扭,不似华夏人。
  • 2、她分不清平舌音和翘舌音,也常常把“YU”发成“YI”。
  • 3、The flamboyant flamenco dancer flicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth, producing a vibrant and passionate trill, captivating the audience with her exuberant performance.
  • 4、Asthe swarm of bees buzzed around the hive, their collective buzzing created an intricate symphony of fluttering wings and buzzing "r" sounds, like a harmonious ode to nature's beauty.
  • 5、The enchanting melody of the Spanish guitar resonated through the old town square, accompanied by the captivating trilled "r" sounds of the singer, filling the air with a sense of nostalgia and longing.
  • 6、With each flick of the tongue, the acrobat pronounced the challenging "zhr" sound, flawlessly executing her daring routine that left the audience in awe of her incredible agility and skill.
  • 7、The chef demonstrated his culinary prowess by expertly pronouncing the soft, rolling "j" sound as he described the delicate texture and rich flavor of his signature dish, leaving the diners' mouths watering in anticipation.
  • 8、With a swift flick of his tongue, the lizard caught the unsuspecting fly, savoring its crunchy texture and relishing the satisfaction of a successful hunt, while the "r" sound echoed through the silent wilderness.
  • 9、The Mandarin-speaking tourists struggled to pronounce the unfamiliar "zh" sound, but their determination and eagerness to learn the local language made their efforts endearing and heartwarming to the native speakers.
  • 10、The enchanting ballerina gracefully leaped across the stage, her light footsteps accompanied by the delicate "sh" sound, captivating the audience with her ethereal beauty and talent.
  • 11、The linguistics professor explained the complex nature of the retroflex "r" sound, demonstrating how it differs from other sounds to his attentive students, sparking their curiosity and love for language.
  • 12、The seasoned river raftsman skillfully maneuvered his raft through treacherous rapids, bellowing out commands with the forceful "sh" sound, ensuring the safety of his passengers and leaving them exhilarated by the daring adventure.
  • 13、The young poet's words danced off her tongue, each syllable imbued with emotion and depth, the trilled "r" sound emphasizing her passion and conviction, leaving the audience moved and inspired.
  • 14、The playful dolphin leaped out of the water and emitted a series of high-pitched clicks, engaging in a lively conversation with its fellow creatures using the distinct "ch" sound, their communication filled with joy and camaraderie.
  • 15、With a mischievous grin, the magician flawlessly pronounced the sibilant "s" sound as he revealed the hidden card, leaving the audience astonished at his sleight of hand and impeccable showmanship.
  • 16、The little girl excitedly exclaimed "shhh" as she put her finger to her lips, her eyes twinkling with anticipation for the surprise that awaited her, captivated by the secret and mystery behind the whispered sound.
  • 17、小妮子你那平翘舌音不分的普通话让我好痛苦……
  • 18、接下来就是翘舌音和平舌音的区别,尤其是“r”的读音,很多小朋友发音奇怪不到位置。
  • 19、姜义疑惑道,四川话对边音、鼻音,前鼻音、后鼻音,翘舌音、平舌音等不注重,所以一些此类的词对大家来说就是完全同音词。
  • 20、受泉州地区方言影响,平舌音和翘舌音、前鼻音和后鼻音、鼻音和边音区别不是很清楚,造成了学生写繁体字、异体字、简化字、错字别字的现象。
  • 21、知之小工具在线造句词典-造句大全,上万词语的造句供您参考!
  • 22、一堆字卡,背面画上了愤怒的小鸟图案,而鸟窝写着“平舌音”或者“翘舌音”,小学生需要将他们一一对应。
  • 23、她有着天都市女孩特有的秀气,天都市特有的翘舌音和平舌音不分的口音,让他俩一下子把关系拉近了许多。
  • 24、幼儿家长要坚持说普通话,要根据当地方言中对学拼音的干扰因素,如n、l不分,平舌音与翘舌音不分等,编一些针对性强的绕口令、儿歌,使儿童能辨别其发音的差别。
  • 25、女儿第一天上小学,颜女士经过老师办公室时,就被老师叫住,说小唐的普通话有上海口音,分不清平舌音和翘舌音,以后学拼音可能会遇到障碍。
  • 26、她七岁之前,说话都是翘舌音和平舌音不分,当时把我们都逗笑了。
  • 27、今天教汉语拼音翘舌音zh、ch、sh、r,并与平舌音z、c、s进行区别。
  • 28、麻烦你以后说清楚,不是‘贞*’,是‘真钞’!带翘舌音的,姐!
  • 29、大二学生小鲁告诉记者,平时说话不注重区分平舌音和翘舌音、边音和鼻音,上课回答问题时没少闹笑话。
  • 30、譬如我的一位同事,分不清平舌音和翘舌音,她一讲话,我就不由得要打断她,给她纠正错误的发音。
