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耸出造句 首页

  • 1、每当杰拉尔德骑马驰过大路上那个拐弯并看见自己的房子从绿树丛中耸出的屋顶时,他就要兴奋得连同心都膨胀起来,仿佛每一个景观都是头一次看到似的。
  • 2、女子皱起巧鼻,轻轻的耸出一个哼字。知之小工具
  • 3、Asthe final notes of the symphony played, the conductor's arms stretched out, casting a shadow on the stage, while a wave of applause erupted from the audience, trembling in the air, electrifying the atmosphere with its intensity and appreciation, a testament to the seamless fusion of music and emotion that left us all in awe.
  • 4、The majestic mountain range, with its snow-capped peaks piercing through the clouds, painted a breathtaking landscape that commanded attention and admiration, leaving even the most experienced hikers astonished by its sheer beauty and sense of awe-inspiring vastness.
  • 5、The intricate details and delicate craftsmanship of the ancient artifact revealed a story that transcended time, as if it had whispered secrets of a long-lost civilization, inviting us to step into a world filled with mystery and wonder, a tangible link to our rich heritage that evoked a sense of awe and curiosity.
  • 6、The vibrant colors of the sunset painted the sky with hues of gold and deep purples, as the sun slowly sank below the horizon, casting long shadows that seemed to stretch endlessly, filling the world with a sense of tranquility and serenity that cannot be described in words.
  • 7、The charismatic leader, with his magnetic personality and captivating speeches, could resonate with the hopes and dreams of the masses, inspiring them to rise above their limitations and become agents of change, leaving a lasting impact on society that would be forever remembered.
  • 8、The athlete, with every muscle in their body tensed, focused solely on the finish line, pushing beyond their limits and defying the pain and exhaustion, determined to give it their all, their perseverance and unwavering spirit leaving spectators awestruck and inspired.
  • 9、The storm clouds gathered ominously, blocking out the sun and casting a dark shadow over the land, the rumble of thunder resonating in the distance, a powerful display of nature's might that reminded us of our insignificance in the face of its raw power and unpredictability.
  • 10、The bold and daring fashion designer broke convention, creating ensembles that challenged societal norms and pushed boundaries, encouraging individuals to embrace their uniqueness and express their true selves, leaving an indelible mark on the world of fashion.
  • 11、The innovative technology, with its groundbreaking features and sleek design, revolutionized the way we interact with the world, seamlessly merging functionality and aesthetics, leaving us in awe of the endless possibilities that lay at our fingertips.
  • 12、The writer's words danced off the pages, immersing us in a tale of love and heartbreak, their vivid descriptions and deep emotions resonating within our souls, creating a world that we longed to be a part of and characters we could not forget.
  • 13、麒麟阁雕楼玉砌,耸出云霄,建筑得十分壮丽。
  • 14、有时候牛奶在寒流的天气里结冰,你也许看到过冰冻了的牛奶高高的耸出瓶口,把瓶盖顶开。
  • 15、一边一块高耸出地面的巨大石头,啸月银狼缓缓攀登而上,冷酷的看着狼群之中的刘烈,宝蓝色的狼眼之中,有着一抹贪婪。
  • 16、左帆看着脚下的不明物体没完没了地耸出,惊诧得瞪大眼睛,嘴巴也张得大大的,快能装下一个鸡蛋。
  • 17、段天涯秉了天涯剑,将天涯剑刃耸出,那时一道寒光从天涯剑刃中闪出,俄而,不知从何处飞来一股剑气,为天涯剑刃所收,且那刻有“破雪寺”。
  • 18、拔地倚天:拔:突出,耸出。倚:倚傍,贴近。从地面突兀而起,贴近天际。比喻高大突出,气势雄伟。
  • 19、在简直广阔的冰层上一座高大的冰山耸出,恰好在南极洲别林斯高晋海上一轮橙月显现。


耸出 sǒngchū

耸出 耸出是一个汉语词语,读音是sǒng chū,是指高耸突出。