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  • 1、优胜奖王绍伟创作的作品,上联是“春到禅城花解语”,下联是“羊登胜景梦燃情”,横批“锦绣佛山”。
  • 2、在小说中屡屡提到庐山植物园,这乃是闻名中外的一个幽僻胜景所在,事实上也非无意和偶然。知之小工具
  • 3、Standing atop the mountain peak, I was mesmerized by the grandeur of the scenic vista before me, as the sun painted the sky with brilliant hues of pink and orange, creating a breathtaking sight that filled my heart with awe and appreciation for the beauty of nature.
  • 4、AsI strolled along the shoreline of the deserted beach, with the gentle breeze caressing my face and the waves crashing against the shore, I couldn't help but feel a profound sense of tranquility and contentment, a moment of pure bliss amidst the chaos of life.
  • 5、The sprawling fields of vibrant flowers, swaying gently in the summer breeze, painted a picturesque scene that seemed to come straight out of a fairytale, filling my senses with an overwhelming joy and reminding me of the magic that lies within nature.
  • 6、Inthe midst of the dense forest, the towering trees seemed to reach for the endless sky, their leaves rustling in the wind, creating a symphony of nature that resonated deep within my soul, a reminder of the resilience and strength that can be found in even the harshest of environments.
  • 7、The vast expanse of the desert, with its towering sand dunes and endless horizon, filled me with a sense of mystery and adventure, as I found myself lost in its timeless beauty, contemplating the vastness of the universe and my place within it.
  • 8、As the first rays of sunlight peeked through the dense forest, illuminating the moss-covered trees and casting a mystical glow, I couldn't help but feel a sense of renewal and hope, as if nature was reminding me that with every dawn comes a chance for a fresh start.
  • 9、The vibrant colors of the autumn leaves, as they painted the landscape with shades of red, orange, and gold, created a scene so breathtakingly beautiful that it felt like walking through a living painting, a reminder of the fleeting nature of time and the cyclical rhythm of life.
  • 10、The bustling city streets, with its towering skyscrapers and neon lights, showcased the vibrant energy and diversity of human life, a constant reminder of the ingenuity and creativity that lies within us, inspiring me to chase my dreams and never settle for mediocrity.
  • 11、As I stepped into the ancient temple, with its intricate architecture and serene atmosphere, I was enveloped by a sense of peace and spirituality, a moment of connection with something larger than myself, reminding me of the power of faith and the importance of finding inner peace.
  • 12、The meandering river, cutting through the rugged mountains, reflected the unwavering determination of nature to carve its own path, a reminder that obstacles can be overcome with perseverance, and that in every challenge lies an opportunity for growth.
  • 13、In the heart of the bustling market, with its vibrant colors and intoxicating aromas, I felt alive and energized, immersed in the rich tapestry of humanity, united by our shared desires and aspirations, a testament to the beauty of our interconnectedness.
  • 14、The pristine snow-covered landscape, glittering under the winter sun, filled me with a childlike sense of wonder and joy, as I played in the snow and marveled at the delicate beauty of each snowflake, a fleeting reminder of the preciousness of each moment in life.
  • 15、从山脚廖宅村沿小径蜿蜒而上,一路层林叠翠,古藤虬结,石桥幽泉,珍草奇花,令人陶陶然如入桃源胜景
  • 16、此处神农架区内还有众多的奇洞、潮水河、猴子石、南垭山、小当阳等胜景
  • 17、以古人笔法,写眼前胜景,格调明快生动,形神必备,独具自然天趣,正是王翬迥于其他“三王”之处。
  • 18、纯净的佛国胜景深深打动着当时正在平城任职的一位官员,他将石窟竣工后的盛况记录下来。
  • 19、这是一处胜景,落英缤纷,蜜蜂飞舞。仿佛世外桃源。
  • 20、希望我是一孔清泉,泉水取之不尽,就象一个胜景无穷的去处。巴尔扎克
  • 21、则郡城之外,万壑千岩,人迹不到之处,名山胜景,弃置道旁,为村人俗子所埋没者,不知凡几矣。
  • 22、激流勇进者方能领略江河源头的奇观胜景
  • 23、艾叶飘香又端阳,百舸争流竞九江;登高远望揽胜景,碧水蓝天一线长;美酒佳酿交杯响,天涯相隔醉衷肠;踏破铁鞋奔波忙,愿君荣归福满堂。端午快乐!
  • 24、才夸北海风光好,又见石林更奇妙,心旷神怡览胜景,满载而归喜眉梢。
  • 25、大云寺塔八角十三层,雄伟壮观,与清应寺的姑洗塔双峰对峙,高插云天,“双峰宝塔”是武威佛教文化的一大胜景
  • 26、哀家不喜欢宫中只有一蓬花开得艳烈,百花盛放才是真正的三春胜景。流潋紫
  • 27、“其实中国是无地不美的,自城市以至乡村,一山一水,一丘一壑,只要稍加修饰和培植,都可以成流连难舍的胜景
  • 28、“电视挂到墙上看”———曾经由等离子独擅其美的这幅TV胜景,正迅速被同为平板的液晶电视毫不客气地分享。
  • 29、烧香礼拜,跟风看稀奇者,纯为名山胜景的看客等等。
  • 30、这些诗意盎然的“点赞和推介”,让长江库区水源林市级自然保护区的这个核心区几成地方“胜景”,市民争相前往。
  • 31、此塔突破了万树园的横野平空,是避暑山庄胜景之一.
  • 32、阳春三月,春光明媚,桃花“争开不待叶”盛开于枝头。它芬菲烂漫抚媚鲜丽,如一片片红霞,与绿树婆婆的垂柳相衬映,形成了桃红柳绿柳暗花明的春日胜景
  • 33、石象湖似一座仙境般的水上谜宫,湖光山色掩映在曲折幽深的胜景里,九沟十八岔、岔岔十八沟的神秘莫测,也让景区显得韵味独特。
  • 34、鹄立阳台,茫然远眺,西山胜景,万木萧疏。
  • 35、重庆潼南大佛寺,拥有世界第七、第一大室内装金摩岩大佛、摩石刻书法顶天“佛”字、天然回音壁“海潮音”等十八胜景
  • 36、暑气虽在,遥想金秋胜景。天高气爽,长空万里辽阔。庄稼将熟,五谷丰收在望。天凉好个秋!立秋到了,秋天还会远吗?
  • 37、胜景与景点结合在一起,人们便将应试高中者,誉为月中折桂之人。
  • 38、“赏花归去马如飞”,春天的胜景里,游人好玩的心意往往最为露骨。
  • 39、服务员:镇江位于长江南岸,称为“三山胜景”.
  • 40、快报讯见习记者赵凤娟弱柳扶风、闲花映水,莫愁湖公园中,一棵20多年的卧柳树是不少摄影爱好者的“心头好”,也是公园一处胜景
  • 41、这座凌空虹桥全部用石块砌成,鬼斧神工,真是人间胜景
  • 42、时常喜欢到险峻之地,吟风弄月,观览胜景
  • 43、“上河衢”取义“清明上河图”的神髓,意再现黄龙溪曾作为水陆交通枢纽、府河通衢、艨艟连翩的繁华胜景
  • 44、春天的短信我收到,短信是瑞雪心上飘,为丰年胜景送喜报。我给春天回短信,巧借春风把键敲,我是望春如渴的树,愿生命多彩把春造。
  • 45、这是一副长联,上联颂扬忠烈们的英雄气概,下联写尽了立身锁江所见的远近胜景,引人入胜的同时又字字力有千钧,用战联来形容一点都不为过。
  • 46、太阳初升,波光耀金,绿树披红,色彩斑斓;晨雾缭绕,景物朦胧,更显其蓬壶胜景;皓月当空,静影沉璧,海湾在珠光闪烁之中愈显深邃。
  • 47、这里山环水绕,溪流有声,岩壑林泉,清幽绝佳,被誉为峨眉山第一胜景
  • 48、赏元宵三五风光,千里婵娟,灯火辉煌。月圆粤野,灯烧珠江,人踏春阳。三美事方堪胜景,四无情可恨难长。喜的是歌舞升平,我心飞扬,踌躇满志,荡气回肠。
  • 49、落日余辉温情地挥洒在墨绿的呼伦贝尔草原上,晚霞映射出多彩的光线,丝丝缕缕、柔柔的、薄薄的、织就成七彩的光环。倘若以轻柔的光丝当琴弦、绿绿的草原作琴木,万物生灵的动听之声便是天地抚琴合奏之神曲。这一切的宏观胜景、微观空灵更加增添了大草原的神秘色彩和柔和色调。
  • 50、鸟瞰心境快慰享受眼帘流连胜景仙境境界葱郁。


胜景 shèngjǐng

胜景 (形容词) 胜景是指优美的(景物、境界、景象等),出处为茅以升的中国石拱桥。