- 1、报告称,中国超七成的能源消耗来自煤炭,电力行业耗煤量占其中一半以上。
- 2、分析了硅铁冶炼生产中,原料理化性能对产品质量、能源消耗指标的影响和精料入炉在提质降耗中的作用,阐述了做好这方面工作的重要意义。
- 3、Asthe world's population continues to grow, the increasing energy consumption poses a serious threat to our planet's sustainability.
- 4、The excessive energy consumption in industrialized countries has led to an alarming depletion of natural resources and a devastating impact on the environment.
- 5、The inefficient energy consumption patterns of modern society, coupled with the lack of renewable energy sources, are exacerbating the global energy crisis.
- 6、Itis imperative that we raise awareness about the consequences of our energy consumption habits and strive for a more sustainable and efficient use of resources.
- 7、The over-reliance on fossil fuels for energy production not only contributes to climate change but also puts a strain on finite resources that will eventually run out.
- 8、The excessive energy consumption in the transportation sector, particularly in the use of private vehicles, calls for the urgent development and adoption of alternative and cleaner forms of transportation.
- 9、The growing demand for energy in developing countries requires innovative solutions and investments in renewable energy sources to avoid replicating the destructive consumption patterns of developed nations.
- 10、The construction industry's energy consumption, particularly during the production of building materials, needs to be minimized through the use of recycled materials and incorporating energy-efficient design principles.
- 11、The energy consumption in the manufacturing sector is closely tied to economic growth and should be carefully managed to minimize its environmental impact and carbon footprint.
- 12、The growing popularity of digital technology and internet usage has led to an exponential increase in energy consumption in data centers, raising concerns about the sustainability of our digital age.
- 13、Education plays a crucial role in changing behavior and fostering a culture of responsible energy consumption among individuals and communities.
- 14、The development and utilization of clean and renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, are essential in reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and mitigating the negative effects of energy consumption.
- 15、Atransition towards energy-efficient appliances and technologies, coupled with behavioral changes and responsible consumption, can significantly reduce energy demand and its environmental impact.
- 16、The interdependence between energy consumption, economic growth, and social development requires a holistic approach that balances the needs of the present without compromising the future generations' well-being.
- 17、It is incumbent upon individuals, corporations, and governments to collaborate and take immediate action in curbing excessive energy consumption, to secure a sustainable future for all.
- 18、介绍了我国钢铁工业的能源消耗和二次能源利用状况,并同发达国家进行比较。
- 19、用于检测饮用水中的电导率仪水总溶解固体的方法具有较高的便利性,准确性,精密度,回收率,可靠性和低能源消耗。
- 20、开发国产的先进节能型隧道窑,对改变当前陶瓷工业技术装备落后的面貌,提高产品档次和降低能源消耗等是十分必要的。
- 21、通过电视电话会议、新视通、会易通等信息化手段,减少大量交通、水电、食宿等所产生的能源消耗。
- 22、由于采用了新技术,大大降低了能源消耗。
- 23、印度和中国同样关注的是,随着商业贸易和能源消耗攀升,一些海上事故就使得安全变得很敏感。
- 24、到草原度夏,到海南过冬,既能减少能源消耗,又呼吸新鲜空气。
- 25、此外,这类房屋装修往往还将减少能源消耗或者抑制能源消耗的增加从而提高家居价值。
- 26、这种新式灯泡是为应对1973年石油危机而发明的,意在帮助家庭削减能源消耗。
- 27、本文简要介绍了尖山公司通过加强基础管理,深入开展节能技术改造等工作,大大降低了能源消耗,为公司降低成本做出贡献。
- 28、安装平衡锤是减少拍门阻力和能源消耗的主要技术措施。
- 29、与能源消耗量关联日趋密切的工业增加值数据,显示产出有不容置疑的增长。
- 30、有什么低成本,或者接近无成本的措施能够被执行去减少学校冷气设备的能源消耗?
- 31、通过电解水制造氢气,能源消耗大而且价格昂贵。
- 32、这节省了大量资源,比如服务器数量、每台服务器上不同产品的能源消耗、安装和配置、测试执行时间,以及服务器管理。
- 33、通过对SPF实验动物房能源消耗大,运行成本高昂等问题的分析,对溶液为媒介的全热回收装置和板式全热换热器进行了全面的经验性比较。
- 34、用来防止产生开车痕的空投梭减少了机器部件的损耗,消除了昂贵的能源消耗高峰,也避免了短时间内能源供应的超负荷。
- 35、作为世界最大的能源消耗国之一,中国正面临着创建一个可持续的能源结构的紧急任务。
- 36、报告还指出,中国应该在2040年实现能源消耗速率的"零增长",在2050年实现生态环境退化速率的"零增长"。
- 37、电动滚筒式乾衣机是家居第三大能源消耗电器,紧次于冷气机及电热水炉。
- 38、工业锅炉是我国耗能最多的设备之一,每年消耗的能源约占整个国家能源消耗的三分之一。
- 39、本文介绍了65吨转炉在开展科技攻关,降低能源消耗,提高二次能源利用率等方面所做的一些工作及取得的成绩。
- 40、结果显示,物流从业人员数量、公路里程和公路货运周转量与物流能源消耗的关联度分列前三位。
- 41、香港虎报近日报道,随着能源消耗的增长,中国将在湖南省桃江县建第一个内陆核电站。
- 42、随着中国经济近年来飞速发展,中国的能源消耗也急剧上升,造成了自身的能源危机。
- 43、研究发现,我国汽车工业在重复建设、能源消耗、整车与零部件发展比例等方面存在严重问题。
- 44、日本的工厂还学会了如何减少能源消耗,能源使用率在世界上遥遥领先。
- 45、研究发现,1978年以来,河南省一次能源消耗的碳排放数量一直在增加。
- 46、的确,对半导体工业来说,在追求以同样的单位成本制造更高效能微晶片的路途上,热与能源消耗是当今最难以克服的障碍。