- 1、知之小工具在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天向上!
- 2、最大的孤独,是你的热情掉进周围的寂寞世界。你说什么,你唱什么,你呐喊什么,你即使自寻短见,都是你一个人。大地无动于衷。江觉迟
- 3、When faced with difficulties, choosing to isolate oneself instead of seeking help is a self-defeating act.
- 4、Jumping off a cliff without a parachute is a clear example of seeking one's own demise.
- 5、Ignoring the warnings and going into the hazardous area alone is a foolish and self-destructive decision.
- 6、Engaging in risky behaviors without considering the consequences is a reckless way to find trouble.
- 7、Engaging in a battle of words with an experienced speaker is like seeking humiliation willingly.
- 8、Sabotaging your own chances for success out of fear of failure is an act of self-sabotage.
- 9、Placing oneself in the middle of a war zone without any protective gear is an outright act of seeking harm.
- 10、Participating in extreme sports without proper training or safety equipment is an act of recklessness.
- 11、Provoking a venomous snake without any expertise in handling reptiles is an act of sheer stupidity.
- 12、Disregarding safety protocols and handling explosive materials with bare hands is seeking trouble intentionally.
- 13、Continuously antagonizing a powerful figure without any support or backup is an act of self-destruction.
- 14、Getting involved in a violent confrontation without understanding the potential consequences is an act of seeking trouble blindly.
- 15、Choosing to enter a forbidden area without authorization is intentionally seeking one's own misfortune.
- 16、Engaging in illegal activities without considering the legal repercussions is an act of foolishness.
- 17、Ignoring the warnings and diving into shark-infested waters without protective gear is a risk-seeking behavior that defies logic.
- 18、甚至有些心理不坚强的人还会自寻短见。
- 19、难道她想自寻短见?不行,宁远不会看着她结束自己的生命。
- 20、江翠莲想到当年被贼人抢走包袱,自己痛不欲生,差点儿自寻短见的情景,直把个万福祥恨得咬牙切齿,恨不得生吞活剥了面前这个道貌岸然的伪君子。
- 21、前世身患残疾,多灾多难,身边亲人一一离去,为天所欺,为人所辱,自寻短见,转临瞳界异世;今生誓当以瞳为剑,化身为龙,直破苍穹!
- 22、有的竟然自寻短见,为尽快解脱毒魔困扰,把复仇的希望继托在健康的桃源军身上。
- 23、唐牛前晚,白云山出现景区建设20年来最大规模的搜山救人行动,连续两天,为救一名疑因情困、失业而自寻短见的男子。
- 24、嗨**,有什么想不开的,非要自寻短见?
- 25、大嫂没有过不去的坎,你又为何自寻短见呢?
- 26、我已经奄奄一息在读"不要自寻短见"类型的书。
- 27、我记得几个月前,有一户城东药材商的儿子给她抢了,结果没出半月就自寻短见……
- 28、后来奶奶告诉我,当时的她曾想过自寻短见,但是她没有——因为我的存在。
- 29、不就是没了些许梨子么,用得着这般自寻短见吗?你就这般死了,你的家人怎么办?