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自我批评造句 首页

  • 1、知之小工具在线造句词典-造句大全,几千词语的造句供您参考!
  • 2、“自我批评怕丢面子,批评上级怕穿小鞋,批评同级怕伤和气,批评下级怕丢选票”,寥寥数语,将那种顾虑重重、患得患失的心态揭示得淋漓尽致。
  • 3、Through self-criticism, I realize that my tendency to procrastinate has hindered my personal growth and caused unnecessary stress in my life. I need to take proactive steps to overcome this habit and become more efficient in achieving my goals.
  • 4、Itis with deep self-reflection that I recognize my lack of empathy towards others. By acknowledging this flaw, I can begin to work on cultivating a genuine sense of compassion and understanding towards those who may have different experiences and perspectives.
  • 5、Myconstant need for validation and approval from others has hindered my ability to fully embrace my own self-worth. I need to let go of this reliance on external validation and focus on building a strong sense of self-confidence and inner peace.
  • 6、Through self-criticism, I realize that my fear of failure has often held me back from taking risks and pursuing my passions. I need to embrace the potential for failure as a stepping stone towards personal growth and allow myself to pursue my dreams with courage and conviction.
  • 7、Looking within, I realize that my tendency to be overly critical of myself has hindered my ability to celebrate my achievements and recognize my own strengths. I need to learn to acknowledge and appreciate my own accomplishments, fostering a positive and nurturing mindset.
  • 8、Reflecting on my past actions, I acknowledge that I have sometimes allowed jealousy to consume me, leading to toxic relationships and negative emotions. I need to learn to let go of envy and focus on my own growth, celebrating the success of others without feeling threatened.
  • 9、Through introspection, I realize that my inability to effectively communicate my thoughts and emotions has often strained my relationships. I need to work on improving my communication skills, actively listening, and expressing myself with clarity and empathy.
  • 10、Looking inward, I recognize my tendency to blame others for my own shortcomings and failures. I need to take responsibility for my actions, learn from my mistakes, and adopt a more proactive and accountable mindset.
  • 11、It is through self-criticism that I acknowledge my tendency to resist change and cling to familiarity. I need to embrace new experiences and challenges, stepping out of my comfort zone to fully explore my potential and discover new opportunities for growth.
  • 12、Reflecting on my behavior, I recognize that my impulsiveness has often led to overspending and financial instability. I need to develop self-discipline and create a budgeting plan to regain control of my finances and secure a more stable future.
  • 13、Through self-reflection, I realize that my constant need for perfectionism has hindered my ability to take risks and make progress. I need to learn to embrace imperfections as part of the learning process and allow myself to move forward without fear of failure.
  • 14、Looking deep within, I realize that my tendency to hold grudges and dwell on past grievances has only perpetuated negativity in my life. I need to let go of resentment, forgive others, and focus on cultivating positive relationships based on understanding and forgiveness.
  • 15、Reflecting on my actions, I recognize my inclination to be overly controlling in interpersonal relationships. I need to learn to let go of the need to control everything and trust in the abilities and decisions of those around me.
  • 16、It is through self-criticism that I acknowledge my tendency to be dismissive of others' emotions and struggles. I need to cultivate a sense of empathy and actively validate the feelings and experiences of those around me.
  • 17、Reflecting on my behavior, I recognize my habit of constantly seeking external validation to boost my self-esteem. I need to develop a strong sense of self-worth and rely less on others' opinions to feel confident and secure.
  • 18、Looking deep within, I realize that my inability to delegate tasks and trust others has hindered my own personal growth and limited the potential of those around me. I need to learn to let go, distribute responsibilities, and rely on the capabilities of others to achieve collective success.
  • 19、一些领导干部奉行“好人主义”,不但使一个地方、一个单位“批评与自我批评”荡然无存,而且上行下效,形成了庸俗的官风和林林总总的潜规则。
  • 20、企业管理需各种各样的、互不相容的才能:既需要远见又需要关注细节,既需要情商又需要分析能力,既需要自信又需要自我批评
  • 21、实事求是,摆事实讲道理的批评和自我批评能使人心服口服,但那种随意上纲上线、抓辫子、扣帽子、打棍子的做法,是不能说服教育人的。
  • 22、我们要积极开展自我批评活动。
  • 23、在这样一个重大的会议上,周*来“作了自我批评,主动承担了责任,表现出严于责己,宽以待人的态度”。
  • 24、但是必须开展自我批评,正视错误倾向,认真实行改正.
  • 25、自我批评,这是一所严酷的培养良心的学校。
  • 26、许多爱生气的人大多固执已见,不愿倾听、尊重别人的意见,缺乏足够的自我批评精神。学会合理的让步,不仅对事情的发展和问题的解决有益处,也会赢得他人的好感,最终使生气的诱因荡然无存。
  • 27、现在说好话、唱赞歌,批评和自我批评开展不起来,有的单位上下级之间和干部之间奉迎讨好、吹吹拍拍,影响很坏,必须狠刹这股风。
  • 28、在批评与自我批评中有“辣味”但没变味,红了脸但没翻脸,敢开炮但没打横炮。
  • 29、展批评和自我批评怕丢面子,怕得罪人,提意见建议避重就轻;检查工作不看现场和实绩,看文件、资料多少,文字资料越多说明工作越优秀;开展调研走过场,调研报告不切实际,大篇幅应用复制粘贴;劳民伤财搞形象工程。
  • 30、高度的自尊心不是骄傲、自大或缺乏自我批评精神的同义词。自尊心强的人不是认为自己比别人优越,而只是对自己有信心,相信自己能够克服自己的缺点。
  • 31、人需要不断地跳出自我的牢笼,才能有新的感觉,新的方法,也能有更正确的自我批评
  • 32、批评和自我批评是处理人民内部矛盾的行之有效方法。
  • 33、官场讲究允执厥中、人情练达、静水深流,批评与自我批评的“红脸会”已经很久没有这么认真了。
  • 34、两人都作了自我批评,消除误会,言归于好了。
  • 35、文章称,一些党组织开展批评与自我批评不同程度地存在着一些问题,怕被领导“穿小鞋”,“自我批评不认真、互相批评不较真”。
  • 36、批评和自我批评,更是我们党的三大作风之一.
  • 37、知之小工具在线造句词典-造句大全,上万词语的造句供您参考!
  • 38、有了错误,不做批评和自我批评,反而归结于别人手里错拿了放大镜,而非举起望远镜,实在是有些拎不清。
  • 39、同学之间发生矛盾,要各自多做自我批评
  • 40、纠缠老帐,而是通过批评与自我批评加强了团结。
  • 41、我要不断地加强学习提高自己的思想觉悟,坚决听党和毛*席的话,经常开展批评与自我批评,随时清除思想上的毛病,在伟大的革命事业中做一个永不生锈的螺丝钉。
  • 42、全市各级党组织要认真细致地做好专题民主生活会的准备工作,谈心谈话要充分、深入,查摆剖析问题要真正把自己摆进去,批评和自我批评要有效展开。
  • 43、互助组每天还用三、五分钟作公开的自我批评
  • 44、但他有一个最大的长处,凡事爱做自我批评,严于责己,宽以待人,知错就改,从善如流,其伟大人格令人折服。
  • 45、有人常讲要开展批评和自我批评,可别人对他刚提了点意见,就暴跳如雷,这不是叶公好龙是什么?
  • 46、我们知道你自我批评精神很强,但个人天地毕竟有限。人家对你的好评只能起鼓舞作用,不同的意见才能使你进步、扩大视野,希望用冷静和虚心的态度加以思考。傅雷
  • 47、当人民内部遇到矛盾时,我们提倡反求诸己,运用批评与自我批评来解决问题。
  • 48、是闻过则喜,勇于自我批评,还是讳疾忌医,坚持错误,这是两种截然不同的态度。
  • 49、我们有批评和自我批评这个原创主义的武器。我们能够去掉不良作风,保持优良作风。
  • 50、在全国委员会第二次会议闭幕的时候,我曾提出了以批评和自我批评方法进行自我教育和自我改造的建议。


自我批评 zì wǒ pī píng
