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自毁造句 首页

  • 1、誉人而人亦誉之,则是自誉矣;毁人而人亦毁之,则是自毁也。自誉,仁之贼也,自毁,义之贼也。姚莹
  • 2、暗恋是一种自毁,是一种伟大的牺牲。
  • 3、Hewas so consumed by self-doubt and negative thoughts that he became his own worst enemy, constantly engaging in self-destructive behaviors.
  • 4、Despite her talents and potential, she fell into a downward spiral of substance abuse, ultimately leading to her own self-destruction.
  • 5、The greed and obsession for power led the once-respected politician to self-destruct, as his corrupt actions were exposed and his reputation crumbled.
  • 6、Itwas as if a dark cloud followed him everywhere, constantly tempting him to engage in self-sabotage and ultimately leading to his own self-destruction.
  • 7、She had so much potential and dreams, but her fear of failure and self-doubt ultimately led to her own self-destruction.
  • 8、The obsession to attain societal standards of beauty drove her to extreme dieting and self-harm, ultimately leading to her own self-destruction.
  • 9、The never-ending pursuit of perfection blinded her from the beauty of imperfection, eventually causing her to self-destruct and lose sight of her true self.
  • 10、His constant need for validation and approval from others became his own worst enemy, as he relied on external factors for his self-worth, ultimately leading to his self-destruction.
  • 11、The toxic relationship sapped her of her self-esteem and happiness, leading her down a path of self-destruction, as she became convinced that she was unworthy of love and happiness.
  • 12、The constant comparison to others and the need to measure up to impossible standards led him to self-destruct, as he constantly felt inadequate and unworthy.
  • 13、Her inability to forgive herself for past mistakes and move on caused her to self-destruct, as she was trapped in a cycle of guilt and self-punishment.
  • 14、The fear of failure and rejection became his own worst enemy, as he continually undermined his own abilities and sabotaged his chances of success, leading to his own self-destruction.
  • 15、The constant need for control and perfectionism prevented him from taking risks and embracing change, ultimately resulting in his own self-destruction, as he became stuck in a stagnant and unfulfilling life.
  • 16、The fear of vulnerability and emotional intimacy pushed her to self-destruct, as she constantly built walls around her heart and pushed away those who truly cared for her.
  • 17、The inability to let go of past traumas and resentments consumed him, eventually leading him to self-destruct, as he became stuck in a never-ending cycle of bitterness and anger.
  • 18、The constant need for validation and acceptance from others became her own worst enemy, as she neglected her own needs and desires, ultimately leading to her self-destruction.
  • 19、His refusal to seek help for his mental health struggles and his insistence on bottling up his emotions eventually caused him to self-destruct, as he became overwhelmed by his own internal battles.
  • 20、要避免这样自毁的行为,我们需要放松,客观地来分析情况。
  • 21、人的内心,既求生,也求死。我们既追逐光明,也追逐黑暗。我们既渴望爱,有时候却又近乎自毁地浪掷手中的爱。人的心中好像一直有一片荒芜的夜地,留给那个幽暗又寂寞的自我。弗洛伊德
  • 22、孟子曰‘人必自辱而后人辱之;家必自毁,而后人毁之;国必自伐,而后人伐之。
  • 23、你生就高傲,迷死人脸不要,潘安见你自毁容貌,老师定义帅哥就把你挑。你乃极品中的极品,小李的飞刀。525爱己日,快乐要分享,别光顾着镜子傻笑。
  • 24、众志成城人心思进,更要激浊扬清弘扬正气,揪出那些自毁根基、自坏长城的国之蠹虫。
  • 25、他时常告诫过分沉迷于电玩的年轻人,勿玩物丧志而自毁前程。
  • 26、而帮卡扎菲平乱则与美国价值观相悖,自毁美国的大中东战略。
  • 27、至于殷浩,一纸空函,自毁前程,栽在书信礼仪上,传中称其“识度清远”“有德有言”,也许水分不少。
  • 28、反之就容易被“香花毒草”所诱惑、“糖衣炮弹”所击中,自毁前程、自毁人生。
  • 29、南宋统治集团自毁抗金长城、自折“迎二圣、复故疆”。
  • 30、利欲莫心动,心动必自毁
  • 31、田丰沮授二人都深受阉党之害,听了刘欣的话互相对望了一眼,田丰起身说道:“大人切不可因为梦中所见而结交阉党,自毁名声,而为天下君子所不耻。
  • 32、8:人必自悔然后人悔之,家必自毁然后毁之,国必自伐然后人伐之。
  • 33、钦宗则是在女真人兵临城下之际,兀自汲汲于内斗,甚至自毁长城,撤去主掌城防,深孚众望的李纲,以至有“靖康之变”。
  • 34、天下之事在人为,决不可以一时之波澜遂自毁其壮志。
  • 35、故天降大任于是人也,必先苦心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。家必自毁,而后人毁之。
  • 36、愚痴邪见即是自造恶业;懒惰懈怠就是自毁前程;自怨自艾终究于事无补;怨天尤人只会更加坏事。
  • 37、离娄上:人之患,在好为人师。夫人必自侮,然后人侮之;家必自毁,而后人毁之;国必自伐,而后人伐之。孟子
  • 38、而对商家而言,是在玩剑走偏锋的低俗营销路线,从长久来看,这样的营销实在是自损品味和自毁形象。
  • 39、然后你就可以通过VPN在手机间进行协作了,甚至在手机被偷后你还能直接发送一个自毁指令给手机。
  • 40、民主集中,民族复兴;独断专行,自毁前程;党风正,世风日正;勤政爱民,国运昌盛。
  • 41、那一刻他看着她,就像看着一片从天空砸下来的冰,一坠而下,带着自毁的速度,落地的瞬间爆裂炸碎,化水如流血,谁也接不住她,谁也留不住她。朝小诚
  • 42、知之小工具尽量原创和收集优质句子,使您在造句的同时,还能学到有用的知识.
  • 43、这件事之后,我得到了一个道理:你若想做一个成功的人,那么你就必须经常反省,不要取得一点成绩就沾沾自喜,自毁前程。
  • 44、我荣糖初建,身单力薄,找料到难免会有大势力会持强来夺,所以,特地设计了其自毁设置,一经强力破开,其内装置自然的碎为一团,无从插手。
  • 45、这些念头还会回来,但是你们要力图加以阻止。你们有两种选择:控制你们的思想,或是被它所控制。你们已经选择过第二种,被恐惧、激动、犹豫牵着鼻子走,因为人具有一种自毁的倾向。保罗·戈埃罗
  • 46、书的副标题是“美国国际集团自毁警示录”。
  • 47、暗言术:灭:该法术的自毁伤害不再会被反射和抵抗。
  • 48、不要自毁,因为人间除了寂寞,还有希望。波波
  • 49、我以为太紧张自己前途的人,反而都有自毁的可能,因为一旦事业失败,便没有了其他东西分神。
  • 50、39夫人必自侮,然后人侮之;家必自毁,而后人毁之;国必自伐,而后人伐之知之小工具。


自毁 zìhuǐ

自毁 自毁,拼音为zì huǐ,汉语词语,是指某人或某种东西的自我毁灭。