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自然经济造句 首页

  • 1、资本主义生产打破了自给自足的自然经济,人与人之间的社会联系大大加强。
  • 2、由于这种军役制度与自然经济具有天然的联系,因而它与商品经济是格格不入的。
  • 3、Ina natural economy, communities prioritize the preservation of natural resources, promoting a deeper understanding and respect for the delicate balance that sustains life on our planet.
  • 4、Byembracing a natural economy, we can reestablish a profound connection with the natural world, realizing that our well-being is intrinsically linked to the health of the environment.
  • 5、The simplicity and sustainability of a natural economy provide an alternative to the consumerist culture that often leaves individuals feeling empty and disconnected from their surroundings.
  • 6、Aatural economy fosters self-sufficiency within communities, empowering individuals to take control of their own livelihoods and reducing dependence on external markets.
  • 7、Ina natural economy, the intrinsic value of natural resources is recognized and respected, discouraging overexploitation and encouraging responsible stewardship of the Earth's gifts.
  • 8、The principles of a natural economy challenge the notion that economic growth and environmental degradation must go hand in hand, promoting innovative solutions that benefit both people and the planet.
  • 9、Through the lens of a natural economy, we begin to see economic prosperity not as the accumulation of material wealth, but as the ability to live in harmony with nature and fulfill our basic needs.
  • 10、By embracing a natural economy, we can reclaim our role as caretakers of the Earth, acknowledging our responsibility to future generations and working towards a more sustainable and equitable world.
  • 11、Anatural economy fosters collaboration and cooperation among individuals and communities, recognizing that our collective well-being is intimately tied to the health of our shared natural environment.
  • 12、In a world driven by profit and the pursuit of growth, a natural economy provides a much-needed reminder of the intrinsic value of the natural world and the importance of living in harmony with it.
  • 13、当中国闭关锁国时,亚洲的经济地图上出现了一块巨大的空白,当中国开启国门时,该地区的自然经济地理让世人刮目相看,政治影响力也在加强。
  • 14、自给自足和自然经济不能促进生产的飞跃发展。
  • 15、知之小工具原创和收集优质句子,使您在造句的同时,还能学到有用的知识.
  • 16、长期以来,农业一直处于分散、落后、自给自足的自然经济之中.
  • 17、在封建自然经济解体之前,商法只能以习惯法、商人自治法的形式存在。
  • 18、本文认为,这种生活样式是自然经济的派生物,是布依族的一种社会制度,是维系社区、群内聚力的纽带。
  • 19、长期以来,纸媒“内向型”发展的自然经济模式使得纸媒难以实现突破式增长。
  • 20、但重农抑商思想和政策不是出现在自然经济比较强固的封建领主制时代,而是出现在商品经济有了较大发展的封建地主制时代,持上述观点的学者面对这样一个基本事实,如何自圆其说呢?
  • 21、我国传统社会极为漫长,其自然经济、*制统治、家族制度和以儒家文化为主导的文化样态在一定程度上阻碍了现代社会公德的生长发育。
  • 22、自然经济;计划经济;市场经济;人际关系;人际交往;和谐的人际关系.
  • 23、甘地要求他的人民勤于纺织,因为他将自己崇尚的人类价值观,赋予了自然经济时代,那时的每家每户过着自己动手丰衣足食的生活。
  • 24、而安土重迁的农业生产方式导致农业社会的自然经济结构。
  • 25、建立在自然经济和宗法社会基础上的小农意识,日益阻碍着中国现代化的纵深发展。
