- 1、不过一个16英寸口径的望远镜和带有窄滤波的广角镜相机,获得了如此清晰的螺旋结构景象。
- 2、科学家称,汽车后备箱是最脏的地方,每1.5平方英寸有1000个细菌。
- 3、AsI held my newborn baby for the first time, I couldn't help but marvel at how tiny and fragile she was, measuring just a few inches long.
- 4、The towering skyscrapers in New York City seem to reach towards the sky, their height measured in inches, representing the human ability to create awe-inspiring structures.
- 5、The tailor took precise measurements, ensuring that my suit fit perfectly, from the shoulder width to the length of the sleeves, all in inches.
- 6、The legendary football player's physical prowess was evident as every inch of his six-foot-five-inch frame dominated the field.
- 7、Standing on the edge of the majestic Grand Canyon, I felt infinitesimally small, the vastness of the canyon stretching out for miles in every direction, measured in inches on a map.
- 8、The famous fashion designer meticulously selected fabrics and coordinated patterns, ensuring that every inch of his runway collection exuded sophistication and elegance.
- 9、The marathon runner pushed herself to the limit, covering 26.2 miles inch by inch, fighting through the fatigue and pain to reach the finish line.
- 10、The delicate lace gown showcased the fine craftsmanship of the designer, with intricate details woven into every inch of fabric, creating a stunning wedding dress.
- 11、The child's growth chart on the wall marked every inch of their development, a visual reminder of their journey from a tiny baby to a tall and independent individual.
- 12、The photographer captured the breathtaking landscape, the rolling hills and picturesque valleys extending for inches on the photograph, evoking a sense of wanderlust in viewers.
- 13、The mechanic carefully examined every inch of the engine, diagnosing the problem with precision and expertise, ensuring that the car would run smoothly once again.
- 14、The architect meticulously planned the interior design of the luxurious mansion, optimizing every inch of the space to create a comfortable and stylish living environment.
- 15、The entertainer commanded the stage, captivating the audience with every inch of their performance, leaving no moment dull or unmemorable.
- 16、The avid gardener lovingly tended to the plants, carefully measuring the spacing between each seedling, allowing them to grow and flourish without competing for every inch of soil.
- 17、The tailor measured each model's body, ensuring that every inch of fabric was perfectly tailored to accentuate their unique features, creating a stunning and flattering fit.
- 18、The teacher decorated the classroom meticulously, paying attention to every inch of the walls, filling them with colorful educational posters and inspiring quotes, creating a welcoming and engaging learning environment.
- 19、海盗探险队的人物为6.5英寸高,配有包括一只鹦鹉或财宝箱的多样混合的附件。
- 20、为普通百慕大草而设计的果岭,在种上剪股颖并剪到八分之一英寸的时候,其将不是很有可玩性。
- 21、坦克中间围着一个6英寸宽的凸缘.
- 22、在起跳板之前是块可塑板,宽约4英寸,运动员的脚印会被印上。
- 23、铺设在小水管上的甲板是36块6X2英寸的木板,每块的长度也是40英尺。
- 24、这尺蠖的底面措施宝宝高达24英寸。
- 25、他的妈妈和两个姐妹在那里洗衣服,“这裤子太长了”他说,裤筒需要缩短两英寸。
- 26、这款机型厚度只有1.08英寸,不过在长宽尺寸方面则比旧款型号更大,重量也从5磅降低到了4.7磅。
- 27、最后,其他女孩帮腔英寸“四美元,”她说。
- 28、这是按每英寸100英里的比例尺画的地图.
- 29、我需要学习表示“克”或“英寸”的中国字吗?
- 30、这种新战列舰将装上16英寸口径的大炮.
- 31、纳米布沙漠可能是世界上最古老的沙漠,沙丘高达1000英尺,该地区的干旱气候持续了5500万年,年平均降雨量只有2.5英寸。
- 32、这款褒贬不一的手机拥有一块3.2英寸的触摸屏,标准英文键盘和可自由定制的主题。
- 33、用手电筒向13英寸以下的废墟中照进去,他们发现了迹象。
- 34、姐姐身上穿着一件新制的绿色的花布春衫,从弹簧箍上撑出波浪纹的长裙,配着脚上一双也是绿色的低跟鞋……她的腰围不过17英寸,穿着那窄窄的春衫,显得十分合身。里面紧紧绷着一件小马甲,使得她的胸部特别隆起。
- 35、我那同学把那车打造的很快,他找来了一台389立方英寸的引擎,并换上了高性能零件,这些都被他父母鼓励。
- 36、他经过计算发现,如果虫子们像模型这样,大约一英寸长一盎司重,那么等比例放大后,他们将会重达108,000磅。
- 37、例如如果你购买了一款爱可视公司生产的10英寸平板电脑,你就无法联入Android市场。
- 38、这3至5.75英寸由两片三明治一样海绵体构成。海绵组织在它的主人性唤起时充血,并且变得坚硬。
- 39、当我排队购买一套啦啦队长服和足球衣的6英寸仿造品时,忍不住笑了:在一片红白蓝之间,一块标签上写着“中国制造”。
- 40、三英寸高,武装到牙齿,他是一个好士兵。
- 41、如果沙漏中沙的总量为160立方英寸,那么沙漏下端那一半沙的量该是多少?
- 42、在国际消费电子展上,松下公司推出了一款152英寸的等离子屏幕,其影像效果比很多电影院还要好。
- 43、女人:是啊,没错,我腰围也曾经是24英寸。你已经失去了,现在麻烦借过,好狗不挡道。
- 44、一幅花鸟国画贺匾依墙而立,旁边两组柜子贴着墙壁,30多平方米的屋子里摆着三套桌椅、一台17英寸液晶电脑,略显空旷。
- 45、再把这些配料倒进一个25立方英寸的平底锅中。
- 46、一英寸生姜一块,切丝或用小刨刀刨成丝。
- 47、他介绍说工程师们将建一个一英寸大小的翼展,很有可能有纳米材料做成.
- 48、在30英寸印刷机上印名片简直是大材小用.
- 49、在四英寸的横梁上弹跳,我像个夜魔侠,变成它的一部分。
- 50、每一束花簇的直径都在六英寸左右,而每一丛的花簇就有十多束之多。