- 1、一直拖了20到30英尺后,雪佛兰车减速停了下来。
- 2、乞力马扎罗山海拔19340英尺,人们在攀登过程中常常会出现如脑水肿或肺气肿之类的致命问题。
- 3、AsI walked through the grand library, I couldn't help but be amazed by the towering bookshelves, reaching up to the ceiling, measuring in feet, filled with the wisdom and knowledge of countless generations.
- 4、The beauty of nature unfolded before my eyes as I strolled through the charming garden, adorned with colorful flowers and lush greenery, with majestic trees reaching towards the sky, their branches stretching for several feet in every direction.
- 5、With each powerful stride, the majestic racehorse galloped down the homestretch, its hooves pounding against the track, propelled forward by its strong, muscular legs, covering several feet with each leap.
- 6、Inthe hustle and bustle of the city, a street performer captivated the crowd with his gravity-defying acrobatics, balancing himself on a thin steel wire, high above the ground, demonstrating his fearlessness and precision, as he walked effortlessly for several feet without losing his balance.
- 7、The elderly couple held hands as they walked slowly along the picturesque beach, leaving their footprints in the sand behind them, savoring each moment as the waves gently kissed their feet, feeling the cooling sensation of the water against their skin.
- 8、The mighty oak tree stood tall in the middle of the forest, its branches spreading out in all directions, providing shade and shelter for the creatures that lived beneath its canopy, its roots stretching deep into the earth for stability and nourishment.
- 9、As the hiker trekked through the daunting mountain range, he marveled at the snow-capped peaks that towered above him, their heights measured in thousands of feet, reminding him of the immense power and beauty of nature.
- 10、In the enchanting garden, the child pointed at the vibrant butterfly fluttering above the colorful flowers, its delicate wings measuring a few inches in span, captivating her imagination and filling her with wonder.
- 11、The construction workers toiled tirelessly under the scorching sun, carefully measuring and cutting the long wooden beams, each one several feet in length, as they built the sturdy framework that would soon become a safe and beautiful home for a deserving family.
- 12、The landscape painter meticulously captured the beauty of the rolling hills, the fields filled with wildflowers, the distant mountains reaching into the horizon, and the grazing cows, using his brush strokes to portray the vastness and tranquility of nature in every square foot of his canvas.
- 13、The ambitious engineer designed an innovative bridge that spanned the wide river, connecting two cities and bringing people closer together, its strength and stability assured by the meticulously calculated dimensions of each steel beam, stretching for several feet.
- 14、The astronaut floated weightlessly in the vastness of space, looking down at planet Earth from several hundred miles above, marveling at the beauty and fragility of our planet, feeling a profound sense of awe and wonder at the immense scale of the universe.
- 15、起飞后不久,在海拔约50英尺,是一个不祥的自卖自夸烟雾信号开始解体火箭。
- 16、造成浓烟不散的是反气旋、大气高压中心,它们都由季风在地球表面几千英尺处形成稳定气层。
- 17、而是“不足三英尺深的沼泽”,而且它遥远的出海口是个流沙湾口。航行只限于浅底船只,即使在短暂的,无冰的夏季,航行也已足够棘手。
- 18、围墙的一些部分有17英尺高,金属板延伸至地下10英尺之深,就是为了防止有人挖地道。
- 19、他在一千英尺的高度改变飞行姿势。翼梢在狂风中噼啪直响,轮廓都模糊了;海鸥群斜着在他身旁掠过,疾如流星迸射。
- 20、尼泊尔疆域不大。我们的飞机正在12,000英尺的高空往东飞行。从左侧机窗望去,30英里外的地方,可以清晰地看到挺拔的喜马拉雅山脉的蜃景,茫茫白色,蔚为壮观。
- 21、我不是要给你25.3摄氏度或者38.7摄氏度我也不能给你3000英尺或者20000英里我只是希望你能得到你最想要的那种幸福得到最能温暖你的温暖得到最让你自由的自由。扎西拉姆·多多
- 22、有个五十英尺高的冰淇淋甜筒,筒顶蹦出来一只八英尺长的臭鼬,往筒下跑并喷臭味在你最好的朋友身上。
- 23、比如,在钢结构中,可以根据建筑物的每平方英尺楼板面积所需要钢材的总平均数量来限定经济。
- 24、一种较老的单位是每平方米英尺的流明数,即英寸烛光,这种单位已经废除.
- 25、这位7英尺高的德国前锋,带着一只指头拉伤的左手,轰进了达拉斯的最后9分。他全场得到24分,包括最后3秒致胜的上篮。
- 26、黄埔的夕潮不知怎的已经涨上了,现在沿这苏州河的两岸的各色船只都浮得高高的,舱面比码头还高了约半英尺。
- 27、队员们异常激动,就地挖了一个两英尺深的坑,但最后找到的是一枚几乎一钱不值的小金币。
- 28、所谓的领属地即河床上15英尺宽的一块地。
- 29、我公司购吸塑包装的输液器。数量:20英尺整箱货。如有必要,请直接按您的产品规格和照片报离岸价格。请告知详情!
- 30、咖啡树是常绿植物,能长到15英尺以上,但是通常被修建到8英尺左右来增加收成。
- 31、塔身建在巨大的水下钢盘混凝土平台上。平台深入海底100英尺。
- 32、为了避免那棵50英尺高的树压坏房子,士兵们认为应该在树顶上拴一根绳子,在砍树的时候用绳子把树拉开。
- 33、很久很久以前,比亚瑟王的时代更早的时候,有位身高三英尺的小铁匠。
- 34、得分后卫带球过半场,将球控制在罚球区顶部距对方篮筐约24英尺处,然后正是启动本队演练了几百次的战术。
- 35、在地下溶洞内,目击者在这里也称看到过大概在五英尺高的大桶内存放的整具虎骨,对访客进行严格限制和封锁。
- 36、高斯之眼,有时被视为次级眼魔,是由中央主眼控制的4英尺宽的圆球。
- 37、我工作时不思考其他任何东西。我并不试图超过七英尺高的栏杆:我到处找的是我能跨过的一英尺高的栏杆。
- 38、现在,这里是你第一计量的动力:根据我们的饮食计划,你能在四星期里减掉2英尺和10磅。
- 39、小印度猫鼬不到一二英尺高,原先引入波多黎各和夏威夷群岛,是为了保护甘蔗田免受老鼠和蛇的伤害,结果,猫鼬没有起到控制物种拥挤的作用,其危害却迅速地远远超过预期的野生动物危害。
- 40、几年前,在红海底一只沉船里工作的潜水员几次看到一条20英尺长的濑鱼。
- 41、其中的一些洞穴通过陡峭的入口通道或立井通向地面,深达160英尺。
- 42、这块巨型蛋糕于本周一在美国密歇根州的底特律市公布于众,它的“腰围”惊人,达到11英尺,比之前的记录保持者大八倍之多。
- 43、看了十几间房子后,她相中了具有新艺术主义风格建筑的一间900平方英尺的卧房,这栋楼一共有6层。
- 44、总之,船尾是沉下去了。一点点地,直沉到水下三英尺的地方,只剩下我和船长两个站在那里面面相觑。
- 45、用你的武器击打地面,给予30英尺内的所有敌人伤害,存积正义的怒气。
- 46、汇丰控股在全球运营着大约1万处房产,总面积达7,800万平方英尺。
- 47、知之小工具在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天向上!
- 48、每个案件,我都想知道作案人的身高,身高在五英尺八英寸以上者都有嫌疑。
- 49、“马库斯·朗塞特”号海洋考察船图长235英尺,重3834英吨,由美国国家科学基金会和哥伦比亚大学拉蒙特-多尔蒂地球观测站共同拥有。
- 50、我并不试图越过七英尺高的栅栏:我到处找的是一英尺高的栅栏。