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  • 1、安逸的环境造就不出时代的英才
  • 2、知名营销专家于清教认为,中华英才网被购是资本对赌的无奈。
  • 3、The company recognized Jack's exceptional talent and promoted him to a leadership position.
  • 4、Jenny's artistic abilities were evident from a young age, and she quickly became an accomplished painter.
  • 5、Mark's innovative ideas and problem-solving skills made him a valuable asset to the research team.
  • 6、Sarah's outstanding academic achievements and dedication to extracurricular activities earned her the title of "the school's rising star."
  • 7、Despite facing numerous challenges, Tom's perseverance and creativity allowed him to excel in his chosen field.
  • 8、Emily's natural charisma and leadership qualities made her a perfect candidate for the role of team captain.
  • 9、David's exceptional musical talent was evident when he effortlessly played complex pieces on the piano.
  • 10、Lucy's impeccable organizational skills and attention to detail made her the go-to person for project management.
  • 11、Peter's exceptional language skills allowed him to easily communicate and build relationships with people from diverse backgrounds.
  • 12、Lisa's unwavering determination and strong work ethic propelled her to become a successful entrepreneur.
  • 13、John's exceptional athletic abilities and dedication to training made him a star player on the basketball team.
  • 14、Jane's exceptional writing skills and unique perspective captivated readers and earned her a loyal following.
  • 15、Erica's exceptional mathematical aptitude and logical reasoning were evident in her ability to solve complex equations easily.
  • 16、Kevin's exceptional culinary skills and creativity in the kitchen earned him numerous accolades and recognition in the culinary world.
  • 17、Rebecca's exceptional communication skills and ability to connect with people made her an effective spokesperson for the organization.
  • 18、Patrick's exceptional salesmanship and ability to build rapport with customers significantly contributed to the company's success.
  • 19、Emma's exceptional artistic vision and attention to detail allowed her to create breathtaking sculptures that left viewers in awe.
  • 20、Alex's exceptional musical talent and unique style of composition set him apart from other musicians in the industry.
  • 21、将军可曾见到,我帐中诸将可谓人才济济,英才辈出,逊也自诩为可成大事之人,如若子义肯降,逊必不薄待。
  • 22、勇登书山,点点心血勤育英才厚泽九州;我本英雄,滴滴汗水勇赴学海逐鹿中原。
  • 23、白英才看着最维护自己的茗茗都在一旁落井下石,越发的囧了。
  • 24、不计辛劳只奉献,三尺讲台,夜灯长明,两鬓飞白混不见,赤诚之心不一般,桃李天下,香满人间,英才济济笑开颜,教师节感恩无限,真挚祝福,真心相传,唯愿您安康永远!
  • 25、故九江太守边让,英才俊伟,天下知名;直言正色,论不阿谄;身首被枭悬之诛,妻孥受灰灭之咎。
  • 26、剧辛乐毅感恩分,输肝剖胆效英才
  • 27、当然不是,早就听闻您淑质英才,后人又怎么可能轻易超越您呢。
  • 28、昨日,记者从英才学校两位带队老师处了解到,在众多节目中,英才男孩的舞蹈《小毛驴》格外吸引众人眼球,“小毛驴”成了这群男孩的代号。
  • 29、秦公子少年英才,当不至于学柳屯田流连花丛吧,想必秦公子心中定然另有丘壑。
  • 30、当年麟儿何尝不是天纵英才,却在大堂试前一天遭人暗算,到现在还躺在那里不生不死。
  • 31、本来欲留兄弟在营中建一番功业,但兄弟乃天纵英才,必不是因人成事者,勉强留你,反误了你的前程。
  • 32、的填词人杨明学在二十四岁时也去世,天妒忌英才
  • 33、今天下午,今年记者节系列活动之一,第二场上海青年新闻英才经验分享会在汉口路申报馆旧址举行。
  • 34、年二十四,字正平,淑质贞亮,英才卓跞。
  • 35、中华英才网“赢在校园”2007年素质拓展训练营上海赛区六人团队负责人知之小工具,并带领团队获得上海赛区第二名。
  • 36、泸州纳溪英才外国语学校第周升旗仪式现在开始。出旗,奏乐!
  • 37、欢迎社会各届英才加盟本公司。
  • 38、中华英才网系国内排名前三的人力资源公司之一。
  • 39、逆境是人生的摇篮,磨炼是成功的良伴,挫折是英才的乳汁,失败是胜利的基石。
  • 40、“天妒英才”聊城:11个月女婴体内**入16根钢针。
  • 41、故尚书丁管,英才俊伟,天下知名,直言正色,论不阿谄,身首被枭悬之诛,妻孥受灰灭之咎。
  • 42、出身门第高的贵族子弟占据了高位,那么出身贫寒的英才就要受到压制和排斥。
  • 43、根据中华英才网组织的大学生年度投票显示,雀巢在快销行业一直处在前十位。
  • 44、中国社会调查所、中华英才网的调查显示:迷茫并不是一个个别现象,大多数学生都曾或正在经历这种煎熬。
  • 45、融众向武大捐赠百万设英才基金。
  • 46、六月鲜花灿烂开,捷报似花纷纷来。花容笑容相辉映,梦想实现好风景。昂首阔步入名校,范游书海再深造。只为今朝长才干,明显正当好英才。愿你的明天灿烂辉煌。
  • 47、燕鸣翔宇渤海边,大气磅礴立基园。九州英才尽苦力,十载寒窗化甘甜。周周躬耕育桃李,年年俯首作源泉。快履邹形成伟业,东意无限更向前。
  • 48、自己只有理解自已,能力去打听旁人,只有真实明白自已的英才会对事情做出正确的推断,不然只能挨次做出差错的决择,我想山羊的故事会对我们有所启示.
  • 49、将来从文是一代文坛泰斗,从政是一代安邦兴国的社稷英才
  • 50、史载周公为招揽英才,“一沐三捉发,一饭三吐哺,起以待士,犹恐失天下之贤人”,生怕因为一次沐浴或一餐饭而慢待错失了某位贤士。


英才 yīngcái

英才 (汉语词语) 英才,汉语词汇。 拼音:yīng cái 释义:(1) 杰出的才智。 (2) 指才智杰出的人。