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英挺造句 首页

  • 1、这年乾隆36岁,精力充沛,故临笔神清气朗,于原帖淳古之外更添几分英挺之气,乃得意之笔,成交价高达3360万元人民币,反映出中国古代书画的良好走势。
  • 2、马超等人进了院子,还没有见到诸葛均等人时,就见院子里有个英挺的将军,那人也见到了他,两人的目光交互在一起,闪出了铿锵的火花。
  • 3、Standing tall and proud, the soldier's unwavering courage and determination were truly 英挺 as he faced the enemy on the battlefield, inspiring his comrades with his unwavering spirit.
  • 4、The mountain peaks, majestic and 英挺, stood as silent guardians of nature's beauty, their rugged cliffs and snow-capped peaks a testament to the grandeur of the world we live in.
  • 5、Inthe face of adversity, the young athlete's 英挺 spirit shone through, pushing her to overcome obstacles and achieve greatness in her chosen sport, becoming an inspiration to all who followed her journey.
  • 6、The old oak tree, weathered by countless storms, stood tall and resolute in the face of adversity, its gnarled branches reaching skyward in a defiant display of 英挺 strength and resilience.
  • 7、The graceful ballet dancer, her every movement filled with elegance and confidence, captivated the audience with her 英挺 form, leaving them in awe of her talent and grace.
  • 8、Asthe music swelled and the conductor's baton moved with precision and grace, the orchestra played in perfect harmony, their unified efforts creating an 英挺 symphony that transported the audience to another world.
  • 9、The wind-swept coastline, with its rocky cliffs and crashing waves, held a certain 英挺 beauty that called to the hearts of those who longed for adventure and the untamed wildness of nature.
  • 10、The lone wolf, with its piercing gaze and sleek, muscular physique, possessed an 英挺 aura that commanded respect and admiration, a symbol of independence and strength in the animal kingdom.
  • 11、The astronaut, floating weightlessly in the vast expanse of space, exemplified the 英挺 spirit of exploration and discovery, pushing the boundaries of human knowledge and understanding.
  • 12、The architect, with his visionary designs and innovative approach, created buildings that embodied an 英挺 blend of functionality and aesthetic beauty, leaving a lasting impact on the world of architecture.
  • 13、The elderly couple, holding hands as they walked down the street, displayed a love that had withstood the test of time, their wrinkled faces and frail bodies a testament to their 英挺 commitment to each other.
  • 14、The photojournalist, armed with his camera, fearlessly ventured into war zones and remote corners of the world, capturing images that told the stories of those affected by conflict and hardship, his 英挺 documentation shedding light on the human condition.
  • 15、The wise sage, with his profound knowledge and calm demeanor, offered guidance and wisdom to those in need, his 英挺 presence comforting and inspiring those who sought his counsel.
  • 16、The mountain climber, scaling the treacherous peaks with nothing but his determination and skill, personified the spirit of adventure and overcoming challenges, his 英挺 conquests leaving a lasting legacy in the mountaineering community.
  • 17、落霞熔金中,拓印出一坐一立两个绝世少年。一个戎装英挺斗篷猩红,一个白袍清冷灵透出尘。料峭的春寒清风吹入襟怀,刮得两人衣袂柔柔翻飞,泼洒出水墨淡雅,写意风流。沧海遗墨
  • 18、走出城乡规划展示馆,蔡英挺兴致勃勃地登上一辆停放在规划馆门口的配有“汉马动力”的星凯马汽车,坐进驾驶室,亲身感受“马鞍山造”汽车的优良性能。
  • 19、赵萧君猛一抬头,发现他已经和自己一样高了,小脸上眉目分明,鼻梁英挺,力气也很大,扯得她差点打了个趔趄。
  • 20、如果说英挺男子是黄金酒爵,那么他就是一块上古白玉。君子如玉,玉的光华不炫目,也不迷人,但是无论身处如何璀璨夺目的珠宝之中,玉总能温和的发出淡淡的光晕,含蓄却绝不容忽视的散发出自己的光彩。谢楼南
  • 21、那天一亦是惊讶,倾世容颜上,明眸泛烟波,盈盈秋水,此时眸中也流转着异彩,直勾勾的盯着秦尘那瘦小却英挺的身姿。
  • 22、身略显贴身的劲挺牛仔装衬出英挺完美的体型,更是增添无穷魅力和魄力。
  • 23、这年乾隆36岁,精力充沛,故临笔神清气朗,于原帖淳古之外更添几分英挺之气,十分可爱。
  • 24、红白相间的贵族礼服衬着一张充满威仪的脸,尽管两鬓如霜,但依然无损他的英挺
  • 25、星冠男子,剑眉英挺,瞳孔中星光闪烁,显现出冷静的智慧,脸上全是凝重,丝毫没有因为科兆的修为低下,而看轻半分,反而拿出狮子搏兔,必尽全力的姿态。
  • 26、站在忠烈祠门口的卫兵,都是高大魁梧,目光如炬,十分英挺
  • 27、郭天誉确实在北门陪着客人喝酒,而且他的脸上已有酒色,脚步也有些趄趔,他穿着大红缎袍,整个人在人群中显得倜傥不群,英挺不凡。
  • 28、蝉儿你放心,董贼死后,我便将你许配给吕布,此人英挺不凡,骁勇当世无双,又难得对你情意深长,你若是入他府中为妾,后半生倒也有所托付了。
  • 29、领头一员将领,一身西式军服,戴着不同于众的圆盘大檐帽,武装齐整,英挺矫健。
  • 30、苏韵锦不是没见过长得好的男孩子,和程铮的英挺硬朗、周子翼带着点痞气的俊秀不同,沈居安身上有种清风霁月一般的特质,明明是很朴素平常的衣着打扮,在他身上就是说不出的干净妥帖,一如他平时的待人接物。辛夷坞
  • 31、紫月神王月若缺淡笑说道,脚踏五彩祥云,隔空远望,紫色发丝如瀑布垂肩,面貌风神如玉,身姿英挺,宛如伏龙凤雏,气度很是不凡。
  • 32、蔡英挺,男,汉族,1954年4月出生于福建省晋江县青阳镇,祖籍泉州石狮市永宁镇前埔村人,晋江第一中学毕业。
  • 33、你的眼睛像大海一样的深邃,鼻子英挺,嘴唇性感,你的五官组合起来是那样的俊朗,而且你有着像小麦色那样健康的肤色,给人一种很阳光的感觉。
  • 34、她抬头仰望,这个肤色白净的高个子男孩一双明亮清澈的眼睛正看着她,眼窝深邃,鼻梁英挺,水样温柔的双、唇微微张开笑着,有一种动人心弦的别样神采。


英挺 yīngtǐng

英挺 英挺是一个汉语词语,拼音yīngtǐng,是指英俊挺拔的意思。