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  • 1、高祖英武睿哲,义起樊、邓,仗旗建号,濡足救焚,总苍兕之师,翼龙豹之阵,云骧雷骇,剪暴夷凶,万邦乐推,三灵改卜。
  • 2、许志洪见夏一凡翩翩年少,比自己还要英武俊雅三分,心知自己的梦应该醒了,稳定住心神,问道:“柳女侠,想让我帮什么忙?”。
  • 3、Standing tall and firm, the young soldier displayed an air of deep-rooted strength and unwavering determination, embodying the true meaning of 英武.
  • 4、With his broad shoulders and chiseled features, the knight in shining armor exuded a sense of 英武 that commanded respect and admiration from all who laid eyes upon him.
  • 5、Inthe face of adversity, the fearless warrior drew his sword and charged forward, his 英武 spirit serving as an indomitable force to overcome any obstacle in his path.
  • 6、The leader's 英武 demeanor and decisive actions inspired loyalty in his troops, uniting them as a formidable force capable of conquering any challenge that came their way.
  • 7、With each punch and kick, the martial artist showcased his 英武 skills, exemplifying the discipline, agility, and mental fortitude that are the hallmarks of his craft.
  • 8、Wielding a pen instead of a sword, the influential writer shared his powerful words with the world, leaving an intellectual legacy that was as 英武 as any physical conquest.
  • 9、When the storm raged on, the captain stood at the helm of the ship, his 英武 presence calming the crew and guiding them through the tempestuous sea.
  • 10、Asthe general strategized his battle plans, his 英武 mind envisioned the most efficient and effective maneuvers that would lead his troops to victory.
  • 11、With a swift and precise motion, the archer released the arrow into the distance, his 英武 aim hitting the bullseye with astonishing accuracy.
  • 12、Through years of rigorous training and unwavering discipline, the martial artist's body had transformed into a testament of 英武 strength and endurance.
  • 13、The weightlifter's well-toned muscles bulged with raw power as he effortlessly lifted the heavy barbell, his 英武 strength captivating the audience's attention.
  • 14、In the battlefield, the commander's 英武 leadership inspired his troops to act with bravery and valor, for they knew that their lives were in capable hands.
  • 15、With a firm stance and a resolute gaze, the samurai embodied the essence of 英武, channeling centuries of craftsmanship and tradition into each strike of his blade.
  • 16、The skilled equestrian and his mighty steed performed a dance of elegance and power, their 英武 partnership leaving spectators in awe of their synchronized movements.
  • 17、In the realm of politics, the charismatic leader's 英武 rhetoric captivated the masses, rallying them behind a vision of unity, progress, and prosperity.
  • 18、When faced with adversity, the professional athlete's 英武 spirit propelled her to push past her limits, surpassing her own expectations and achieving greatness.
  • 19、幻境的开始是一个婴儿在一个洞府中呱呱坠地,一个样貌英武不凡的男子抱起了婴儿,对床上一个十分美丽的女子激动的说道:是个儿子。
  • 20、不愧是大公会的代言人,这雷皇不仅仅外表英武不凡,那身上还带着高人才有的强烈的气场,他刚刚出现,现场那热闹的气氛,顿时便荡然一空。
  • 21、这些荡气回肠的描述,真正体现了中国维和军人的英武豪迈以及气逾霄汉的英雄气概。
  • 22、裕览其文而奇之,使者又言勃勃容仪瑰伟,英武绝人。
  • 23、小时候,您的身姿挺拔如青松;长大了,您的身姿沧桑在风中。不管岁月如何变迁,您在我心中永远是最帅气最英武。父亲节,祝亲爱的父亲节日快乐!
  • 24、多数,常是愚蠢和懦弱的政策的辩护者,一百个愚夫,不能成为一个聪明人,所以英武的决断,决不能从一百个懦夫中得到。
  • 25、小生文藻见过王教头,久闻王教头大名,今日一见,果然英武不凡,失敬失敬!
  • 26、此子血气方刚,英武不凡,假以时日必定是我北汉可造之材,武儿,你要留心啊。
  • 27、英武山不牢稳了,就会给社会带来不稳定因素。
  • 28、朱元璋聪明而有远见,神威英武,收揽英雄,平定四海,求贤若渴,重农桑,兴礼乐,褒节义,崇教化,制定的各种法规都很相宜。
  • 29、而后霍元甲远走上海创办了精武体育会,边寿祺在天津北大关也开设了自己的武馆“英武国术社”。
  • 30、小鹦鹉身着彩甲,昂首挺立英武的样子还真像门神呢!
  • 31、仅有最近收藏家缪荃孙先生经过一生寻觅,才找到一套英武殿聚珍版一三八种原书"。
  • 32、古怪攸侯喜,神秘渔凫王,狡智彭老祖,耿直飞虎黄;妩媚妲己,英武帝辛,勇略姬发,权谋姜尚。
  • 33、彦仙少年时英武勇敢,弓马娴熟,喜结豪侠.
  • 34、龙晨抬眼望去,堂上左右并无他人,只见一英武男子端坐于高堂之上,剑眉入鬓,虎视鹰扬。
  • 35、从王申家里回来,他思考了好多问题,对于英武山的现状、农民的疾苦,亲爱的党和国家以及农民的命运,他想得很多,忧心如焚。
  • 36、永瑞对花草藤木的情衷,挥笔书法的英武姿势,吟诗读赋的儒雅风流等等,都给这个女人非同一般的印象。
  • 37、但他英武非常,身长八尺,腰大十围,肌肥肉重,面阔口方,手绰飞禽,走及奔马,深得燕王喜爱,甚至说出“有子之代国,寡人安逸”。
  • 38、三岁的儿子扑闪着大眼睛,并不知道爸爸掉进了饲料锅有啥后果,而是跟差不多大小的伙伴正看爸爸部队里那些英武的照片。
  • 39、‘唐主英武,民和年丰,未有间隙,不可动也。
  • 40、昨日刚拜了清海军节度使,穿着戎装进延福宫向皇上谢恩,当真英姿飒爽,俨然是位英武的小将军……
  • 41、鸟笼子与高拨子提起小生挑大梁的戏,马上会想起英武的周瑜和罗成、文雅的周仁和梁山伯,那都是极美的舞台形象。
  • 42、娇眸熊熊烈火奔腾,娇躯各种摆动不同姿态,拈花微笑,慈悲欢笑,怒目娇嗔,英武奔腾,嗜血魔魅,纯洁天真,邪异妖娆,………。
  • 43、小镇少年,出身富贵,无忧无虑,父亲英武,兄长大才,大树底下好乘凉,本该游街戏马,哪料世事无常,顷刻间大厦崩塌。
  • 44、我屏住呼吸,凝神注视着将军的遗像,只见他瘦削的脸膛微现赤红,挺直的鼻梁透着刚毅,浓黑的胡髭展示着特有的英武
  • 45、倾宇,你知道吗?只要有你在我身边,英武侯方君乾便是天下无敌!……沧海遗墨
  • 46、虚空依旧英武,只是苍苍白发披散,与无可揣测的几个强者大战,战得天崩地塌,战得神魔哀嚎,几人鲜血染红一片天。
  • 47、近日一座新的紫铜雕像在保定市军校广场中央区域拔地而起,铜像以保定陆军学院先辈为原型,展现了民国时期古城将领英武雄烈的风采。
  • 48、这一年,人们仰看高台之上,他们年轻英武的暮王,正庄重又疲惫地为星坠塔举行着祭天礼。
  • 49、这不挺好?崔榕武艺不凡,长的也够英武,更无妻室,可是打著灯笼也找不到的乘龙佳婿呢?
  • 50、要想吃肉,就要像狼一样的凶狠;要想**,就要像狗一样的德性;要想受宠,就要像宠物一样的乖巧;要想风光,就要像车模一样的暴露;要想光荣,就要像参军一样的英武。祝你一人参军。


英武 yīngwǔ

英武 英俊勇武。