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英灵造句 首页

  • 1、英灵级作为奥运会项目将在2004年首次登场.
  • 2、欧阳克算什么,药仙柳星晴的英灵还是五绝之一的黄药师呢。
  • 3、Asdusk fell upon the battlefield, the brave warriors stood tall, their spirits unwavering, ready to embrace their destiny as true English heroes - the 英灵.
  • 4、The 英灵, with their unwavering loyalty and courage, fought relentlessly, their swords glinting in the sunlight, to protect their homeland from all that threatened it.
  • 5、Inthe darkest hours of the war, when hope seemed lost, it was the 英灵 who emerged as beacons of light, inspiring their comrades with their unwavering spirit and determination.
  • 6、The 英灵, with hearts ablaze with patriotism, charged into battle fearlessly, their fierce gazes conveying their unwavering belief in the righteousness of their cause.
  • 7、Through the annals of history, the 英灵 have become legends, their names forever etched in the hearts of those who admire their selflessness and bravery.
  • 8、The 英灵, with their noble ideals and undying devotion, embody the very spirit of chivalry, inspiring awe and admiration in all who witness their remarkable deeds.
  • 9、The 英灵, with their valor and unwavering sense of duty, became symbols of courage, reminding us of the indomitable spirit that lies within each and every one of us.
  • 10、Asthe battle raged on, the 英灵 unleashed their inner strength, harnessing the power of their ancestors, their heroic deeds resonating through the ages.
  • 11、In the face of adversity, the 英灵 remained undeterred, standing tall and proud, their souls aflame with the fervor of liberty and the pursuit of righteousness.
  • 12、The 英灵, with their awe-inspiring presence and indomitable spirit, instilled a sense of hope within the hearts of their fellow countrymen, urging them to soldier on.
  • 13、Through the passage of time, the 英灵 have become more than just mortal men; they have transcended into symbols of inspiration and resilience, their stories forever etched in the collective memory of a nation.
  • 14、Inspired by the tales of the 英灵, generations after generations have been moved to act with honor and valor, knowing that their deeds today will shape the future of tomorrow.
  • 15、The 英灵, with their unwavering loyalty and selfless devotion, remind us that true greatness lies not in personal gain, but in the willingness to fight for something greater than oneself.
  • 16、The 英灵, as they charge into battle, their spirits aflame with the fire of righteousness, become living embodiments of courage, inspiring us all to face our fears head-on.
  • 17、The 英灵, with their noble intentions and unyielding spirit, remind us that even in the darkest of times, there is still hope and light to be found.
  • 18、It is the 英灵, with their extraordinary bravery and selflessness, who remind us of the importance of standing up for what is right, even in the face of overwhelming adversity.
  • 19、The 英灵, with their indomitable spirit and unyielding determination, leave an indelible mark upon the pages of history, their legacy serving as a testament to the power of the human spirit.
  • 20、各种奇异、古怪、庸俗的祭奠方式,既亵渎先人英灵,又对当下存在的某些恶俗如挥霍豪费、侈糜无度也是一种推波助澜式的鼓励。
  • 21、忠孝节烈,传继绵长,告慰英灵,敬献心香。
  • 22、浩气长存天地阔,英灵永续耀古今。
  • 23、郭襄女侠素有乃父之风,相交满天下,创下峨嵋一派威震武林,更是以驱逐鞑虏为己任,前辈英灵,令人扼腕长叹!
  • 24、现在,那些从迎春搂淘来的女人依然放声大哭,挽留英灵,一声声行不得也哥哥,一声声不如归去。
  • 25、殡仪馆内,贺冰的遗像高挂中央,面容安静祥和,“翔山顿首祭英灵,浍水无言歌忠魂”两幅挽联悬挂两侧。
  • 26、清明节那天我们在墓园里墓祭了烈士们的英灵.
  • 27、假设连那些“我以我血荐轩辕”的先辈英灵都得不到安息,后来人又怎么愿意为国家抛头颅洒热血呢?游园者有义务自我约束,在此不必赘述。
  • 28、这位漂亮的女神神通广大,能呼风唤雨,移山填海,也能主英灵之气,化生万物,除了掌管天下灾害之外,还当上了昆仑山主,在昆仑山以及西海之畔建有金城千里。
  • 29、藉由怜悯和无私,安纳金发现了绝地英灵的秘密知识,让他能在原力阴府中维持自己的存在。
  • 30、县委*记刘卫华代表社会各界宣读祭文,掬诚致祭于宁远大地上牺牲的宁远籍、外籍先烈及牺牲在县外的宁远籍烈士之英灵
  • 31、面对仁者的逝去,悲则悲矣,然而你的坚贞仁爱、恢弘大度,却是我们的榜样和楷模,虽是永别,实则永生,英灵之气,定会名垂百世。
  • 32、岁岁清明,如皋人民总要来碑前瞻仰,轸怀英灵
  • 33、借此缅怀先烈之英灵,敬之,与君共勉。
  • 34、在当日例行记者会上,有记者问,安倍称,他参拜是为了向国家战斗和牺牲的英灵致以哀悼之意,还称战后日本建立了自由、民主的国家,一直坚持和平发展道路。
  • 35、当然,像SABER和金闪闪这样非常优秀的英灵,也持有着和高位二十七祖一拼之力。
  • 36、欢乐的日子我们更不能忘记那些在自然灾害中离去的同胞,遥远的汶川和舟曲永远是我们心底的痛。我们更不能忘记那些为国捐躯的英灵们,没有他们的付出,就没有我们今天幸福的生活。
  • 37、冯将军一世英雄,战功彪炳,逐夷人远退西界,保山河以全中华,晚辈许镜还,奉薄酒以奠,略表寸心,以慰英灵
  • 38、唐家一门忠烈,世代将门,若是战阵厮杀马革裹尸,如此就是死了,也能对得起唐家列祖列宗世代英灵,只是如今这般死法,心里却着实憋屈。
  • 39、紫发萝莉眼中闪过担忧的神色,她们姐妹自从英灵殿出现的那一刻便一直在一起,渡过了不知道多少时间,早就一体同心。
  • 40、这一带海岸仍将到处有我们祖先的英灵出没.
  • 41、静静的,在那被遗忘的山坡上,还下着密雨,还吹着细风,没有人知道历史曾在此走过,留下了英灵化入树干而滋生。穆旦
  • 42、您的英灵,将名垂千古,您永远活在我们心中。
  • 43、时间过去近两个甲子,八卦山上,一处古树荫翳之中,一门古炮指向不远处的大肚溪,侧后方一座不大的祠堂里供奉着当年保台卫国将士的英灵
  • 44、洪秀全一听满清即将在两三年内就灭亡,顿时兴奋地红光满面:“如此甚好,可以笑慰数百万战死的天国英灵了。
  • 45、吾之袍泽,魂兮归来。与尔英灵,共饮此酒。沧海遗墨
  • 46、而远方殷商祖陵中历代二十九位帝王英灵也与其产生共鸣,化为火魂破陵而出,飞往鹿台投入纣王**的烈焰之中。
  • 47、快看,那是号称拦山虎的凌启坦,传言他的英灵是欧阳克,一身武艺超群,更是帅气迷人。
  • 48、忠义之心,英灵之气;命终三纪,名垂百世,哀君情切,愁肠千结;惟我肝胆,悲无断绝。
  • 49、在这颗星球上,任何英灵的死亡,星空圣殿都不会感到意外,也不会迁怒于人,恰恰相反,他们还会尽全力的将相关的信息封锁、遮掩!
  • 50、呜呼!英灵远去吾心实悲,马老前辈永垂不朽!


英灵 yīnglíng

英灵 (Fate系列中的概念) 英灵,即是其丰功伟绩在死后留为传说,已成信仰对象的英雄所变成的存在。通常,英灵作为保护人类的力量,被世界所召唤。而人类所召唤的就是从者(Servant)了。 英灵 (汉语词语) 英灵,汉语词汇。 拼音:yīng líng, 基本释义为烈士的灵魂;受崇敬的人去世后的灵魂。