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英磅造句 首页

  • 1、相距太远难送礼,小小短信祝福你,天天开心常伴你,美元英磅拥抱你,飞黄腾达等着你,我在这边祝福你。
  • 2、我公司准备订购二十箱红茶,每公斤十英磅
  • 3、Despite the challenges she faced, Lucy's determination was worth every pound, as she crossed the finish line of the marathon with tears of joy streaming down her face.
  • 4、The delicate balance between love and hate, trust and betrayal, weighs heavily upon our hearts, with each emotion carrying its own pound of significance.
  • 5、The weight of responsibility pressed upon John's shoulders, as he carried the hopes and dreams of his team, determined to lead them towards victory.
  • 6、The pounds of grief and sorrow are insurmountable when one loses a loved one, leaving an emptiness that cannot be easily filled.
  • 7、With great power comes great responsibility, as Spiderman learned, with each heroic act carrying the weight of a thousand pounds of expectation.
  • 8、The power of forgiveness can lighten the heaviest of burdens, releasing the pounds of resentment that weigh heavy on the soul.
  • 9、The pound of frustration that builds up within us can be released through the therapeutic act of punching a boxing bag, allowing us to release the pent-up energy.
  • 10、The pound of disappointment can feel like a heavy anchor, dragging us down into the depths of despair, but we must find the strength to rise above it.
  • 11、Sometimes the weight of the world feels like it's crushing our very existence, but it is in those moments that we must remember the resilience within us to carry on.
  • 12、The ounce of hope in a dark and desolate world can illuminate the darkest corners of our hearts, reminding us that there is always a glimmer of light.
  • 13、The pound of anxiety that grips our minds can feel suffocating, but with the right support and coping mechanisms, we can learn to manage and overcome it.
  • 14、The physical pain we may endure is nothing compared to the emotional pounds of heartbreak and loss that can leave invisible scars.
  • 15、The pounds of wisdom gained through life experience cannot be measured on a scale, as they are immeasurable treasures that shape our outlook and perspective.
  • 16、The pound of gratitude in our hearts should always outweigh the pounds of material possessions we accumulate, as true happiness lies in appreciating the intangible gifts in life.
  • 17、The responsibility of parenthood brings with it a weighty pound of unconditional love and devotion, as parents strive to provide the best for their children.
  • 18、The pound of inspiration found in art, music, and literature can transport us to different worlds and ignite a fire within our souls.
  • 19、The pound of faith that anchors our belief in something greater than ourselves can provide solace and guidance in times of uncertainty and doubt.
  • 20、而且更糟糕的是,我们把粘满盐浆的靴子放在地上好让它们晾干,结果炙热的地面把它们烘成奇形怪状,每只似乎都重达20英磅
  • 21、英国盛产好马,并以每匹20一25英磅的价格征购牡马,这就保证不列颠骑兵配备了无疑是世界上最好的马匹。
  • 22、英磅汇兑为非美元国家间的贸易提供了一种多边结算方式.
  • 23、正如今天的报道,英磅进一步下跌导致了市内的抛售的一股新浪潮。
  • 24、但是如果婴儿还不足半盎司重,那些英磅的体重是从哪里来的呢?
  • 25、省下一英磅是挺好的事,我跟你说吧:省下便士,就等于赚了一便士!狄更斯
  • 26、游客付费100英磅就可以在池中与鳄鱼同游20分钟。
  • 27、我们为你方提供1500吨加拿大燕麦片,每吨500英磅
  • 28、我认为这是不必要的花费,但卢宾说他最近运气好,在城里做私人交易挣了三英磅
  • 29、在剑桥艺术系攻读学士学位的三年中,达尔文的账单达到了636英磅,后来,达尔文把这段日子称作他快乐一生中最美好的时光。
  • 30、那人被责令付旅程费三百四十五英磅.
  • 31、昨天全球股市继续动荡,许多亚洲股市高台跳水,英磅也开始下跌。
  • 32、支付所有的护理保健费花去了我们俩人多一半的积蓄,尽管我曾估计我可以从20年退休金里省下五十万英磅
  • 33、的确,舍弃这平均每年176英磅的肉食,是你个人可以改变的最环保的生活方式之一。
  • 34、日照香炉生紫烟,世间众人都看钱;遥看瀑布挂前川,好想财神来面前。飞流直下三千尺,黄金白银来不止;疑是银河落九天,都是英磅和美元。祝你天天发财,想财财就来!
  • 35、你可以把我的美元交换成英磅吗。
  • 36、知之小工具在线造句词典-造句大全,几千词语的造句供您参考!
  • 37、矿工们在井下工作那么多小时,每周除各种扣款以外,净得工资只有31英磅.
  • 38、一年多时间之后,他减掉了112英磅体重,腰围从49英寸减到不到31英寸。
  • 39、“最大享‘瘦’者”竞赛就是其中一项比赛内容,在八周内减掉最多体重的参赛员工可获得价值130英磅的购物券。
  • 40、我现在是26岁130英磅,对此我非常欣慰。
  • 41、生命中许多神秘现象之一是,2磅的糖果怎么能使一个女人重5英磅呢?
  • 42、新的一年新的开始。新的一天送到我的祝福给你。祝万事顺心多赚美金。万事兴旺多赚英磅。万事如意全家笑眯眯。元旦快乐!
  • 43、一次,一个小伙子在一家饭店点了一只两英磅的龙虾。
