- 1、他赢了500英镑,可是才三天就花得精光。
- 2、日前,法国**拨款30万英镑,授权法国马赛“焦点21”机械制造公司研发飞翼船“爱洛普泰勒”。
- 3、Asa British expatriate living in France, I always feel a pang of nostalgia whenever I see the familiar symbol of the British pound, reminding me of my roots and the sense of belonging to my home country.
- 4、The value of the British pound has seen its fair share of highs and lows, but its resilience and stability throughout history portray the strength and resilience of the United Kingdom as a nation.
- 5、Inthe aftermath of the Brexit referendum, the uncertainty surrounding the future of the British pound left many investors and businesses on edge, anxiously watching the exchange rates for signs of stability and progress.
- 6、The decline of the British pound against major currencies after Brexit has had a significant impact on the purchasing power of British citizens traveling abroad, forcing them to rethink their holiday destinations and prioritize their financial decisions.
- 7、When I held my first British pound coin in my hand, I couldn't help but be filled with a sense of pride, knowing that this currency represents the rich history and cultural heritage of the United Kingdom.
- 8、The fluctuating exchange rates of the British pound often make investors anxious, as they struggle to predict its future value and weigh the risks and rewards of investing in the UK market.
- 9、The strength of the British pound against other currencies is a reflection of the confidence that international investors have in the stability and economic potential of the United Kingdom.
- 10、The British pound's role as one of the world's major reserve currencies is a testament to the economic influence and global standing of the United Kingdom, shaping international trade and finance.
- 11、The British pound's distinctive design, featuring iconic figures and landmarks such as Queen Elizabeth II and Big Ben, not only showcases the country's rich heritage but also serves as a symbol of national pride for its citizens.
- 12、The British pound's strength against the euro provides a significant advantage for British businesses exporting to European markets, boosting economic growth and creating jobs domestically.
- 13、As I handed over my British pounds to the charity organization, I felt a sense of satisfaction, knowing that my contribution would make a positive impact on the lives of those in need, both within the United Kingdom and beyond.
- 14、The British pound's status as a global currency hub attracts foreign investors seeking a safe haven for their wealth, contributing to London's reputation as a major financial center and driving economic growth.
- 15、The British pound's strength against the dollar makes it an attractive destination for international students looking to pursue their education in the United Kingdom, offering a high-quality education at a comparatively lower cost.
- 16、As a small business owner, the fluctuating exchange rates of the British pound add an extra layer of complexity to my financial planning, forcing me to constantly adapt and find ways to mitigate currency risks.
- 17、The decline of the British pound in the aftermath of economic uncertainty highlights the importance of diversifying investments and reducing reliance on a single currency, in order to protect and preserve wealth.
- 18、很多人认为前任部长们一年仅参加几次理事会就轻而易举地捞取了25,000英镑的报酬。
- 19、留宿一夜兼包次日早餐费用为15英镑.
- 20、我今年会得到100英镑,明年会得到200英镑,依此类推下去.
- 21、莫拉克现已减弱为热带风暴,但其所带来的疾风暴雨已使几百万人受灾,并造成数亿英镑的损失。
- 22、我们的报价将是以英镑为单位,fob英国口岸价,包括包装费.
- 23、索马里,人口790万,人均收入大约每周1.60英镑。
- 24、我是个工厂工人,去年的总收入为12,900英镑。
- 25、现在,野生动物机构用摄相机在一个地点监测老虎出没就要花费数万英镑。
- 26、在承认侵犯他人身体罪后,法庭判令威廉斯医生支付300英镑的赔偿金和100英镑的诉讼费。
- 27、然而,巴西人最近已经同意了圣西罗踢出的每年280万英镑的新合同,尽管这名门将这赛季出现了一些令人贻笑大方的失误。
- 28、我们从这笔交易中净赚了6000英镑.
- 29、坎西克西蒙是一名会计师,他花了1000英镑购买建立气象站的设备.
- 30、我们以英镑作为记账本位币,但通常所有交易都以美元计价。
- 31、两千英镑和这支上了膛的枪会让你告诉我,你能带上我的客人。丹·布朗
- 32、虽然曼联俱乐部就转会费一事叁缄其口,但此间媒体普遍猜测维蒂奇转会曼联的费用应该在700万英镑左右,即大约1214万美元。
- 33、并且在切尔西与队长特里签订了价值周薪13.1万英镑的合同以后,这种谣言似乎就要变为现实.
- 34、这顶帽子由女帽设计师菲利普崔西设计,起拍价为五千英镑,在过去六天已有32名竞拍者进行了60轮竞拍。
- 35、希尔先生把这块地租给我们,租金每年500英镑.
- 36、威斯敏斯特公爵以身价7亿英镑排行老三,这个英国绅士拥有巨大的地产,包括伦敦的中心地段。
- 37、知之小工具是一部在线造句词典,其宗旨是更快地造出更优质的句子.
- 38、住宿加次日早餐每人每晚30英镑起。
- 39、汉森按协商出价3.51亿英镑接管该公司。
- 40、狼在咬牙时每平方英寸的压力大约是在1000到1500英镑之间,这样的力量能够使它们在留到起口就可以把麋鹿的骨头咬断。
- 41、这家公司花费了数千英镑,来推销他们的新旅游服务项目.
- 42、录取者将携带伴侣,在全球最奢华的蜜月度假胜地免费游玩6个月,并获得1.8万英镑酬劳。
- 43、这项研究表明仅仅服用维生素就能够取得效果,这种效果如此巨大能让生产阿兹海默症治疗药物的制药公司望风而逃,尽管数百万英镑被用于痴呆药物试验。
- 44、而莫克姆湾年出产鸟蛤总价值高达600万英镑,而送到西班牙和远东的餐馆时,价格更会陡然增加,故吸引大量英境内捡拾蛤贝者。
- 45、他注意到那个中年人给一家电视公司开了一张150英镑的支票。
- 46、还有要买奖券的吗?每张25便士,1英镑5张。
- 47、到目前为止,他持续增长的转会费已高达200万英镑。
- 48、人死了,不烧花圈,专门烧五层或六层的豪华别墅模型,陪葬品也不是那种印有“冥国银行”字样的银纸,而是印刷精美的冥国美元、冥国英镑、冥国法郎。
- 49、因为健康原因我们都是提前退休的,并依靠我们当地**和公务员退职金外加丧失工作能力福利津贴生活,这些都是以英镑支付的。
- 50、该超市集团称,此次促销涉及羽绒被和家具等数百种商品,价值约1.95亿英镑。