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英雄所见略同造句 首页

  • 1、他们俩素不相识,对此问题的看法竟然不谋而合,可见英雄所见略同
  • 2、我们的见解完全一致,真是英雄所见略同啊!
  • 3、When the battle rages on and despair threatens to consume, heroes share a unique perspective, recognizing that in unity, strength can be found and victory can be achieved.
  • 4、From the frontlines of war to the depths of personal struggles, heroes understand that true character is revealed not in the absence of fear, but in the courage to face it head-on, proving that their vision aligns with that of other noble souls.
  • 5、Ina world often divided by differences and disagreement, heroes bring hope by exemplifying the belief that shared values and a shared purpose can transcend individual perspectives, allowing for unity and progress.
  • 6、Through selfless acts of heroism, these extraordinary individuals show us that the belief in the innate goodness of humanity is not in vain, for their unwavering vision proves that noble intentions can and do exist in this complex world.
  • 7、Even amidst chaos and despair, heroes demonstrate the power of empathy, as they see beyond the pain and suffering to recognize the inherent worth and dignity of every individual, inspiring others to do the same.
  • 8、From the smallest acts of kindness to the grandest displays of bravery, heroes share a common understanding that each action, however small, has the power to create a ripple effect, shaping a positive and transformative future for all.
  • 9、When darkness looms and despair threatens to suffocate, heroes possess a special vision that sees flickers of hope in even the bleakest of circumstances, reminding us that the light of resilience will always prevail.
  • 10、Heroes, through their undying courage, challenge societal norms and conformity, envisioning a world where diversity is celebrated, and every individual is valued and respected for their unique contributions.
  • 11、In a society often clouded by cynicism and apathy, heroes possess a keen vision that sees the intrinsic value in acts of kindness and compassion, inspiring others to believe in and pursue a better, more harmonious world.
  • 12、In the realm of heroes, boundaries of race, nationality, and religion dissipate, for their shared vision recognizes that true humanity transcends artificial divisions, creating a world guided by acceptance and understanding.
  • 13、As heroes unite in their vision for a more just and equitable world, they blaze a trail for others to follow, igniting a chain reaction of positive change that reverberates far beyond their initial actions.
  • 14、In the midst of turmoil and uncertainty, heroes see beyond the chaos, recognizing the hidden opportunities for growth and transformation, their steadfast vision guiding them towards a brighter future.
  • 15、Heroes, with their guiding moral compasses, see through the façade of power and privilege, envisioning a world where everyone is afforded equal opportunities to thrive and contribute, regardless of their background.
  • 16、英雄所见略同,傻瓜很少意见不合.
  • 17、是的英雄所见略同.但我仍是一个电视迷.
  • 18、苏茜:我也是.真是英雄所见略同啊.小卖部卖的小吃也不赖.
  • 19、我知道你在想什么.这叫英雄所见略同.
  • 20、如果一个人觉得你丑,那肯定是偏见,如果两个人觉得你丑,那肯定是英雄所见略同。略同。李宫俊
  • 21、俗。话说“英雄所见略同”,试想我们。全球所有员工携手同心、集思广益,那么我们将会从容应对消费电子行业的任何挑战。
  • 22、在这件事上,我们英雄所见略同.
  • 23、你也对她提出这样的意见!真是英雄所见略同.
  • 24、你也对她提出这样的意见!这真是英雄所见略同.
  • 25、我们两个对这个问题都想到相同的解决方式,真是英雄所见略同.
  • 26、戈登:英雄所见略同.我也认为是爱因斯坦.
  • 27、杰克:女人该知道她们的地位,英雄所见略同.
  • 28、不禁废卷长叹,天下英雄所见略同
  • 29、但是大家异口同辞地说是尼庵,可见英雄所见略同
  • 30、知之小工具尽量原创和收集高质量句子,使您在造句的同时,还能学到有用的知识.
  • 31、英雄所见略同.我也认为是爱因斯坦.


英雄所见略同 yīng xióng suǒ jiàn lüè tóng

晋 虞溥《江表传》:“天下智谋之士所见略同耳。”