- 1、公司现在由制造业转型为服务业,身为技术人员的小王,为了避免英雄无用武之地,他决定离开这家公司。
- 2、反观专擅“杀价”的买方经纪今日英雄无用武之地,眼观四面、身听八方,就怕吉屋上市,落后一步。
- 3、Ina world where compassion, empathy, and understanding reign supreme, the concept of a hero becomes useless, for every individual takes up the responsibility to uplift and support one another without the need for a savior.
- 4、Associety evolves and individuals become more aware of their own power, the notion of relying on a single heroic figure to solve their problems seems irrelevant in a world where collective action and cooperation hold the key to progress.
- 5、Ina land where everyone has access to education, opportunities, and resources, the need for a hero to rescue the helpless diminishes, as every individual is empowered to overcome challenges and forge their own path towards success.
- 6、Within a community that fosters unity, cooperation, and mutual support, the concept of an individual hero accomplishing feats alone loses its appeal, as the collective strength of a united people becomes the driving force behind progress.
- 7、Ina world where individuals are encouraged to discover their own potential and showcase their unique talents, the concept of a hero becomes redundant, as every person is recognized and celebrated for their individual contributions to a greater cause.
- 8、Associety embraces diversity and inclusivity, the idea of a hero selected based on predetermined qualities becomes irrelevant, for everyone becomes a hero in their own right, contributing to the mosaic of human experience.
- 9、Ina land where resilience and determination thrive, the notion of a hero standing alone in the face of adversity loses its significance, as every individual rises to the challenge, facing obstacles head-on and emerging victorious.
- 10、Ina world where social progress is propelled by the collective effort of a united society, the need for a single hero to steer the course and lead the way is rendered unnecessary, as everyone becomes a protagonist in their own journey of change.
- 11、As humanity embraces its innate capacity for compassion and kindness, the role of a hero becomes obsolete in a world where acts of selflessness and empathy are the norm, shaping a society built on mutual support and understanding.
- 12、In a realm where strength is not defined by physical prowess, but by the ability to overcome personal challenges and triumph over adversity, the need for a traditional hero wielding power becomes irrelevant, as every individual finds their own path to greatness.
- 13、Within a society that values collaboration and cooperation, the mythology of a solitary hero saving the day loses its charm, as every individual recognizes the power of unity, working together towards a common goal.
- 14、As society embraces the complex nature of morality, the concept of a hero embodying pure goodness loses its appeal, for the exploration and understanding of human imperfections become a more relatable and insightful journey.
- 15、Within a community that values self-reflection and personal growth, the notion of a hero emerging as a fully formed figure becomes unrealistic, as every individual acknowledges the ongoing process of becoming and embraces their own potential.
- 16、Within a society that respects and honors diversity, the image of a hero defined by societal norms and expectations fades away, as every individual celebrates their unique strengths and contributes to a collective tapestry of experiences.
- 17、In a world where empathy and understanding are the guiding principles, the concept of a hero engaging in acts of violence and force becomes outdated, as peaceful resolutions and dialogue take center stage in resolving conflicts.
- 18、As society recognizes the power of collaboration and shared goals, the traditional image of a hero as an individualistic figure fades away, replaced by a collective effort to create a better future for all.
- 19、大丈夫处世,当磊磊落落,建不朽于天壤,安能随肉食者老死牖下!纵有才无命,英雄无用武之地,不能流芳百世,亦当自我造命,弄兵潢地,遗耻万年。
- 20、六十年代后期,大批的科技工作者被安排到农村去劳动,离开了实验室,这些人真是英雄无用武之地。
- 21、俗语说:英雄无用武之地;俗语又说;天生我才必有用!命运人生不以物喜,不以己悲,不叹英雄末路,唯信我才谋社稷,筑建生命辉煌美丽,愿生活积极、乐观、自信、幸福永接力,生生不。
- 22、他这个人才,在这小公司可说是龙困浅滩,英雄无用武之地。
- 23、猎豹一旦消失,叉角羚在今日环境就显得英雄无用武之地了。
- 24、他的娱乐天分,在这保守的公司,可说是英雄无用武之地。
- 25、陶渊明固然有大济苍生之志,但英雄无用武之地便毅然归隐。知之小工具
- 26、在拥挤的大都市里,跑车可说是英雄无用武之地。
- 27、很多学生从未在正式比赛中施展他们的技能。英雄无用武之地,他们只好跑到校园服务器,有时甚至是一些公司及**的服务器上大展拳脚。
- 28、无势可乘,英雄无用武之地。有道则见,君子有展采之思。
- 29、随着经历的不断丰富,渐渐地,觉得机遇的确非常重要,如果没有机遇,即使你有济世之才,也必将是"英雄无用武之地"。
- 30、这个公司人才济济,表现机会却有限,难免有人感叹英雄无用武之地。
- 31、大城市大机关人才聚集如果不流动,势必造成英雄无用武之地的现象。
- 32、在拥挤的大都市裡,跑车可说是英雄无用武之地。
- 33、英雄无用武之地,他们只好跑到校园服务器,有时甚至是一些公司及**的服务器上大展拳脚。
- 34、这个公司人才济济,表现机会却有限,难免有人感嘆英雄无用武之地。
- 35、俗话说:英雄无用武之地;俗话又说:天生我才必有用。不要自甘堕落,要相信:是金子就会发光的!祝你一帆风顺!
- 36、你也许会认为就一个MP3播放器,Linux在里面岂不是英雄无用武之地?当你看到那些超级棒的新功能时,你就懂了。
- 37、平时我们可能会担心自己英雄无用武之地,但是一旦你有了用武之地或许就会忙到半死。
- 38、在拥挤的大都市里,跑车可说是英雄无用武之地。。
- 39、在前两个赛季租借到摩纳哥和塞韦利亚之后,24岁的萨维奥拉再次发现他在诺坎普英雄无用武之地。
- 40、很多学生从未在正式比赛中施展他们的技能。。英雄无用武之地,他们只好跑到校园服务器,有时甚至是一些公司及**的服务器上大展拳脚。
- 41、你也许会认为就一个mp3播放器,linux在里面岂不是英雄无用武之地?当你看到那些超级棒的新功能时,你就懂了。