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莱茵河造句 首页

  • 1、她经常在天色昏暗的时候出现在莱茵河畔,用冷艳凄美的外形和哀怨动人的歌声迷惑过往的船夫,使他们分心而迷失方向,最后沉入海底。
  • 2、莱茵号和莫泽尔号,是两艘小型内河低舷铁甲舰,建造于1872年。它们被用于克布伦兹地区的莱茵河防务。
  • 3、Standing on the banks of the majestic Rhine River, I felt a sense of awe as the rushing waters reflected the beauty of nature and the power of the mighty river.
  • 4、The Rhine River flows through picturesque landscapes, meandering through lush vineyards, medieval castles, and charming villages, creating a captivating and enchanting atmosphere that takes you back in time.
  • 5、Asthe sun sets over the Rhine River, the reflection of the golden hues on the shimmering water creates a magical moment that fills the heart with serenity and tranquility.
  • 6、Sailing along the Rhine River, I was captivated by the breathtaking scenery passing by, from the stunning Rhine Gorges to the panoramic views of the imposing Lorelei rock, leaving me in awe of nature's wonders.
  • 7、Walking along the banks of the Rhine River, the soothing sound of the waves crashing against the shore and the gentle breeze kissing my skin brought a sense of calmness and inner peace.
  • 8、AsI crossed one of the many bridges spanning the Rhine River, I couldn't help but marvel at the engineering marvel that connects people and enables the flow of history, culture, and commerce.
  • 9、The banks of the Rhine River are adorned with charming vineyards that produce some of the world's finest wines, each sip representing the dedication and craftsmanship of generations of winemakers.
  • 10、Exploring the Rhine River's vibrant cities like Cologne, Strasbourg, and Basel, each filled with its own unique charm and architectural wonders, is like walking through a living museum that showcases the rich cultural heritage of Europe.
  • 11、The Rhine River is not just a geographical landmark, but a symbol of unity and cooperation among the countries it flows through, bridging the gaps and fostering cultural exchange and understanding.
  • 12、The Rhine River, with its ever-changing flow and constant evolution, serves as a reminder that life is a journey, and we must adapt and embrace the changes that come our way in order to grow and thrive.
  • 13、The Rhine River's silvery waves glistening under the moonlight, like a celestial pathway, exude a sense of mystery and invite us to embark on a voyage of self-discovery and exploration.
  • 14、The Rhine River connects not just the physical landscapes but also the hearts and souls of the people who live along its banks, promoting cultural exchange, cooperation, and a shared sense of belonging.
  • 15、The Rhine River is not just a sight to behold but an invitation to embark on a river cruise, offering a unique perspective and a chance to create lifelong memories as you navigate its historic waters.
  • 16、The Rhine River, with its vastness and ever-changing currents, reminds us of the power of nature and our responsibility to protect and preserve it for future generations to experience and enjoy.
  • 17、The Rhine River's meandering path symbolizes the twists and turns of life's journey, teaching us to embrace the unexpected and find beauty in the detours that shape our destiny.
  • 18、The Rhine River, with its strong currents and occasional tribulations, teaches us resilience and the importance of staying grounded and adaptable amidst the unpredictability of life.
  • 19、巴黎的客机刚刚落地,凡尔赛的雨就淅淅沥沥,想念在莱茵河里满溢,一生一世在香榭丽舍漫不经心时偷吻了我们菁菁年华的羞涩,想你,时间刚刚好。
  • 20、现代的头等舱候机室和公司商务飞机,就相当于古代莱茵河两岸的城堡.
  • 21、去德国或许能游游莱茵河与多瑙河.
  • 22、撤销对航运的政治性限制,疏浚航道,莱茵河腹地的河网化和河岸各国的不断工业化。
  • 23、位于莱茵河东岸,德国的卡尔斯鲁厄和瑞士的巴塞尔之间的这片黑森林给予这些地区四季常绿的树木和开阔的耕地。
  • 24、摩泽尔河与莱茵河在这里交汇,冲积成著名的德国角。
  • 25、位于德国西部的莱茵河西岸的丘陵地带,土地贫瘠,有石灰岩泥沼和火口湖。
  • 26、法国沿莱茵河部分和德国接壤.
  • 27、还记得到德国的第一天,我们坐着大大的红色搬运车,来到位于德国科隆的新公寓。公寓就在莱茵河畔,而我们的阳台正好可以俯瞰莱茵河
  • 28、命运并不理解,莱茵河的愿望。但最为盲目的,还算是神的儿子。人类知道自己的住所,鸟兽也懂得在哪里建窝,而他们却不知去何方。荷尔德林
  • 29、德国中西部城市,位于莱茵河与鲁尔河汇流处,是主要的内陆港口和钢铁生产中心,人口522,829。
  • 30、川流欧州多国,并且途径规模最大型石化工业的莱茵河,与泰吾士相比下则是更好例子。
  • 31、科布伦茨城建立在莱茵河和摩泽尔河的汇合处。
  • 32、现在的人们完全忘记了,二战期间在西欧的第二个最大的两栖行动是1940年6月德国人在猛烈的炮火下强渡莱茵河之战。
  • 33、新的建筑物在校园维特拉在莱茵河畔魏尔在德国由日本建筑师萨那.
  • 34、德国中部,法兰克福以东,莱茵河畔的一个城市。在1303年获得成立自治市的特许状,今天已成为这个国家的珠宝工业的中心。人口84,373。
  • 35、法国沿莱茵河部分河段与德国接壤.
  • 36、莱茵河神之女守护着莱茵的黄金,如果有人誓绝爱情就可得到魔金,并将其铸成指环即可统治世界。
  • 37、下莱茵筑垒地境以莱茵河、罗讷河,菜茵河运河为天然屏障,仅在莱茵河沿岸地区构筑了由永备射击工事组成的支撑点。
  • 38、要知道当年金帐汗国进攻时,两万士兵就打到了莱茵河,从那以后,无数国王每年都要遣使节到金帐汗国进贡,接受他的折辱。
  • 39、在法国东北角,奔涌的莱茵河形成了法国与德国天然的楚河汉界。
  • 40、在此后,泰晤士河及斯海尔德河流经山口到英伦海峡,但马士河与莱茵河流向仍然向北。
  • 41、塞奈河边点燃的火焰,是浪漫怎么写的短暂,莱茵河畔脚步的视线,有没有长久给的诺言,我停留了一下,为身后的伏尔加河沿,却没想到你早已滋润了我的想念。
  • 42、莱茵河是德国主要的水路之一,它的水上交通是非常繁忙的.
  • 43、而在1731年的6月13日,在德国莱茵河畔的小镇索林根一座教堂里,人类历史上最古老的商标之一双立人在此诞生。
  • 44、一切归于平静,比静静流淌着的莱茵河还要一波未兴,这其间有阳台脉脉的含羞草,水缸中悠闲游着的金鱼,更有魔鬼的心,甚至是小薏那总不安宁的肚子。
  • 45、刚果河、尼日尔河、尼罗河、莱茵河和赞比西河,这些河每一条都为9至11个国家共享,而多瑙河则流经19个国家。
  • 46、当十九世纪中叶,马克思在莱茵河畔托起一轮崭新的太阳,有多少现代“夸父”屡仆屡起,追逐那遥远而辉煌的太阳。
  • 47、一家总部位于莱茵河地区,有实力的收藏机构的生存空间也提升了科隆艺博会的吸引力。


莱茵河 láiyīnhé

莱茵河 (欧洲河流名) 莱茵河是西欧第一大河,发源于瑞士境内的阿尔卑斯山北麓,西北流经列支敦士登、奥地利、法国、德国和荷兰,最后在鹿特丹附近注入北海。全长1232千米,莱茵河在欧洲是一条著名的国际河流,沿途的列支敦士登、奥地利、法国和荷兰都留下了它的足迹。自1815年维也纳会议以来,它已成为国际航运水道,通航长约869公里(540哩),远至瑞士-德国边境上的莱茵费尔登(Rheinfelden)。流域面积(包括三角洲)超过22,0000平方公里(85,000平方里)。