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裁缝造句 首页

  • 1、我要是能叫裁缝给我做一条苏西。内格尔那样的百褶裙该有多好。
  • 2、可是,小裁缝毫不气馁,还是高高兴兴地说:"不入虎穴,焉得虎子。"。
  • 3、Asthe needle gracefully danced in the skilled hands of the tailor, a symphony of fabric transformation unfolded, stitching together dreams of elegance and style.
  • 4、The tailor's nimble fingers delicately guided the thread through the fabric, magically weaving stories of love, passion, and celebration into every stitch of the splendid wedding gown.
  • 5、With each precise cut and careful stitch, the tailor breathed life into the shapeless cloth, crafting a tailored suit that not only fit perfectly but also exuded confidence, success, and ambition.
  • 6、The tailor's humble shop became a sanctuary where people shared their life stories while watching their ragged clothes transformed into fashionable attire, symbolizing a fresh start and a newfound hope.
  • 7、Akilled tailor possesses not only the ability to alter clothes but also the power to mend broken hearts, as their sensitive touch mends the torn fabric and brings comfort to those in need.
  • 8、Inthe bustling fashion industry, where trends fade quickly, the tailor remains timeless, preserving the artistry of handcrafted garments and reminding us of the importance of slow, sustainable fashion.
  • 9、With a discerning eye for detail, the tailor carefully selected the finest fabrics, ensuring that each garment emulated the personality and uniqueness of its wearer, becoming an extension of their very being.
  • 10、The tailor's workshop was adorned with patterns, fabrics, and unfinished garments, reflecting the journey of transformation that customers embarked on, leaving the shop feeling like a new person.
  • 11、The tailor's skilled hands camouflaged the flaws, accentuated the curves, and embraced the imperfections, reminding us that true beauty lies not in perfection but in the art of tailoring and embracing our uniqueness.
  • 12、The tailor's shop was more than just a place of business; it was a sacred space where dreams were materialized, where self-confidence was restored, and where relationships blossomed through the shared love of clothes.
  • 13、As the tailor meticulously sewed button after button, she realized that her artistry extended beyond fashion; it taught her patience, resilience, and the power of transformation, both in clothes and in life.
  • 14、Every measuring tape, pin cushion, and sewing machine in the tailor's workshop held a memory, a spark of creativity that fueled their passion and created a haven for sartorial storytelling.
  • 15、The tailor's hands moved with a rhythm known only to her, effortlessly creating garments that hugged the body like a warm embrace, transforming ordinary clothes into wearable poetry.
  • 16、In a world of mass-produced mediocrity, the tailor's bespoke creations stood out as beacons of individuality, craftsmanship, and self-expression, proving that true style transcends trends.
  • 17、The tailor's gentle touch brought comfort to the elderly, as they delicately altered garments to accommodate changing body shapes, reminding us that clothes should adapt to the wearer, not the other way around.
  • 18、裁缝王大娘要用5颗高山白猿的牙齿来磨针。
  • 19、有谁听到一个补鞋匠自己说,毕竟上没有靴子这种对象?可能一个裁缝师说,天下上悉数人都没穿过衣服?
  • 20、裁缝为杰克做了一件燕尾服,非常高雅.
  • 21、祖居洪都,做得一手裁缝好活,飞针走线,技艺高超。
  • 22、无论如何,在裁缝店水汽蒸腾的恶臭里,艾奇整天又裁又缝又熨又补再用海绵擦洗,一刻都不得闲。
  • 23、女裁缝和中提琴手有什么区别呢?
  • 24、米楠的回答让我倍感诧异,连忙推口拒绝,说赶明儿我自己送到裁缝铺就行了,不用这么大晚上的麻烦她,她却不再搭理我了,直到把车停在了我的楼下。
  • 25、如果你擅长针线工作,你在应聘裁缝工作时和你应聘动物医院时,你会强调你工作经历中不同的部分。
  • 26、中国裁缝业:老手艺重现生机难掩传承困扰。
  • 27、这家裁缝店师傅的手艺很好,所以有很多人愿意到这里裁制衣服.
  • 28、好裁缝跟雕塑家、画家和音乐家一样,梦想着能在世人灵魂中引起反响的作品。
  • 29、女裁缝师剪断垂摆下来的一条线。
  • 30、知之小工具在线造句词典-造句大全,几千词语的造句供您参考哦!
  • 31、陈师傅说,从裁缝剪到理发剪,再到宠物剪,技术要求一步比一步高,因为宠物毛发幼细,只有锋利的剪刀才能剪得更快。
  • 32、帮儒兹做外套的裁缝米盖尔卡巴雷若,每年从他在波哥大的工厂生产出价值超过三百万的防弹衣物。
  • 33、他们的泳姿,就像裁缝手中的缝针那样迅速而有力。
  • 34、早在老裁缝那里学徒的时候,他就报名参加了当时上海纺织工业局职工业余大学的服装设计函授班,自学服装方面的专业知识。
  • 35、不想当厨子的裁缝不是一个好司机。
  • 36、武田双刀如裁缝名剪,左右开弓挥洒自如;梁庆之大刀如屠夫利刃,庖丁解牛游刃有余;武田双刀如上天入地之幽灵,梁庆之大刀似翻江倒海之巨龙。
  • 37、在现代时尚里节节败退的裁缝怎么也想不到在世界的这个角落里,裁缝业如此大行其道。
  • 38、裁缝用一种度量衡量布,珠宝商使用另一种度量衡,木匠又用另一种,其他国家又用不同的度量衡。
  • 39、在此基础上,试述了宁波“红帮裁缝”在中国服装现代化进程中的历史地位和作用。
  • 40、他在东城瓦子里随便找了个小吃铺子,要了两笼蒸烧梅并一盘制酱萝卜,把肚子吃得滚瓜溜圆,便直奔裁缝铺子而去。
  • 41、在小区楼下的裁缝铺剪了个裤脚边,问多少钱,裁缝搔搔头皮:本来呢一般是5元,但你是白大姐媳妇,那就给4元吧。
  • 42、不会下厨子的裁缝不是好司机。
  • 43、又讯服装行业的“特种部队”———裁缝师品牌店威尼斯“金凡希爱”高级时装会所昨天登陆深圳,这也是该著名裁缝师品牌首次在中国内地亮相。
  • 44、裁缝说,心里却想,“是一个要量体裁衣的人,我得尽快逃走.”。
  • 45、高冠峰老人今年78岁,家住临沂市兰山区,他的父亲高崇山是上世纪初临沂城最早从事裁缝业的手艺人之一。
  • 46、这是为以后的成品调解拉紧裁缝机穿线而做的!
  • 47、这个裁缝的技术相当纯熟。
  • 48、青春是万物争辉的春天里的绿,责任是拿着“二月春风”这把剪刀的裁缝师;青春是知了欢跃的盛夏里的红,责任是掌着“拼搏向前”这柄舵的弄潮儿;青春是果实累累的金秋里的黄,责任是握着“丰登五谷”这把镰刀的庄稼汉;青春是雪延遍野的寒冬里的白,责任是撑着“无所畏惧”这根雪杖的攀登者。
  • 49、同时,也是对高级订制工坊巧夺天工的技艺的一曲赞歌,巧手裁缝的才华在如此精巧细致、与原作毫厘不差的模型上得到充分的体现。
  • 50、裁缝把他衬衫的袖子改短了。


裁缝 cáiféng

裁缝 (以制作或拆改衣服为职业的人) 裁缝是一个汉语词汇,拼音是cái féng,指裁剪、缝制衣服,后来指代以制作或拆改衣服为职业的人,是以人体为依据,通过测量制定服装号型规格,合理使用原辅料进行服装裁剪、缝制的人员。