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  • 1、同时,他规劝性格强势的父亲改改脾气,不要把钱看得太重,“我本来早就想自首,但担心父母没人照顾!”唐飞还让父母不要去看自己。
  • 2、随后,记者在黄埔街港湾一村社区居委会了解到,老人生性固执,对所有的上门规劝都毫不理会,所以大家对她都毫无办法。
  • 3、Asyour friend, I implore you to reconsider your decision to drop out of school, as education is the key to unlocking a brighter future filled with endless opportunities and personal growth.
  • 4、Let me persuade you to prioritize your health by embracing a balanced diet and regular exercise, for a strong body and a sound mind are the foundations of a happy and fulfilling life.
  • 5、Irge you to take a step back and rethink your impulsive decision to quit your stable job. Sometimes, staying in the comfort zone can lead to long-term success rather than jumping into uncertain waters.
  • 6、Allow me to convince you that forgiveness is a path towards healing and inner peace. Holding grudges only weighs you down, while forgiveness liberates your spirit and brings about true reconciliation.
  • 7、Implore you to abandon your harmful addiction, for substances may provide temporary relief but ultimately sabotage your health, relationships, and overall well-being.
  • 8、Despite the challenges you face, I encourage you to persevere and pursue your dreams; for within you lies incredible strength and the capacity to achieve greatness against all odds.
  • 9、Iindly urge you to reconsider your decision to neglect the environment. Remember, it is our responsibility to protect and preserve our planet for future generations to come.
  • 10、Ippeal to your sense of empathy and compassion to extend a helping hand to those in need, for every small act of kindness can make a significant difference in someone's life.
  • 11、Let me persuade you to prioritize self-care, for taking care of your physical, emotional, and mental well-being is not selfish but essential in order to be the best version of yourself for both you and those around you.
  • 12、Iurge you to break free from the shackles of fear and self-doubt and embrace the journey of self-discovery, for only by venturing beyond your comfort zone can you truly unlock your full potential.
  • 13、Allow me to convince you that integrity is a trait worth upholding, for it builds trust, fosters healthy relationships, and ultimately shapes your character and reputation.
  • 14、Iurge you to not let setbacks deter you from your goals, for adversity often serves as a stepping stone towards personal growth and the fulfillment of your aspirations.
  • 15、Allow me to convince you that honesty is the cornerstone of trust and meaningful relationships, for genuine connections are built upon transparency and authenticity.
  • 16、Iimplore you to prioritize mindfulness and self-reflection, for it is through self-awareness that you can gain a deeper understanding of your thoughts, emotions, and actions, leading to personal growth and inner peace.
  • 17、Ikindly urge you to reconsider the excessive use of technology and social media, as it can disconnect you from the present moment and hinder your ability to form genuine connections with others.
  • 18、别训诫我有关忍耐的大道理;别规劝我要忍耐。
  • 19、母爱是迷惘时苦口婆心的规劝;母爱是远行时一声殷切的叮咛;母爱是孤苦无助时慈祥的微笑。
  • 20、母亲,在迷惘时,苦苦规劝,让我柳暗花明又一村。母亲,在跌倒时,鼓励声声,为我前行指明航向;母亲节到了,祝母亲快乐无比、幸福无比、健康无比。
  • 21、经过长达数月的国际长途电话规劝,多名外逃人员陆续落网,促使陈某打消思想顾虑,主动向办案单位提出自首意愿,并同意退缴非法所得。
  • 22、你连别人善意的规劝也不听,你会惹出奇祸的。
  • 23、教化心者,见人之善行,则褒扬宣传,倡其善行,扬其善心;见人之恶,则苦口婆心,规劝其改恶向善,以己之行代为化解,以遏其恶。
  • 24、惊闻如此噩耗,想起月前还曾规劝郑一暴雨不终朝的道理,他苦心积虑完成六旗同盟,又开建了香港岛和硇洲岛两大水寨,可说是开中国海上称雄前所未有之先河。
  • 25、青钿捧着一件翠纹织锦羽缎斗篷为上官敏愉披上,道:“奴婢们不敢规劝娘娘,只是林子里虽然有人打扫。
  • 26、老朱对老崔的规劝,真是苦口婆心,很难再找到这样的朋友了。
  • 27、校官附和团长,也来规劝,但是巴格拉季翁公爵不回答他们的话,只是下命令停止射击,整理队伍,给行将到达的两个营让路。
  • 28、可是,刘群娣爱子心切,她不但不规劝儿子去投案,还想办法帮儿子逃避法律追究。
  • 29、“厚德载福”就是规劝人们多积德,不要作恶,这是古代流传下来的有益的格言。
  • 30、大家都规劝他说:"何必为了财富,而做出剖腹藏珠的这等蠢事来!"。
  • 31、在老爷省城之行的过程中,谭少山一直秉承主人意志,对少爷善加规劝,不惜舌敝唇焦。
  • 32、云飞意气飞扬地准备规劝周补衣。
  • 33、长云这话掷地作金石声,使得几位长老也纷纷附和,皆觉得长云说得有理,不停规劝掌门三思云云,而又令长空脸色一沉。
  • 34、其善心;见人之恶,则苦口婆心,规劝其改恶向善,以己之行代为化解,以遏其恶。
  • 35、他的个性顽劣,虽然师长们一再规劝,仍然执迷不悟。
  • 36、您对我们严格要求,并以自己的行动为榜样。您的规劝、要求,甚至命令,一经提出,便要我们一定做到,然而又总使我们心悦诚服,自觉行动。这就是您留在我心中的高大形象。
  • 37、孙元觉舍不得老祖父,不忍心让他这么一个老人家孤苦伶仃地在深山里受苦,又苦苦地规劝父亲,希望父亲能回心转意,把老爷爷再抬回去。
  • 38、经过家人规劝后,他终于醒悟到继续逃下去会毁了自己一生,于是鼓起勇气,向警方投案自首。
  • 39、可是她对谁都不吐露真情,她用辛辣的讽刺回击一切嘲弄;而对认真的规劝,不是矢口否认就是泪如泉涌。
  • 40、人们皆被我的大胆惊倒,规劝我逃出城去。
  • 41、我一再规劝你,你为什么仍然执迷不悟?
  • 42、您对我们严格要求,以自己的行动为榜样。您的规劝、要求,甚至命令,一经提出,便要我们一定做到,然而又总使我们心悦诚服,自觉行动。这就是您留在我心中的高大形象。教师节快乐。
  • 43、规劝大多数人,没有比描画他们的过失更为见效了,恶习变成*人的笑柄,对恶习就是重大的致使打击。
  • 44、面对老党员干部的善意规劝,李振业竟然恬不知耻地讥笑对方“死脑筋”,自称为“急人之危、行善积德”行为。
  • 45、母爱是迷惘时的苦苦规劝;母爱是远行时的殷切叮咛;母爱是无助时的慈祥微笑;母爱是跌倒时的鼓励之声。母亲节,祝母亲身体健康,幸福一生!
  • 46、我听到那个“规劝者”就在前面恶声恶气地向听众乱叫.
  • 47、抽烟不仅对自身健康产生危害,还会造成社会危害,但有些人至今还不听规劝,执迷不悟。
  • 48、此种想法虽屡受家人和朋友或‘苦口婆心’、或‘以身说法’的规劝教育,无奈‘刚愎自用’的他总是固执己见,死不悔改。
  • 49、迷惘时的苦苦规劝,远行时的殷切叮咛,无助时的慈祥微笑,跌倒时的鼓励之声,母亲给我最伟大的爱,祝福天下母亲,母亲节快乐!
  • 50、他支支吾吾的再次规劝韩凌枫迷途知返。