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觊觎之心造句 首页

  • 1、陈洛犯难了,大玄城这么大,鬼知道陈武凡将纪若掳到了哪,而且陈武凡一直对纪若就有觊觎之心,如果再拖延,还不知道会发生什么事。
  • 2、当秦朗点明了神器之后,立即引起了无数地狱强者的觊觎之心,这让迪斯巴特大恨。
  • 3、Standing on the edge of the bustling diamond market, he couldn't help but feel the longing in his heart, yearning for the glittering stones that represented wealth and power.
  • 4、Asshe watched her colleague being promoted yet again, envy and desire filled her heart, igniting a fierce ambition to achieve similar success in her own career.
  • 5、Inthe world of high fashion, every model yearned for the spotlight, their hearts filled with a burning desire to be the center of attention and coveting the fame and fortune that came with it.
  • 6、Holding her newborn baby in her arms, the young mother felt a mixture of joy and greed, eagerly anticipating and longing for the sleepless nights, messy diapers, and overwhelming love that parenthood would bring.
  • 7、Looking at the luxurious mansion across the street, he couldn't suppress his desire for a life of opulence and extravagance, dreaming of the day he could turn the key in the lock of his very own mansion.
  • 8、The chef's heart fluttered with yearning as he watched a famous celebrity food critic indulging in his culinary creation, wishing to be recognized and coveted by the world for his culinary talents.
  • 9、In the competitive world of business, he felt the burning desire to succeed, his heart consumed with the covetousness of power, wealth, and influence.
  • 10、The renowned author's heart was filled with a mixture of admiration and envy as she observed the bestseller list, yearning for the recognition and popularity her own novels had yet to achieve.
  • 11、The little girl's eyes sparkled with greed and fascination as she gazed at the display of shiny toys, her heart consumed with the desire to possess them all and fill her world with joy.
  • 12、In the competitive sports arena, every athlete's heart burned with ambition and the longing to stand at the pinnacle of their field, to be coveted for their exceptional skill and dedication.
  • 13、The lonely widow, sitting by the window on a rainy day, felt a deep yearning in her heart as she observed couples walking hand in hand, desiring the love and companionship she had lost.
  • 14、The young musician's heart beat with an almost unbearable desire, his fingers itching to touch the keys of the grand piano, longing for the day his melodies would be heard by the world.
  • 15、The young woman's heart swelled with longing and admiration as she watched her role model take the stage, desiring the strength, resilience, and success that radiated from her every move.
  • 16、若是周兄有觊觎之心,麻烦胡兄给帮忙牵制一下。
  • 17、于胜男闻言觉得有些道理,但她跟丰絮一样,对这麒麟和狻猊有了觊觎之心,此刻一心想着要将这麒麟带回昆仑山去。
  • 18、赵依晨坚定的说道,同时心中震惊,原来赵敖从那时起便开始对烈阳之匣起了觊觎之心,难怪这么多年会一直这样,突然间,赵依晨仿佛明白了很多事情。
  • 19、五人贪婪的看着,觊觎之心溢于言表。
  • 20、重贯虚报战功,藉此一路耀武扬威,搜刮剥削,百姓如遭敲骨吸髓,民怨鼎沸,朝野汹汹,黩武穷兵,国库渐空,且引致邻国异族对宋起觊觎之心
  • 21、我们对那座小农场起了觊觎之心,你知道,我们就是凭着这个谋生的。
  • 22、对这天凰门的无上妙处,连他这仙神道第一人,都有着丝丝觊觎之心
  • 23、方云也不禁暗暗赞叹,却撇了几眼就离开了,这珠子虽然不凡,他却没有什么觊觎之心,只是微微一笑,眼前这人心性极好,是一个值得交往的人。
  • 24、或许连阎王自己都不知道,他心里面已经开始对天书有着觊觎之心了。
  • 25、也许他们都藏了起来,怕引起别人的觊觎之心,俗话说,匹夫无罪怀璧其罪。
  • 26、因此橘郡的官员希望,经过一段时间,那群海鸥能够把垃圾堆上空看成是猎鹰的势力范围而不再有觊觎之心
  • 27、这一刻,冥魈心魔交替作战,显然后者占据上风,下定决心要杀掉孙小飞,冥魈对他的神通法术起了觊觎之心
  • 28、但虽有觊觎之心,无奈人族天生力弱,这么多年来无一能夺得涅槃。
  • 29、不过雷天对于那些,却没有丝毫的觊觎之心
  • 30、就再刚才他还对这颗珠子心存觊觎之心,没有想到的是这颗珠子在沾染了自己的鲜血之后竟然融入了自己的身体之中。
  • 31、等会出去的时候,小心一点,要知道财不露白,今天你一出手就是百万灵币,多少人一辈子都挣不到那么多灵币,如果让人知道你才脱凡中期,不免生出觊觎之心
  • 32、居恒指画某地兵民强弱,帑藏多寡,洞如观火,实阴有觊觎之心
  • 33、整日惹是生非,欺软怕硬,而最可气的,还是对艾艾茉起来觊觎之心
  • 34、你觉得我会不知道你心里那点小九九?别以为你能蒙混过去,如果不是你一直对你后妈有觊觎之心,事情会发展成这样?
  • 35、虽然对这件宝物完全没有什么觊觎之心,但是若真能打探到一二的消息,拿到奖励也是不错的。
  • 36、他对于这纸婚约本来就看的很轻,对于苏家天女也没有任何的觊觎之心,因为不是心中所爱。
  • 37、于是能容纳五六万人,所处之地,源力充沛的碧云女院,进入了雷家的视野中,特别是老院长李慧珍意外死亡后,整个雷家觊觎之心愈加强烈起来。
  • 38、更何况假如真的有漏网之鱼逃了出去,剩下的肯定是飞鲨帮暗地报复,还有对幽冥骨刃那深深的觊觎之心
  • 39、相反而言,言峰小鬼子就是觊觎之心了。
  • 40、改造液每颗都价值连城,要是被人发现这他们居然有这东西的存在,那么只要稍微有点头脑和觊觎之心的组织和个人都不惜为此掀起一阵血雨腥风。
  • 41、现在洪秀全对凌仙儿有觊觎之心,大家都很想知道朱天赐会怎么做。
  • 42、他对朱亮说他家有一大堆金针,那是怕朱亮有觊觎之心,故意调侃。
  • 43、但据经合组织另外一份报告,一些工业化国家认为中国对于商品的觊觎之心将会扼杀那些为改变本国经济的生产商们的努力。
  • 44、Mercer对此病毒起了觊觎之心,便盗走了黑光病毒。
  • 45、想来符昭寿此人,受人怂恿,对符家下任家主之位,也起了觊觎之心
  • 46、估计玉麒麟拿不了第一了,那小子对云师妹的觊觎之心,傻子都能看出来的…
  • 47、而后土心细如尘,已看出妖族众修士对红云紫气的觊觎之心,联想起肖天磊的嘱咐,后土更是生怕玄冥泄露此事分毫。
  • 48、而三大圣地的五十名玄者也同熊族战士站在一起,此时的他们心中再没有对于兽王玄丹的觊觎之心,有的就只是对异族人的深恶痛绝。
  • 49、知之小工具在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天进步!
  • 50、刘伟的眼睛里冒出一点火花,不过这厮很好的抑制住,并没有在夏公子面前表露出自己对叶薇妮的觊觎之心


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