- 1、二手房方面,5月份的整体成交量也有所下降,部分地区房源议价空间加大。
- 2、此外此举可能使消费者在购买钻石时享有更大的议价权.
- 3、Despite the initial hesitation, negotiations eventually led to a fair and mutually beneficial bargain between the two parties, demonstrating the power of compromise and open communication.
- 4、The art of bargaining requires tact, strategy, and a keen understanding of the other party's needs, allowing skilled negotiators to secure the best possible deals.
- 5、The ability to skillfully bargain not only saves money but also allows individuals to exercise their agency and confidently assert their needs and wants in various aspects of life.
- 6、Negotiating a fair salary is not only about monetary compensation but also about respect, recognition, and creating a mutually beneficial partnership between employer and employee.
- 7、Negotiation skills are essential for diplomats and world leaders in resolving conflicts peacefully and fostering international cooperation for global progress and prosperity.
- 8、Auccessful negotiation is not solely focused on obtaining the best deal for oneself but also on finding common ground and reaching win-win solutions that promote long-term relationships and trust.
- 9、Teaching children negotiation skills from a young age not only equips them with invaluable life skills but also encourages empathy, understanding, and effective communication.
- 10、The ability to negotiate effectively helps individuals navigate challenging situations and resolve interpersonal conflicts, leading to stronger relationships and personal growth.
- 11、In complex business transactions, strong negotiation skills are required to balance the interests of multiple stakeholders, mitigate risks, and ensure the success and sustainability of the venture.
- 12、When exploring new job opportunities, it is essential to negotiate compensation packages that include fair benefits, flexible work arrangements, and opportunities for growth and development.
- 13、In the realm of international trade, negotiations play a crucial role in promoting fair competition, creating job opportunities, and fostering economic growth between nations.
- 14、Negotiating peace treaties in war-torn regions requires immense skill, resilience, and empathy, as it involves healing wounds, rebuilding communities, and initiating a new era of understanding and reconciliation.
- 15、The ability to negotiate effectively is not limited to business transactions but also extends to personal relationships, allowing individuals to communicate their needs and boundaries, and foster healthy and respectful connections.
- 16、Bargaining for a fair and sustainable trade agreement between developed and developing nations is crucial to ensure that economic growth benefits all, and narrows the gap between rich and poor.
- 17、据了解,本市部分出租车司机对客运业务进行挑精拣肥、拒载、议价、甩客等行为,不仅损害了消费者利益,而且对整个出租汽车行业形象都带来了负面影响。
- 18、而丰台区房价在2009年透支了地铁4号线开通利好之后,缺少后续支撑动力,在宏观政策调控后二手房议价空间加大,成交价格回落明显。
- 19、硒鼓以上无论新旧好坏,均上门看货议价.
- 20、多地试点市级药品招标采购,“二次议价”由暗转明迹象凸显。
- 21、受此影响,原先坚持价格不动的一些房东开始放低身段,二手房议价空间增大。
- 22、本厂来自中国袜业之乡,厂家已经设置了最低批发价格,谢绝各位议价。
- 23、值得注意的是,近期二手市场上议价空间略有增大,部分此前高价放盘的业主小幅回调价格。
- 24、齐润的收菜老板何金峰上前验菜,议价,付钱,卸货,“小黄瓜收购价今天是1块9,油瓜2块钱。
- 25、议价粮由当地粮食机构进货并自主定价,价格可按市场需求浮动。
- 26、在集镇有固定住所,有经营能力,或在乡镇企事业单位长期务工,准落常住户口,统计为非农业人口,吃议价粮,办理《自理口粮户口簿》和《加价粮油供应证》。
- 27、针对基层干部因饥饿浮肿造成27人死亡的严重问题,他冒着被摘“乌纱帽”的风险,个人主动承担责任,果断决定购买议价粮以解燃眉之急。
- 28、价格方面,大户型二手房因为成交困难,议价空间有继续增大的趋势。
- 29、据经销商反应,目前市场基本上处于停滞状态,有个别提货的客户,议价空间较大.
- 30、据市检察院指控,1992年省粮分批行文对积压的国家和省库存粮进行处理,并规定平价粮转议价粮销售产生的差价款上交省粮。
- 31、其中让步策略是在线议价交易的核心内容.
- 32、有熟悉刘忠库的人对其评价是,为人慷慨,乐善好施,对有困难的农户,他会在议价粮收购时给予优惠。
- 33、让他感同身受的是他也做过小官,在粮库管劳资、政工工作时、在粮油检验时他有很多机会捞到更多的钱,过手的收购议价粮钱有几个亿。
- 34、这种议价能力不对称因素对紧张的铁矿石供需关系有极大的放大效应,而对略显紧张的钢材供需关系有稀释作用。
- 35、为了防止车主逃费、收费员私自议价,去年年初,南京曾在天津路、华侨路、慈悲社等路段试点POS机收费,不过之后改进设备,POS机收费一直没有动真格。
- 36、一名流莺昨早在旺角街头兜搭一名尼泊尔裔男子,双方议价后寻欢。
- 37、南站的出租车场有3条通道,一些拉客仔和议价出租车司机堵在门口拉客。
- 38、二手房议价空间扩大,仍没有改变成交低迷,这意味着价格继续适度调整或是激活消费者购房热情的最有力方式。
- 39、根据广州市检察院的指控,1992年省粮经国家商业部和省**同意,分批对积压的国家和省库存粮进行处理,并规定平价粮转议价粮销售产生的差价款上交省粮。
- 40、受库存压力、资金链紧张以及新增供应等多重因素影响,北京在售新盘价格开始出现明显回落,临近年底,回落趋势尤为显著,且议价空间逐渐增大。
- 41、买卖双方持各自的IC卡进场,双方议价交易,由司磅员统一司磅,刷卡、打印单据。
- 42、因为缺粮,很多群众得了浮肿病,焦裕禄悄悄跑到外地去买议价粮,违反了当时的规定。
- 43、佳宾来访,敬请预约,谢绝议价!
- 44、有一天,畔溪酒家的总经理找到李定,说可不可以高价到农贸市场买点议价粮,做饭供应给没有粮票的客人。
- 45、当时全国兴起改革的浪潮,最初粮食的购销开始有了双轨制,出现了议价粮。
- 46、但更为频繁的议价可能使铁矿砂定价过程更为透明。知之小工具
- 47、近日,在一些房产论坛上有二手买家表示,现在感觉议价空间有所缩窄,甚至有学位房业主临时反价,因此担心自己心水的学位房临时遭遇加价。
- 48、在资金相对过剩的情况下,好项目就有了很高的议价能力.
- 49、享受商务协议价,入住首日赠送30元洗衣费。
- 50、毗邻金融街的五星级北京国宾酒店,双床标准间门市价2200元,协议价为398元。