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试管婴儿造句 首页

  • 1、48岁陈明真做20多次试管婴儿
  • 2、此外实施试管婴儿发生的费用,生育保险也不予报销.
  • 3、The concept of "test tube babies" revolutionized the field of reproductive medicine, offering hope and opportunities for couples struggling with infertility.
  • 4、The remarkable advancements in assisted reproductive technologies have enabled countless couples to fulfill their dreams of parenthood through the process of conceiving a test tube baby.
  • 5、Despite the controversy surrounding the ethical implications of test tube babies, it cannot be denied that this scientific breakthrough has brought immense joy and happiness to numerous families worldwide.
  • 6、The advent of test tube babies has given hope to individuals previously deemed incapable of conceiving naturally, offering them a chance to experience the joy of parenthood.
  • 7、The concept of test tube babies has not only shattered the barriers of infertility but has also challenged societal norms, questioning the traditional definition of conception and family.
  • 8、The journey towards having a test tube baby may be physically and emotionally demanding, but the ultimate reward of holding your own child in your arms outweighs any hardships faced along the way.
  • 9、The birth of a test tube baby represents a triumph of human ingenuity and medical expertise, showcasing the endless possibilities of science in overcoming reproductive challenges.
  • 10、The term "test tube baby" may evoke skepticism and criticism, but it is crucial to remember that these children are just as precious and loved as any other, regardless of their unconventional origins.
  • 11、The process of creating a test tube baby requires the collaboration of dedicated medical professionals, hopeful parents, and cutting-edge technology, all working together to create a miracle.
  • 12、Test tube babies have become a symbol of hope for those struggling with infertility, reminding us that science can truly work wonders in helping couples achieve their dreams of starting a family.
  • 13、The birth of a test tube baby signifies the triumph of determination, perseverance, and the unwavering love between two individuals who have faced numerous obstacles along their journey to parenthood.
  • 14、The creation of a test tube baby may be seen as a scientific miracle, but it is important to remember that the love and bond shared between parents and child are what truly make a family.
  • 15、Test tube babies have proven that biology does not define the strength of familial love; it is the unwavering devotion and care that parents provide that truly shapes a child's life.
  • 16、The incredible medical advancements in reproductive technologies have given hope to couples who had previously been told that their dream of becoming parents was impossible, allowing them to embrace the miracle of test tube babies.
  • 17、The process of conceiving a test tube baby is a testament to the resilience and determination of couples who are willing to go to great lengths to bring a child into their lives, proving that love knows no boundaries.
  • 18、Test tube babies are a beautiful reminder that the journey to parenthood can take many unconventional paths, and each one is unique and deserving of celebration.
  • 19、The birth of a test tube baby represents a glimmer of hope for individuals struggling with infertility, shedding light on the possibilities and potential offered by scientific advancements.
  • 20、The creation of a test tube baby requires not only scientific expertise but also a deep emotional commitment from both the parents and the medical professionals involved, highlighting the profound impact of teamwork and dedication.
  • 21、Test tube babies have opened doors for conversations about the intersection of science, ethics, and parenthood, forcing society to confront and reassess long-held beliefs and norms.
  • 22、所有事情都一样,没有孩子的,一天到晚想要孩子,甚至去做试管婴儿,可能要打三四千次的针,知之小工具整理一直打就为了能得到自己骨肉至亲的孩子。
  • 23、1997年,72岁高龄的陈文祯本来早就应该退休,老骥伏枥的她却接下了医院交派的新任务:带领医院团队研究试管婴儿,陈文祯把这个任务称为“二次创业”。
  • 24、大奖评委会说,爱德华早在上世纪50年代就开始了这方面的工作,“当1978年7月25号世界上第一例试管婴儿成功诞生之时,他的努力终于取得圆满”。
  • 25、在“试管婴儿”科普开放日现场,为了保护患不育症夫妻的隐私,记者被安排在会场最后一排,看到的净是后脑勺儿。
  • 26、试管婴儿业背后有一个假设:有些人的基因比别人的基因有价值,值得不计成本来保存、延续。
  • 27、在2001年里我们借助试管婴儿的技术怀孕了,但在我们宝贵的女儿杰思卡14个星期的时候,我们做了一个很艰难的决定,终止她的孕娠,因为她被发现基因异常。
  • 28、追根究底,是什么因素让人不愿领养,要借助试管婴儿技术?
  • 29、1978年,这个足球大小的玻璃罐曾经孕育了布朗女士,从那以后,IVF婴儿就成了家喻户晓的试管婴儿


试管婴儿 shìguǎnyīngér

试管婴儿 试管婴儿是体外受精-胚胎移植技术的俗称,是指采用人工方法让卵细胞和精子在体外受精,并进行早期胚胎发育,然后移植到母体子宫内发育而诞生的婴儿。最初由英国产科医生帕特里克·斯特普托和生理学家罗伯特·爱德华兹合作研究成功,该技术引起了世界科学界的轰动。1978年7月25日,全球首位试管婴儿在英国诞生。2011年11月27日,上海首例“第三代试管婴儿”诞生;12月,广州一富商借助试管婴儿技术孕出八胞胎。