- 1、最能弘扬儒家思想、把儒家意识注射到人体内的是诗人,而不是语言无味贩卖高头讲章的腐儒。
- 2、“三日不读书,便语言无味,面目可憎。
- 3、Alone and silenced, her words lost all flavor as she watched her dreams being shattered by the bitter reality.
- 4、With every encounter, his conversations became like tasteless water, leaving him craving for the nourishment of genuine human connection.
- 5、Ina world where lies and deceit reigned supreme, honesty became a tasteless virtue, forgotten and unappreciated.
- 6、The once vibrant language of love and affection turned into a bland script as their relationship lost its spark and faded into monotony.
- 7、The dull and monotonous speeches of the politician failed to ignite any passion or inspire change among the weary crowd.
- 8、Inthe digital age, the art of conversation was reduced to emotionless text messages, the real essence of language lost behind the cold screens.
- 9、The once vivid stories and characters of his favorite book series turned into lifeless words, lacking the power to captivate his imagination.
- 10、The monotonous lectures of the professor left the students disengaged and indifferent, their minds craving for a drop of intellectual stimulation.
- 11、The lack of communication in their relationship slowly drained the language of their love, leaving them with empty words and a bitter silence.
- 12、As the artist's creativity waned, her once vibrant paintings became mere strokes of colors, lacking the deep meaning they once held.
- 13、The once lively debates among friends turned into mundane arguments, where words held no weight and opinions fell on deaf ears.
- 14、As he shared his deepest fears, his vulnerability was met with apathy, and the language of trust lost its taste in the callousness of others.
- 15、The flavorless words of the news anchor failed to convey the magnitude of the tragedy, leaving the viewers detached and desensitized.
- 16、The language of friendship lost its richness and resonance as they grew apart, their conversations reduced to superficial pleasantries.
- 17、In a world blinded by materialism, the value of kindness and compassion diminished, rendering language tasteless and empty of empathy.
- 18、The absence of cultural diversity in the community rendered language devoid of richness and depth, leaving its inhabitants disconnected and unfulfilled.
- 19、“三日不读,便觉语言无味,面目可憎。
- 20、白羽,在30年代自我嘲讽“语言无味,面目可憎”,仅仅能够伏案握管,怎能生存?收藏此页大。
- 21、我性格乐观,为人诚实,做事认真,从不轻言放弃。刚进大学的时候,我们老师勉励我们说:"学习语言无味枯燥,要耐的住寂寞。"。
- 22、黄山谷谓人不读书便语言无味、面目可憎。
- 23、古人说“三日不读书,便觉语言无味、面目可憎”。
- 24、语言无味是一个枯淡不断重复的过程,所以如果你对编程没有足够的兴趣,我建议你停下来去做其他的事情。
- 25、古人曾说过,三日不读书,便觉语言无味,面目可憎。
- 26、宗旨意识不强,对待群众没有春天般的温暖,语言无味,面目可憎。
- 27、“三日不读,便觉语言无味,面目可憎”,而我们有的教师同行却可以三周不读、三月不读而面无愧色。
- 28、大周末说成都商报记者王越每次写“大周末说”,我都会觉得自己语言无味,面目可憎。
- 29、对如果我没有保持对阅读持续的兴趣的话,我一定是个语言无味面目可憎的人。
- 30、我在这里不大高兴的原因,首先是在周围多是语言无味的人物,令我觉得无卿。
- 31、语言无味的枯燥课因为老师讲笑话而变得有趣了。
- 32、传闻黄如论很好学,三日不学,他便觉语言无味,面目可憎。
- 33、倘有语言无味,偏爱多嘴的人,大家是不要听的。
- 34、饮食无节,起居不时,语言无味,面目可憎。
- 35、外人不读书,则尘俗生其间,照镜则面目可憎,对人则语言无味。
- 36、三日不读书,便觉语言无味。
- 37、“三日不读书,便觉语言无味,面目可憎。
- 38、袁中郎说,世上语言无味面目可憎之人,皆是无癖之人。