- 1、论述了渐开线齿轮在设计制造安装中所产生的基节误差、重合度系数、接触误差、侧隙是噪声产生的主要因素,并提出了防治措施。
- 2、与现有时变信道半盲估计方法相比,本方法具有估计误差低、对非高斯噪声顽健性强等特点,从而有效改善了接收端的符号检测性。
- 3、The bitter taste of regret filled his mouth as he realized the magnitude of the error he had made, causing irreparable damage to his relationship with his best friend.
- 4、The surgeon's hands trembled as she acknowledged the gravity of her oversight, knowing that even the slightest error during the operation could cost the patient their life.
- 5、The consequences of his hasty decision were far-reaching, leaving a trail of chaos and confusion in its wake, reminding him of the importance of minimizing errors.
- 6、The judgemental looks and snide comments from her peers served as constant reminders of the errors she had made in her past, shattering her confidence and self-esteem.
- 7、The weight of guilt settled upon her shoulders as she confessed her error to her boss, bracing herself for the repercussions that would follow.
- 8、The bridge's collapse served as a stark reminder of the devastating consequences that can arise from even the slightest engineering error, prompting a thorough investigation.
- 9、The scientist's groundbreaking discovery was tarnished by a glaring error in his research methodology, challenging the integrity and reliability of his findings.
- 10、The relentless pursuit of perfection often led to anxiety and stress, as even the tiniest error felt like a personal failure and a blow to one's self-worth.
- 11、The gymnast's Olympic dreams were shattered when a slight misstep caused a devastating error in her routine, leaving her devastated and questioning her abilities.
- 12、The coach's relentless training and emphasis on perfection left no room for errors, preparing the team to face any challenge that came their way.
- 13、The error in the company's financial report led to a plummet in their stocks, pushing them to the brink of bankruptcy and leaving employees uncertain about their future.
- 14、The programmer's frustration grew with every line of code they debugged, determined to eliminate any errors that could potentially compromise the security of the software.
- 15、The artist's mistake on the canvas became an integral part of the creative process, transforming into a beautiful accident that added depth and intrigue to the artwork.
- 16、基于三轴数控机床的空间误差模型,使用三维步距规识别数控机床空间几何误差。
- 17、当电池容量大时,其内电阻小,不同类型电压表测得开路电压值的误差就小。
- 18、在求解过程中,将有限差分法的截断误差进行了修正。
- 19、本文分析了转速相对误差对转速数列公比的影响,并提出转速相对误差允许值的建议。
- 20、提出了一种新的非线性鲁棒渐近状态观测器设计方案,证明了状态观测误差的指数渐近收敛性。
- 21、误差分析表明,校正后的密度测井曲线与原测井曲线相比降低了与岩心孔隙度的绝对误差和相对误差。
- 22、通过对分通道影像配准误差的分析,建立了大面阵彩色CCD航测相机彩色合成影像的理论基础.
- 23、除了激光源和偏振器件之外,分光镜也是重要的非线性误差源。
- 24、针对一维扩散方程,给出一种新型差分格式的待定系数法,并以两种新型差分格式为例进行稳定性和截断误差分析。
- 25、最后取矢径均方误差最小的参数组作为标定结果知之小工具整理。
- 26、锻件厚度误差较大,浪费原材料.
- 27、过渡过程的幅值与计程仪加速度误差的积分值成正比。
- 28、最大熵反褶积是在地震子波为最小相位条件下进行的,其向前预测误差就等于反射系数序列。
- 29、此外,本文还提出了一种将格形滤波器等效为预测误差滤波器的新算法。
- 30、在利用单摆测重力加速度实验中,有复摆、空气浮力、空气阻力、摆角等多种误差因素。
- 31、本文讨论了本星表的归算方法,并对中星仪的方位误差的改进提出了方案。这个方案已在陕西天文台的仪器上进行了实验,结果证明方位误差明显得到了改善。
- 32、在数据质量评估中,我们除对抽样误差进行检查外,重点是对非抽样误差和偏差的检查。
- 33、推导封闭腔内辐射传递系数的相对和绝对误差公式,为求解辐射传递系数所需追踪射线数量提供参考依据。
- 34、该方法从根本上消除了因试油周期选定不合理、地面计量误差,以及试油工艺不同、储层条件差异带来的试油产量误差。
- 35、在采伐作业设计和伐后验收的蓄积计算上应采用相同的计算方法或编制区域性根径一元材积表,以减少误差。
- 36、由于仪器和感觉都不可能尽善尽美,因此测量误差总在所难免。
- 37、衍射光学元件在制作过程中,存在掩模对准、线宽和刻蚀深度等制作误差.
- 38、建立了用圆柱立铣刀加工双螺杆的数学模型,提出了基于接触线的取点求距优化算法,通过该模型和算法实现了刀具参数的优化求解以及加工理论误差的分析计算。
- 39、从理论上分析服装笔式绘图仪横梁变形原因,以减小绘图误差.
- 40、对超导扭摆磁铁准直的误差和精度进行了分析.
- 41、对有误差的量而言,其绝对误差与其真的、规定的或理论上正确的值之比。
- 42、论证了长期以来存在的用象限仪标定炮耳轴倾斜传感器的方法误差。
- 43、文中还讨论了如何减小标度变换的计算误差.
- 44、对于许多的应用来说,单凭这种简单的观念就可以充分地估定统计误差.
- 45、改良法可以减少血样被抗凝剂残留造成的结果误差.
- 46、但是,注塑成型常常出现各种质量问题,例如,短射、飞边、翘曲、熔接痕和尺寸误差等。
- 47、全国数据根据抽样误差和调查误差进行了修正。
- 48、本文拓广了初等函数统一算法,并证明了算法的收敛性,作了误差估计。
- 49、这种胶片容许调焦误差。
- 50、对实际工件进行了原理误差的分析计算和行星轮系的设计计算.